Friday, April 17, 2015

Poem 2058. Innocence feel in life

                                                       Innocence feel in life
Just simple innocent talk manage sometimes to bring that light in life which we need on just each
And every point since that innocent talk is true need of life after all that innocent talk will look so
Much great on every point because those innocent sort of thought will form new effect on our mind
Their innocence is that power of our life which will give us that breath which we need in life so
Then at every point we feel one thought from inside that innocent sort of thought which will have
So much effect on life because innocent sort of look which will touch our mind so then at every
Moment and point innocence thought is one feel which will lead to so many lights but then at just
That feel on every point innocent looking thoughts will have so many effect on our mind we feel
Just one thing from inside so then innocent sort of thought will give us that light which will just
Have so many effect on mind we feel one thought from inside that we need to be convince for
Something for long time but just one innocent and simple talk can convince one pure mind but
Problem with world is that simple and innocent people are too much scared to come forward to
Create their concepts in life since innocent one will have one fault at every point they are so simple
That they fail at first step in life since they want to give chance to others and want to be fair in life
They just manage to show world that they are not that much good in life when their simple and one
Line can give us miracle of life people just keep confusing their thoughts by turning them in just
Wrong way in life when we start to move ahead on every point we feel just one thing that this sort
Of simple thought is need of life we need to understand that simple talk will help us in life but
We just never understand then since they don't look that much fancy on any point those thoughts
Will show us innocence is not enough for our life we want just to be simple in our mind but we just
Feel one thing that innocence is not true in life because innocent people no longer look that much
Great on any point when they don't come before us as some one great in life since they never know
How to pretend in life they are not fancy in people's eyes since those simple thoughts will just
Manage to confuse our mind we never understand those simple thoughts are not that much simple
In life those thoughts which will create effect on our mind then innocent sort of things which will
Show us that point where things are needed to be pure but they just turn into wrong way for our
Future and life we need to understand our mind because innocence is that quality which will just
Needed inside life but then I feel one thought from inside innocent feel which will be true for
Our life we need to understand innocent never look so much great to you in life because mostly
It is peaceful and quiet that innocent can chatter as much as it like but it never look that much
Great until it don't get angry in life but anger is not it's strength on any point it happen only when
You hurt too much innocence in life when innocence is some thought which will become alive
It never act in strong way until you hurt it too much in life but sadly world have one tendency in
Our thinking and life that it manage to hurt every innocent feel to our mind so then at every point
We feel just one thought from inside that innocent feel which will show us new feel from inside
That innocent sort of thought will be pure for life when we move ahead innocence will show us
That side which will show us every point that innocent feel look so great when we want to see
Innocence in life mostly it is so mild at beginning that we hardly noticed in life after all those
Sort of good and pure feel will show world good side only when it decide to come ahead and
When it will manage to convince our mind we feel that innocence is great for life but it will just
Never attract your attention since it will never want to grab things in life but if you take away
That thing which belong to that innocent person then that innocent and pure look on every point
Since that innocence will have that power inside on every point but then innocent look will have
So much impact on mind innocence is that feeling which will touch our mind that innocent look
Will have so many qualities inside life then innocent will lead to that point where we can see
Many concepts of life that one which are innocent one on every point we feel just one thought
From inside innocent will show us that look on every point since those innocent look will show
Us that feel on every point since innocence will have just feel on every point so then at every
Moment and point innocence will form perfect look but only when we understand it lead to just
Good feel from inside innocence will have one feeling from inside on every point so that sort
Of innocent which will show us light will look so much great when we keep that innocence
With us in life we need to understand innocence is need of life just practical feel is not enough in life.

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