Monday, April 6, 2015

Poem 2038. Dream turns in reality of mind

                                                   Dream turns in reality of mind
When I dream something I want it to be nice on every moment and on every point but then
Sometimes I just walk so much in my dream that I forget my thoughts and my mind I just
Began to think I need to understand my dream from inside at every point I feel just one thought
From my mind that dreams are those thoughts which capture our mind at every point I feel just
One thought from inside when I will began to walk I just think if that dream is wrong or right
I want just that dream to become alive on every point I want that dream to show me just one
Thought from inside I need to understand dream at every point that dream will show us that
Sunrise which will may be real but may be wrong in life at every moment I feel one thought
From inside dream will create so much appeal to our soul and mind dream will touch us on
That point where reality will not effect our mind but then question will show us that kind of feel
And shine where we can become alive some will say it is just dream it can't become life but
Just tell me how can any one say surely it in life since dream can have many shades of many
Kind and types I want dream to turn in that truth where it becomes alive for our life when we
Start to move ahead with dream on some point we need to understand that dream from inside
In that dream world will see many kind of shines but I just feel dream can have that thought
Which will make our world alive but when people say it just dream I have one thought from
Inside how can they call it dream until they know properly in life that dream can't be real on
Every moment and point dream can have many colors which touch our mind and it can make
Our world real on every point I want my dream to rule my thoughts and my mind on every point
I just feel one thing that dream will create worst effect on my mind I just have one sense in my
Thinking and in my mind that dream can show us real thought which will look so much great
On every point it will create new dream for my world and it will show us that shine which will
Just manage to show me that dream can be something real inside life when dream will show
Every concept that will show us that view which create effect on our future and life so then
Dream will show us real world when we move ahead in life dream will create so much impact
On our mind we feel just one thing from inside that they are wrong for our world and they will
Show us new thought from inside dream will show us new thinking on every point and they
Will show us that dream which will have different concept of reality that will show us many
Thoughts from inside those dreams are some thing which will show real thinking which will
Have so many effect on our mind because dream are creating so many thoughts that will show
This world some wonderful shine we want world to understand our dream can be true but it is
Not possible in life since world have it's own concept of truth on every point world will just
Never understand what it feel from inside until world see it as real in life world never accept
One thing that dreamer can have spirit of turning it real in life world never believe one thing
That dream which seen with open eyes can be true on any time and we can explain that which is
Not understood from mind even after seeing airplanes in sky when some one don't want to
Just understand their thoughts and mind how can they feel that peace from inside this world
Will see many concepts which shows day dream can be true but world never accept it in life
World never want to understand those thought from inside which will tell us many things and
Show us nice aspects of our life we can turn in many angles of life where world will look so
Much confused over ideas of our mind that it will reject them as just day dream in life but just
Never frustrate your mind if you want to dream then you can dream and then try to add logic
To that dream on some point then dream can be real for our life but just if we keep explaining
To other that dream will show us that world which is needed on every point dream will have
Some concepts which will show this world some thing so nice but world never understand it
At beginning on any point until it doesn't see them it will not understand what you mean in life
It never see those things until they are before them standing in sunshine until then those things
Are nothing but just useless thought of life for their mind we can't prove them your dream until
You can't make them alive but that doesn't mean you have to quit your dream just hide it in your
Heart and thought always keep searching for that point where that dream will become real in
Our thoughts and mind we need that dream to become some thing that will show us that shine
Which make us alive on every point dream will turn into reality of our thinking and mind.

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