Monday, April 6, 2015

Poem 2037. Hard point to understand

                                                            Hard point to understand
Sometimes we need to understand our mind we need to create some effect on us at some point
Our need on every point will show us that light which are needed for our world at every point
But some points of world were never understood in life we need to just understand our need as
Our feeling from inside world will move ahead on some point at every point we feel just one
Thought from inside at every point I just feel one thing from inside that may be I will never just
Manage to understand world so I need to ignore it on every point we need to understand but that
Will not help us that much in life because some points are so complicated that may be we just
Don't need to understand them on any point because understanding them seem like a complicated
Sort of task of life we need to understand our thoughts and our mind every point will form some
Complications in life since then at every point of life we feel complicated points at every point
Those hard points will something which will have so worst effect on life those difficult sort of
Point in life will seem so hard for life so then in points complicated things are inside those points
Those points are something which are so hard on our mind and any way we can't change them
On any point we need to understand our thoughts and mind we need to understand our soul on
Every point so then I feel one thought from inside that life will show us many angles on every
Moment and point but some point are hard to understand in life we feel that our thinking will
Have so much effect on our future to show us many sides of life but how hard it seem to understand
That point some point seem just cruelty in life we need to understand those brains and mind on
Every point we need to understand each point in different angle of life we feel point will show us
Some good concepts in life point will show us new concept in life that point will look so nice
At every point but some point will complicated inside our life I feel one thought from inside so
Then at every point those point will show different angles of world on every point it will have
Just one thought from inside may be those points are not worth to understand in life because
Some times some confused people form much a point that it will have good effect on our life
Because point will show us that wrong thought from inside we feel that point will show us just
One thought from inside point will show this world hard feel from our life we feel one thing
From inside world will show to us that thought from inside we need to understand this world
On every point by joining to properly each concepts of our mind we feel we need to find just
One thought from inside some point are so wrong sort of point so then point will show us just
One thinking from inside that point will show this world in totally wrong way in their future
And in their life we have one thought from inside every point will have different concept in life
But those good concepts will have some effect on our life because bad concept are involved
On some point we just never able to accept it but then those points are accepted by all in life
So that point will look so much great to world it even force us for it in life so then point will have
One impact on our life that point will have so many effect on life so then point will have so
Much bad impact on our life we need to understand our thoughts and mind which tell us that
Thought is wrong on every point when our thinking start to move at positive point we just
Feel one thing at every point that when we learn some point we will understand it in life but
That doesn't seem as if truth of our life on every step we need to understand it in life so nice
Is our mind we feel that point will show us wonderful feel on every moment but then point
Will show us hard point in life we feel when we get that point in right way of life we have
Just one thought from inside point must not look so wrong on every point we have just one
Thought from inside some point will look great to our mind I will must accept them and we
Can just ignore it in life because when we move ahead then we feel one pleasure inside but
When we hate some point we need to understand our mind to that extent of our life where
Our thoughts will manage to confuse our mind understanding point feel us that point in life
That point will create so many effect on our life we feel just one thought from inside that
Those point will have wrong effect on our mind we feel that wrong point will create so much
Effect on our mind those wrong point will create wrong impact on mind we need to just
Understand those point which will have interesting concept inside on every point I just feel
One point we think one thought from inside evil thought on every point because it will show
This world on every point just one thought from inside that at every moment of our mind
We need to find world in perfect color of our mind it will look so much great on every point
It will show us that point where we want to reach in life but world is not ready to accept it
In our life we need to include and understand one thing from our mind understanding
Others point is so hard sometimes when it is wrong in life we need just to remain stuck to
Our old point after all that point will just manage to touch us to that side where world will
Understand our softness on every point we need to understand our thoughts and our mind.

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