Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Poem 2075. Pages of history

                                                        Pages of history
When different sort of story which will have so much effect in life in that story we see just many concepts
In life we feel one thing from inside that stories are forming so many impact on life but one thing we
Just never thought that our life can turn into some story after some time may be in that history we
Are never mentioned still in that history we have liked our life we need to understand we are
Nothing but just some one’s history after some time which may be never got us mentions in that
Book of history on every point we need to understand our thoughts from inside we feel one thought
That history will give some effect to our mind when history will look so nice to next generation at
Every point when that history will show us many pages in life after all those pages will have just
Many types of look on every point when history will have so many effect on our mind when we feel
One fact from inside since history will see us in different angle of life because history will have just
So many parts like every time but then when I see carefully in my life that history will have so many
Parts but we never have that history which will have effect on mind when in history we see on just
Every point we just feel that every point will look wrong for our life when history will have such a
Strong effect on mind because history will turn in wrong way for our life when we see history in
That way of life so then history will look so wrong to us because history will have many wrong types
Of section inside it on every point in that history we just find darkness so same thing people find
In us after some times because history will look wrong on every point we feel one thought from
Inside those history will show us many effects on life in that history we see on every point so then
At every step of life history will look so bad in life when history will have so many impact on our
Thinking and life we feel just one thought that history will just look so wrong on every point not
Because history will look so wrong on every point those things were not that much wrong in life
At every part of history we need to move ahead on every point but then history is not wrong that
Thinking is wrong on every point we just find wrong thing on every point then elder will look so
Much great on every point when they will taught us in life because when we move ahead in life
But when we look in wrong way at history should it look great in life after all these histories will
Have one thought from inside when history will have many sections of life when history will just
Manage to show us those points which are creating effect on our life I just have one feel from
Inside that history was nothing but just one thought from inside then at every point history will
Have many parts in life because history will have many generations in life but it is up to us that
How did next one see us in life it doesn’t meant we must not make mistake because mistakes
Will be something which happen at every point we can’t live one totally correct sort of life then
At every point history will have fault inside but we can do one thing that teaching our next generation
To look at positive side then only our history look right when we keep just following winner then
We are not at all winning in life because we are destroying our own brain by using others brain
In our life we need to understand our thoughts and mind we have to think again on every point
History will look so much wrong on every point when we need to move that point when we just
Feel one thing from inside those history will have so much effect on our life when history will
Show us that thought from inside because history show us totally wrong  way because we want
To see it in that way in life history will have many effect on our mind when we see history will
At that point but history will have some effect on our mind then those history will have so much
Effect on our mind I will see history properly when I look it with positive side so then at just on
Every point when history will have many generations which will have so many effect on mind
Due to history on every point when we all know we are nothing but just history of life then
Why can’t we give respect to each other and turn enjoyable our life then history will have just
One feel from our mind that history will have some effect on our life because on just every
Moment and point because we never learn to give respect to each other in life then instead
Of thinking too much about making history we will write some lovely present for our life so
Then at every point history will have so many pages on every point when history will have just
Many effects on life when history will written on every point after all history will have so many
Impact on our life when history will have so many effect on mind because then at every point
History will have so many area of life so then history will look so hard on every point when
We see history we understand one thought from inside history will have many books but
It’s up to us in life that we want to create some nice life we feel one thought from inside
History will not be created in positive style until we don’t learn to create good present in
Our life history will have positive side because we will become that page which may not
Mentioned on that page but have positive sort of feel from inside our thinking and mind on each point.

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