Thursday, April 30, 2015

Poem 2080. Big steps

                                                                 Big steps
When I took that first step inside life I never once thought from inside that my step could that
Big for my life but this always happens inside our life on every moment and on every point I have
Just one feel from inside I am moving from every point just with one view it is to get things just
Perfect and right those steps which will look so much better in life because it will show us that
Sort of steps on every point will show us on every angle of life that look which will have so much
Good and better feel our life so then step will take us ahead on every point but then those steps
Are taken with just one view from inside that I want to think on every point that I will go just
Small part of work and then move behind but does that happen on any point since those steps that
We take in life so at each step we feel one thought from inside because step which we take in life
Seem to not that much big on any time but then sometimes those moments enter in our life when
Those steps which we take will manage to create impact on our mind when steps are taken by us on
Every point that step will take me ahead on every point so those things in life so then these steps
On every point at each step we have one feel from inside because those steps will show us on
Every point so when we take steps in our life because when step will turn on every point so then
On every point I feel just one thought from inside that step will move towards to that idea of life
But those steps will move us to that point where we feel one thought from inside that steps are
Something which can have limited in life but it is just depend on our wish at every point we just
Never understand one thought from our mind that those steps which we have taken are not moving
Ahead with positive thought of our mind we just keep thinking on every point that all our steps
Will be small in life but that will not happen on every time sometimes steps will be small but then
Sometimes they will be large and better on every point those steps which we take on every angle
Of our life then those steps will show us those things which will make our future bright we never
Understand one thought from inside that steps are nothing but just small part of our life we never
Feel one thought from inside that steps are taking us ahead on every angle of life we just never
Understand what we feel from inside we have felt just one thought from our mind that those steps
Which we take are just limited in life but all time they are not just meant to be slow and small on
Every moment and every point when we move ahead in life then I feel one thought from inside
So then steps will take us and move ahead on every point we need to understand one concepts in life
We need to move ahead sometimes with tides which will move ahead on every point so then I feel
On thought from inside when steps will look so much great on every point that steps which will
Needed to be taken in small way in life but then we feel one thought from inside that those things
Which will have some impact on our life when we move ahead on every point I feel just one thing
From inside that those steps which are so small no longer improve us in life we feel just one sort
Of thought from inside that steps which are big are true need of life so never just take small step
In life when you start to move ahead remain ready with that step to move ahead in life when we
Start to move ahead on every point those thoughts which are moving us ahead at every point so
When we take step remain ready to take it in big way in life we need to take that step in big way
In our life because small steps are not something small on any point when you start that thing in
Small way in life we have just one feel from inside we want that step to move ahead in life but
Then when we look so much great feel have effect in life so then bigger ways will look so much
Great when they will turn great on every point so then I start things in proper way in life then
On every point I feel small step are not true bigger one are really true in life because we need to
Take bigger step on every point so then I feel one thought from inside just taking small steps
Will never look that right when you promise on every point we just need to take more steps on
Every point in life that steps should be bigger one in life because when we take just small steps
They are not enough inside life they just pretending and showing off that you are on good side
When we are truly on good side then we need not to take small steps in life so then when we move
Ahead in our life when we move ahead with big steps in life we are really moving in our life
Never just pretend to move truly in life so take bigger steps when need arise but never take a step
Without thinking in life so we feel one thought from inside that step should be taken in right way
In life so we need to move ahead with good thoughts from inside so take steps only when you
Are sure that you are right but they should never be small one on any moment and on any point.

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