Monday, April 20, 2015

Poem 2061. Experience in life

                                                          Experience in life
When we move ahead in life on every part of life those thoughts are something which are just
Showing us every point which look so much great on every point then thoughts are just having
So many effect on our mind those effects which are creating so many impacts on our mind so
Then those impact which are creating due to experiences on every point we feel one thought from
Inside at every point those experience will show us world in different light we have one feel from
Inside that those colours which look so much great on every point are moving ahead with just
Each thought in life those thoughts are part of our life we feel one thought from our mind so then
In every experience will show us that point those experience will have different finding on every
Moment and point those experience will show us that life which will have some appeal to our mind
But then at every experience it will show us that point in that moment we feel one thing that we feel
Many things are moving ahead properly and moving on wrong point we need to just understand
One thought from inside but every point we feel one each step will show us that effect on life so
Those experience will look to show us that point which will have so many results in life because then
Experience will show us that thought which will show us that point then those experience will just
Have one thought from inside experience will show us many concepts in life so then life will have
One appeal in life so then experience will show us in different point we need to move ahead on just
Every point because in those experiences  will show us that point which will appeal to us
Where life will look in different way on every point we just have one different thought from inside
In experience we see on every point many incidence which inspire us in life those inspiration will
Show us many shades of life we need to understand our feeling from inside at every experience
We feel one thought from our mind in every moment we see many angles of our life those feels
Which we have inside our mind seem as if some thought which we need from inside we need to
Understand our experience are basic need of our mind we need to live in that incidence which will
Make our world alive on every moment we need to understand how to move ahead and that is just
Trained us by our mind we need to understand at every point we see those different concepts of
Our life those thinking will make us so much alive when we move on that hard road results will
Create experience in life that will have some effect on our mind at every point when we move
Ahead in our life so at every point which will create impact on our mind so never hate those sort
Of experience which will have effort in life so then these moment will have some impact and hard sort
Of results in life so then at every experience which will show us at every state many things in life
So then those results which will show us different effect on our mind at every stag of life those
Reaction on life so then when experience will have some results in life then
When at every point where life will show us that effect in life which will so much results on life
When we see life will have that results in life which have that effect on our horizon of life those sort
Of colours which will show our life are made in such a way that world will show us new point
We need to understand one thing hard experience are those points where we can see true colours
For which we have thirst from inside because troubles are those points which show success in
Our life we need troubles to understand what is worth of life we may feel they are crime but those
Thoughts and just those thoughts of child who hate examination and blame teachers for it on all
Moment and time we have to find one thought from our mind that does examinations are so less
Important part of life we need to them on some moment and some time but if it comes hard on us
We all hate it from inside we have thirst to avoid examination on every point we feel
Just one thought from inside that every point will have just one thinking of mind that when we
Move ahead with one step of mind we want to achieve things as per our choice but we never think
That examination is our need and even it comes hard on us that is our life we need to understand
We must work for examinations as hard as we want in life we never understood that
We suffered because we are not ready for those examinations of our mind we want them to look
Great on every point we want them to teach us we need to understand our mind and that mind will
Tell us have to give examination as it is true need of our life we have to move with one hope that
It will make us winner and even if it don't still understanding those hard tasks of our future and
Our life they are not to make us winner but they are to move us ahead on every point of our life.

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