Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Poem 2065. Trust in life

                                                       Trust in life
When I said some words I just said to give pleasure to some heart on that point but I just
Never guess friendship will be meaning of it on any point when someone told me that we
Can become best friends in life I just feel so confused how can that person trust me so
Easily in life I just wish I can have that much trust in my mind but my Mom told me that
God never make human being perfect they all have weakness in their mind just some
Come ahead and accept them while some keep them hidden in mind we just feel one
Thing that our words are messenger of that friendship which will give our world so much
Wonderful light we need world to understand our mind those thoughts which are always
Stay with us will give our life some sort of shine which will show us our world in perfect
Light because trust is one basic of friendship but another basic is caring for that person
In life sometimes we can’t trust but we care then people understand it in life because
We want someone to care since world is always hard on us from time to time trust may
Come next or may be it come later on some point but caring is first basic of life many times
It happen when many people don’t care for us in life trust began to vanish on some point
Never just let yourself feel that trust is that need which form any relation in life because
Trust never comes in basic since trusting someone is never easy in life some may pretend
They do but that is not truth of life because trust is something in which we can believe that
Person with closed eyes and it will happen until we stop caring for our benefits and just
Began to care for that one in life because we trust only those who matter us more that
Ourselves in life we trust only those for whom we are ready to stay alive even on worst
Day of life because we sense it in our heart without us they will be that boat without guide
So trust will become alive only we began to live for others not die for others in life because
Living is hard on every point death may scare us but still when it comes to live with troubles
It seem more hard in life may death seem like unknown world but it is having known troubles
In life so those who are ready to live with those troubles true understand relationships in life
When we start to form one thought from mind that those who are with us should be those
Whom we can trust in life but trust is not easy thing it will come as peak of mountain in
Our life trust will have that quality which will give our life perfect sort of shine then at on
Every point trusting will show us new light at every thought will have so many effects on
Our life when trust is need of our mind but it is not something which we can get easily in
Our future and life when we move ahead we feel one thinking from inside those thoughts
Will are showing that point which have one thought from our mind when we feel that
We are moving ahead we have one thought from inside because trust will have so much
Effect on our life but care is first step of every concept in your life people need care for
Them from mind may they say they wanted trust but care is that need which we are not
Ready accept in life that is pure need of our mind because that is need which we have as
Our child which want from everyone just care in life when you care for someone you just
Can’t harm that one in life after all a child needs care of mother and not trust from mother
On any point we feel one thought from inside that trust will make us winner in life so then
At every point when we move ahead on every point when we have care from our mind
That is what will demand on our mind when trust will have some effect on our life but
Then at every point we need care from inside which is truly our thirst from inside at just
Every point we feel that we need to live with care and trust is something we need to give
At beginning sometimes because when you care for someone that one trust you from inside
But that one may not say it clearly in life because hiding feeling is something we do many
Moments and times so many times I feel I trust many people but I am not ready to say it
Inside life because I am scared from my heart what will happen if I confess it in life and
That is what happens when mostly we claim one thought from inside that those thoughts
Will show us that thinking from inside those thoughts are most helpful things in life but
Then on every point we feel one thinking from inside trust will have just one quality in
Our life care is basic need on every point trust will have effect on our life when trust will
Show us that light which will look great in life but sometimes we don’t claim but then
That trust will have so much effect on mind that trust will show it in different light so
We need to understand trust is there for our life which will be existed on every point in life
So trust will show us good colours in life because it is always there in our future and life

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