Thursday, April 16, 2015

Poem 2056. Crossing that door

                                                        Crossing that door
When jewels will so much good and nice those golden sort of look which have pleasant sort of look
Which will have so much feel from inside those jewels will have so wonderful design but then I just
Look at it and for it I took two or three deep breathe and then leave it behind when I am out of that
Room that jewel just vanish of my mind same way apply to richness in life we may look at those 
Sort of rich things for few moment and enjoy them for few time but then after moving away from 
Those things we hardly remember them in life those jewels are not touching us on that part of our 
Mind where all feelings are stored for our entire life but what remain with us are just those feelings
Which people give us in life those securities will matter to us on every time which people will give
Us in our life on every point those jewels will touch our thoughts and mind but not more that for 
Few moments in life what we truly remember are just those expression which those people get in life
We want that jewel just to get that expression in life but do we really desire that jewel to get those
Expression in life I feel there are many things which can give us those expression instead of those
Jewels in life we can get them with many things which will give us happiness in life but we just don't
Understand those jewels on any point we just feel one thing from our mind those jewels will have
Nothing but wonderful feel of that person will show us those feelings which are showing those nice
Expressions in life when we understand those beauty of feelings then only we can understand those
Sort of things in life jewels will show this wonderful expression in life but gift is not that thing which
Will touch our thinking and mind those sort of jewels which will have good look on every point 
And at every moment we feel just one thought from inside that jewel is giving happiness in life at
Every moment we feel one thought from inside those happiness are due to jewel but it is due to that
Person who gave that jewel in life we need to value person then even flower become some jewel 
In life but people just never understand that sort of feel on every point people just keep searching 
For jewel whose beauty will vanish on every point when jewel look so much great at every point 
Of life then jewels will show us new look in life when jewel will have so much interesting feel in
Our life those jewels will have that beautiful look in life but it will remove from our heart when we
Cross that door on that point what remain with us is either feelings of that affection with which that
Person shown us everything in life or that feelings of greed which tell us we want it in life we all
Have just greed inside but it's up to us that if we want to rule that greed on us or we will rule of greed
That is our choice we can just decide which way will be best for us in life since greed will have just
Many options in life we can let that greed rule us then we have made wrong choice when things can
Be achieved by our honest efforts we can have it in life but when we began to say that one does 
Wrong and get that thing I will do the same we are walking in fire and burning ourselves on every 
Moment and point since acting wrong never help us and it will not help even that other person in life
When we move ahead those sort of thoughts which touch our mind will look so much great at just
Every point of life we want our honest efforts to win us many things in life we need to understand
That jewels will look great and shining on every point that jewels will have so much wonderful 
Look and feel on every point when we began to think that jewel will be important for our life when
What is more important are nothing but just those feelings on every point we need to understand 
Our thoughts and mind those expressions which we get by our jewels will not due to jewels but 
We will not understand it until we don't get those jewels in life those costly things may give us that
Big word called status but they never give us happiness in life and status is not thing which stays
With us on every point of life when we move ahead on every point we have just one thinking that
We need beauty in our life expressions will show us happiness but not their cause in life those sort
Of feelings which we get by expressions will show us one thinking in life that we need to move
Ahead with expressions on every point goods are looking so much great on every point when we 
Get goods but they are not cause of happiness but giver is giving it by their affection not by those
Things in life at every step we just desire one thought from inside that we need happiness but 
Our greed confused us in getting things as per our choice we need to understand our thoughts 
And our mind we need not those things but affection in life when we understand it then only we
Can create appeal to our mind feelings are important since they are part of our life which will
Have different understanding on every point we need to just understand our life that things are
Not that much precious in life we need to understand expression on every point which will give us
That happiness from inside since those pure look will show us those sort of understanding on
Every point of life which we get due to those affections which we get on every part of our future
Just due to wonderful feelings which stay with us even when we cross door on every point of life.

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