Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Poem 2052. Bigger world

                                                            Bigger world
Many sort of things on every point we feel we are seeing every thing with our small eyes
On every point we see different things of life but we just never understand one thing that what
We see is not just whole world and life there are many parts which are having so many things on just
Every point there are many things which will have just one thought from inside when things will
Have impact on our mind because things what we see are not that much nice so then at some
Thought or point we feel one thought from inside that things will move ahead at every point but
Just with one thought from inside that we have seen enough of this world with our little eyes but
Our eyes are never enough to see this whole world on any point because those things which will
Take us ahead on every point to that point where we see our world with our mind so then at just
Each and every point we feel pleasure from inside that we have seen many sort of angles in life
So then at every point where our thoughts will show us new moment and every point on every
Moment and point but then there are many parts which are giving us some positive thoughts in
Our future and life we feel one thing from inside we have seen enough of world on every point
When those things which are so limited in life so then at every point we feel just one thought from
Inside that we know this world but it never turn out to be truth on any point then at some point
We understand one concept of life that we don't know this world properly in life we see this world
In proper way on every point so then at every point we feel one thought from inside then at just
Each and every point we feel one thought from inside we need to understand our mind then at each
And every point we feel one thinking from inside we need to understand we are never that much
Great on every point when we move ahead on every point we have one thinking that we know this
World and that thought will manage to harm us on every point we feel we can understand whole
World that is wrong thought of our mind we need to understand some thoughts are just having
So impact on mind because at every point we feel we need to know it on every point so then at
Each point of mind we need to understand that we need to have one feel from inside that world will
Look great when we accept one thing that we don't know whole world that well in life when we
Accept it then only we can understand this world on every point because then we will not feel
We can understand world on any point some feel they have not understood it but if they try just
Little bit more in life so then at every point we need to understand our mind that life will not let us
Understand it fully on any point there will be always on some points which are hidden on that point
We need to understand our mind and convince it that we have not understood this world and we are
Never going to understand fully our life we need to move ahead on every point with just one sort
Of thought from inside that if we work hard one day we will understand world in life but our life
And this world is so large to understand even for our mind it will change on any moment as per
It's thought and it's choice on every point our thoughts will manage to capture our mind we need
To understand our mind at that point where world will look so much great to our mind and we
Just manage to understand our thinking from inside that our life will never become so little that
We can understand it on any point it is that mystery which never end on any point it will remain
Same way in life at some point we feel one thought from inside that world will look so much good
And great on every point we feel one thought from inside but then at every point we need to just
Think again and again with our mind that world is still unknown to us but that will not a bad thing
In life those things which will manage to create some effect on our mind we need to understand
Our thoughts and our mind after all world is bigger on every point so then
At every point big world will have some effect on our mind due to one thought from inside that
Those points which will help us in life will look so much great at every point when world is so
Big how can we understand this world on any point when we feel small world will be not just
Our future on any point we need to understand one thought from inside we need to just understand
Our mind then at every point we feel one thought from inside then at every point I feel one thought
From my mind world is bigger on every point we need to understand our mind that small world
Is never for us even when we wish from our mind bigger world is decided so we need to fly as
High as possible in life without understanding world we need to just trust our kind heart and
Faithful mind we need to understand that world at every point world will be bigger on every point
So we must give respect to our mind if we move ahead from inside world will be great on every point.

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