Sunday, April 19, 2015

Poem 2060. Admiration in life

                                                            Admiration in life
Sometimes we get appreciated for our work in life but on some times we just don't get that much
Appreciation in our life we feel one thought from inside work must be great on every point since
On some point appreciation is need on every point since it will have some effect on our life but
Then at every point we need to understand our mind appreciation means it will look so great when
Some one feel happy from inside when admiration we get we feel so happy in life but when people
Don't get appreciated work seem so wrong on every point after all appreciating some thing which
We demand on every point so then at every point admiration will look so different on each point
We feel one thought from inside appreciation is our rewards on every point we need to like some
Sort of thing when we want to have it in life so when we appreciated us we feel that one will going
To want us in life but that thought is so wrong since on many times some people want us but just
Don't manage to appreciate it in life so that on every point we feel one thought from inside that
When we move ahead with just positive point because when we feel one thought that admiration
Means positive thought from inside we feel one thing from inside that those thoughts which will
Show us beautiful thought on that point but admiration will show us that point where we need to
Move ahead on every point that appreciation which we need in life for winning friends on every
Moment and point we have that need of having things in life but then at every point we need to
Just understand our mind that thoughts which show us liking for us are many times not that much
Good for our life so then at some point we feel one thing from inside admiration will make us
Just some point which will make us happy from inside so those lovely thoughts are not that much
Great in life they are just creating effect which tell us on every point that those admiration will
Show us different angle of life which we just imagine but sometimes they are not that much truth
Of life then why do we have that sort of thirst from inside that we want to win admiration for just
Every work on every point we want our work to give is nice feel in life we feel one thought from
Inside that admiration will show us that hope and we are running after it in life but may be that is
Not right kind of reward for our mind we want to win people but we are just winning some sort
Of thought from inside that we are winning on that point what we truly need is liking for that work
Inside our life until we like it nothing can be more rewarding in life we have just form one thought
From mind that work will take us ahead only when we turn it into positive point when we start to
Move ahead with positive feel from inside we are no longer just winner who pretend but one who
Truly win from mind we can win only when we want to like our work and not want people to like
Us in life because we need to admire work to make it perfect in life others who admire us are just
Feeling of their mind at every point we feel one thought from inside we need to like people in life
Admiration never make us winner on any point it just confuse us and our mind we need to just
Understand admiration is our need from inside at every point we feel that need of our mind which
Will tell us we can never win on any point admiration is that thought which will capture our
Thoughts and our mind we never need to understand admiration is that side which will manage
To take us ahead in life but not truly in right way because some people have habit just admire
Every thing on face and criticize from behind we need to understand our mind we have to find
Some way which will make our admiration worthy of something which will take us ahead in life
Admiring is that thought which will take us ahead on every point we feel just one thing that we
Need to admire every feel from inside after all admiration will show us that thought then we feel
One thought from inside that admiration which will show us positive thought from inside on just
Every point so then I feel one thought from inside on every point so then at every point we need
Admiration on every point that admiration will have some thought which will lead to lot of
Thought on every point after all admiration will have that quality which will have so many
Effect on our mind those admiration will show us that sort of point where we want to understand
That happiness from our mind so admiration will have pleasant sort of feel from inside so then
Admiration will lead to lot of troubles in life since those need of admiration is so important on
Every point just because we feel that they are making us winner from inside those thoughts
Will lead to lot of troubles in life because admiration are confusing our mind when even we are
Not worthy of appreciation sometimes people do it to confuse us in life and then slowly truly
Worthy admiration look false to our mind our thinking will show us that point where admiration
No longer seem worthy of any thing in life because we no longer manage to understand if those
People are truly admiring us or may be they will talk behind and it will make us that person who
Just trust negative in life so always take your admiration with one tide that it is that person's
Nice and good nature that this person admire us in life there are lot of people who never do it
In their life even when occasions are worthy of lot of admiration on every point of our life.

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