Friday, April 3, 2015

Poem 2034. Plans of mind

                                                                    Plans of mind
Sometimes from mind I understand small things in life so then I feel one thought from inside
I have understood this world on some point so then I feel one thinking from inside that at each
Point we need to understand one thought from my mind may be I have not understood this
World on some point so then I feel one thing from inside small things will have so much effect
On our life but then small thing will show this world something so good and nice so then at
Every point we feel one thought from inside but then mind will have many concept inside then
At every point mind will have so many section on our life in mind there are many section in life
Some point understood properly our life while some point don't understand at all our mind so
I just have one feel from inside that mind is intelligent but not enough in life to understand those
Confused concepts of life after all in our mind I feel that mind will have many sections which
Will have so many effect on mind after all different thoughts will have so many concepts in life
We need to understand mind which will have those concepts will look so much best on every
Moment and point those concepts have form something which show us that point where life
Will seem like something which will have so many effect on mind we want to understand our
Thoughts and mind those good sort of feel will show us that section in life after all those mind
Sometimes work properly but not every time sometimes it remain so much confused on every
Moment and point after all mind have many powers hidden inside we feel one thought from
Inside in that mind we see many sort of concepts which are included in our every thoughts and
Mind we need to understand mind will work on different section and create many sort of concept
Inside life but then mind will show us world in totally different world for our life we need to just
Understand one thought from inside mind they were creating different concepts in life but then
Mind will create different effect sometimes good and sometimes wrong effect on our life but
Then mind will have so many effect on our life in our life which we see is totally different on
Our life I feel one thought from inside mind is leading different concept in life sometimes it will
Manage to create new concept in life mind will change this world and it will change world on
Every point so life will turn into some thing which will show perfect in life it will have so many
Powers inside life those power will show this world in different light I feel one thing that mind
Will show our world in different light after all world will look nice only when we see it in good
Way and thinking on every point turn in right way in life so then we feel one thought from inside
We need just right sort of thinking in mind we need right plan on every point but that will not
Happen on every day of life since mind will show us that light which will show us different
Sort of concept for mind we need to understand our thinking which will have different sort of
Section in life I feel one thing from inside that mind will show us new light but sometimes it
Will also manage to create impact on our life so then mind will show us different effect on
Our thinking on every point because mind need to be active on every point mind will form in
Just right way our life it will turn our life in proper way on every time I feel just one thought
From inside that thinking which will look great will make mistake on some point but we just
Never understand it on any point it will look so much interesting on every point so then at
Just every point mind will show us new thought from inside because right plan will look so
Much great at every point mind will show us right way in life mind is expert from on every
Moment and point I feel just one thought from our mind that mind will show us different sort
Of concepts on every point since life will show us good side of world on our life but then
I feel just one thought from our mind it will show us those things which are right but that
Mind will have some thing which can even does mistakes on every point we need to just feel
And understand our mind which will show us different style of life we want it to look great
On every point we need to understand we are standing on wrong point because mind is just
One thing which will have both sides good as well as bad sides are part of our life at every
Moment I feel one thought from inside that mind is confusing us on many thoughts in life so
Then I feel one thinking will form us different sort of thoughts are just turning at every point
Our mind will have so interesting plans in life some plans are right and wrong on some point. 

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