Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Poem 2054. One rule of life

                                                         One rule of life
I just feel one thought from my mind sometimes I feel as if I have lost some game but still I just
Keep moving ahead and trying but that rule of life every one told me we will win only by trying
Then why people are always suggesting us once we lose we are not worth trying since that's one
Game of life we need to ignore them and keep trying in life on every point we need to understand
One rule from life that moving ahead is one thought from mind but people just want us to stop
When we lose in life but it's our duty that we must not stop on that point we need to understand
We need to move ahead with positive thought in mind not because we need but because many
People need it on every point even small sparrow can make difference if that sparrow decide to
Work and trying people may say you must quit on that point convince your mind that they are
Totally wrong on that point because those people are not moving in right way of life they are just
Trying discourage us since they want to be winner every time so they feel destroying competitor
Is first step winning on every point we need to understand our thoughts and mind which will just
Manage to take us ahead in our mind but in our life we need to understand that that games of life
Are created in such a way that we feel we have lost every thing but it is just starting of new point
I know this sentence but when I feel frustrated in life this sentence seem nothing but just one prayer
Which god have not fulfil even after trying hard and saying it carefully on every point we need to
Just think and understand our mind we no longer want to trust positive thought and that is wrong
For our life because even darkness of night have it's beauty of own inside just after watching that
Darkness if people have locked them inside then how could they have able to see those stars and
It's beauty with their eyes every star will have beauty and moon have it's shine we feel just one
Thing from inside that in sky we see many beautiful things on every point those beauties which
Will touch us are something which will look so much nice in our life when we watch sky then
We will see it's beauty on every point I feel just one thought that for watching that beauty we need
To move in darkness on that point but when some one convince us that we are failed on that point
We feel just one thought from inside that we will fail again and again on every point because we
Can sense no one is there to turn our darkness in night but if darkness have beauty then why did
We need to have thirst of light I just feel may be we need to learn to enjoy even that darkness and
We need to search for joys inside that darkness on that point but our thinking never permit us that
Way on any point we just feel one thought from inside that we have failed means we are less
And that other one is better in life I just feel may be that thought is killing us from inside and
People against us manage to use it on every time we need to understand sometimes even best one
Manage to plan wrong way or may be we have never planed wrong way but wrong ways are just
Managed to be taken by other person to win in life we need to move ahead and must not trust
Just those talks in life which says we never have any right to live as we like since we have lose
We have bow before winner every time we have full freedom to fly as we like we want to be the
One who receive respect then we have to stand on right side we can't just walk on any route on
Any point as per our choice since winning is not our need what we need is just peace of mind
So trust your senses on every point we need this world to understand what we feel from inside
Those thoughts which will create impact on our mind will show this world in new way of our life
We may fail but still we can live our life with that smile which will look so precious on every
Moment and point we need to understand our thinking from our mind that we got what we want
That is to stand with right people may convince you that when you lose you don't have right to
Enjoy or smile never pay attention to them because it is your decision of mind we have right to
Act as your desire when you do right thing in life you need to understand one thought from inside
That in our world we need to find positive side winning is that thought which will take us to that
Point where world will look so much different on every point but it never tell us truth of life that
We need to understand we need that happiness from inside I never mean to say winner can't be
Happy in life but those who abuse their opponent when they win must have most sorrowful mind
When your winning can't make you happy only then you start these ways in life when some one
Is truly happiness much petty revenge never enter in mind because true winner are so happy to
Get that chance to prove themselves in life those who can't prove only try those ways in future
And in life at every step we need to understand our mind we need to become who that winner
Who want to find new world of good for others in life not the one who just abuse others and
Just do one thing that is waste of time which will effect in totally wrong way of our future and life
Those winner are true winner of life that one precious rule for our peaceful and happy type of life.

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