Monday, April 27, 2015

Poem 2074. Proper guess in life

                                                        Proper guess in life
Can you tell me what I thought from inside I just have one thinking from inside that you can’t just
Tell me what I have in my mind I have just one thought that future will look great on every point
When we move ahead we just have one wish from inside those thoughts are turning into just
That thought from our mind at every point of our mind that those thinking will have so much
Thinking and thought from inside that we need to move ahead on every type of thought when
We move ahead at every point I just try how hard to understand every point from my heart and
With my thinking on every point when we move ahead then we feel one thought from our mind
And thinking on every point I feel that thinking will show us that sky when we start thinking then
On every try I just feel that I can’t guess what we have in our mind when we move ahead with
One thinking and mind we never once thought that we need to understand every thought with
Perfect thinking and point when I will start to move ahead on every point our thoughts will show
Us that point where we need to understand our thinking on every area of life those thoughts
Which will have effect on our mind will seem as if they are something which will change our life
On every point when our thinking will turn in such way that we understand others mind then
Only we can guess any thing right but we can’t guess other people’s thought on every point so
At every point we feel one thought from inside that in every thought will have some thinking
From our mind when thinking will turn to wrong point we have different thinking from inside
That on every point those thinking will show us new meaning of our life when thinking will just
Have effect on our mind when thinking will turn our future in good style that any point we have
One feel from inside those thoughts which will capture our thinking and our mind will turn in just
Wrong way because we can’t guess our thinking from our mind when we move ahead on every
Point our thoughts will confuse our mind sometimes I wish I just don’t need to understand our
Thoughts and mind but things are turning in wrong way for our mind then at every point I feel
One thought from inside then at every point then thoughts will have one thought will change
One thinking from inside then thoughts will have so many effect on our mind when our thought
Will turn into some wrong from inside then those thoughts will turn in wrong effect on our mind
When we guess wrong way but why did we are forced to understand our mind we feel just one
Thinking from inside when we feel just one way for our mind we need to turn our luck on every
Point toward that mind which will show us that point where luck will turn in totally wrong way
In our life when thinking will manage to create effect on our mind we feel just one thought from
Our mind wrong guess will lead to wrong concept of life when we had to move ahead on just
Every point every guess will look great on every point but then guess will have just one thinking
From inside those guess have many types of effect on life because then at every point that will
Show us that guess which will look great on every point when guess will have so many effect on
Our mind when life will turn so important at every thinking of life because wrong will have just
No effect on mind but then guess will turn in wrong way in our life we have to understand just
One thought from inside because guess will show us different impact on our mind we feel just
One thinking that life will look so much great on every point because that life will show us that
We are standing on wrong side due to those guesses and so I have convinced my mind on just
Every time I feel one thinking from inside about my life that at every step we need to just have
Understanding from our mind that understanding  that we can’t guess properly in life I have
Just one feel from inside that life will look great only when guess will turn right but then
At every point then life will have some worst effect in life I need to understand our mind that
On every point guess will turn wrong when we move ahead just one view from inside at just
Each and every point when we do guess in our life so then in life we need to understand our
Thoughts on every angle of life that guess will have so many effect on mind try to turn our
Future and life in to some sort of different concepts in life when we need to have one feel
From inside that guess is needed for future on every point then I feel one thinking from inside
In life we want to find way to understand it on every point we need our life with just one
Thought from inside life will look great when we see it in positive way in our future and life
I just have one thinking from inside that life will look great if I guess it right so we must form
Our life with proper guess because guess is necessary in life we need to guess properly in life.

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