Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Poem 2077. Drawing unknown

                                                     Drawing unknown
When we stood in window we see many effect on every point at every window which will look so
Effect on our life then in those windows we see many scenes of life there are many sort of scenes
Which I see in my life but one day I just decide to draw a sketch of someone from that window
On just that point I never once thought from my mind that when I will sketch someone I am just
Interfering in that person’s life we never sense it on any point when we just move ahead and then
Start to give advice we never sense when we start to become part of that person’s life we want
To move ahead on every point then in window we see that scene on every point so those sort of
Scene which we see in life then when I draw sketch on some point when we start to sketch of just
Some person in life then when we start to draw sketch in life because on road I just have seen at
Every point when pencil will help us to draw sketch in life we need to draw just something which
We need to sketch in life because then we are unknowingly entering in other person’s life it will
Be never good and never right we just have one feeling from inside that on each point those sort
Of sketches which we draw in life no longer look great when we start to draw them we must know
Our mind while drawing something we need to know it on every point we have just one skill from
Our thinking and mind those sketches which we have drawn in life look great only when we draw
Something after permission in life how much you may act with innocence still things don’t look
Good and nice when they are taken from others life I know I never feel one thing on that point
That we are turning in right way in life after all those drawing will show us at every point those
Sort of effect on our mind because those effect which will show us positive sort of side but then
At every point sketches will have so many effect on mind sometimes we take things from others
And still we feel one thought from inside when that thoughts will turn our life in confused 
Thinking on our mind but then at every point but then drawing will show us one thought from
Inside that at every point drawing will have different look of every sort in drawing will show us
Something which will look nature when we use something unknown on every part at every part
We feel one thought from heart when we move ahead we have to think from our heart when
We want something natural look so sometimes we choose without thinking just one thing as
Our part but we need to think again and again from heart before taking something from other
Is it right on our part if that one like it then it will be perfect for our heart since those thoughts
Will have some effect on our heart at every part we just feel one thinking from heart and then
At every thought we see good impact on our heart when our world will look so much great on
Just every part when we move ahead at every part we feel one thought from our mind that
We need something different for our heart but that doesn’t mean we can include some one
Without asking on any part we need to ask before we began  to consider something as our part
I feel this one when someone ask me at every point then drawing unknown of person will just
Look so nice at every point when drawing will have so many impact on life I just feel one
Thinking from inside while drawing known we feel same things from inside but when we do
Something different in life so then at every point thought drawing will look so much great
On every point then in that drawing we feel one thought from inside that drawing will look
So much great on every part when that look will have greatness inside I just see one thing
From my mind drawing might be unknown person to me but still on every point it will be just
So much different in life that drawing will have different look in life in that drawing we see
Many things but they must be known to us in life drawing will look so much good when some
Sort of unknown thing  in life when we need to create great feel in our life then at every point
We need that new things but permission is always must in life and that is true trouble in life
We can’t just go ahead and ask someone for permission in life those things are scary for our
Thoughts and mind but permission is true need on every point we need to give it to every
Person at every point so those permission will form some effect on mind in our heart we feel
One thinking from inside in that drawing which will have so many effect on our life when
We feel one thought from inside drawing will have many effect on life because then at just
Every point drawing will have so many effect on mind I feel one thinking from inside when
We use someone for any thing in life we must ask for permission in life because on every point
We need to ask permission when we need someone inside our thinking and mind at every point.

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