Friday, April 3, 2015

Poem 2033. Funny incidence

                                                             Funny incidence
Sometimes we need to just smile and that's why god have created in that way our life which
Will give us happiness on every point at every point we feel one thought from inside that god
Will create some incidence in life since those incidence will give our life that smile which will
Give happiness to our life it will enter on every point then happiness and those incidence which
Will give us smile are created in life with just one thought from inside that our thoughts are
Showing sometimes too much sorrows in life we just get so much serious that we began to feel
Just one thought from inside that sorrows began to rule our life tension will become partner on
Every point we feel one thought from inside that tensions are some thought which will create
So many impact on our life because tensions are those thoughts which will show our world that
Sort of shine which will take us ahead in life we feel one thought from inside tension will show
Us new concepts in life after all those tension will have show our mind just regular tense thought
On every point but then at every step it will show us new thought in life we will see many type
Sort of things will look wrong on every point we just want to correct them and just correcting
Them becomes our life we forgot that joy which we can have in life we just remember one thing
On every point that is our need of happiness in life but we are so busy in moving ahead on each
And every point those thoughts which will take us ahead will look great in life when we form
Them with one thought that we want things to be right and perfect in life that perfect thought
Will show us new concepts of our life we are never perfect but we that sort of perfection which
We are trying on every point because perfection is that thought which will take us ahead on just
Each and every point but then in life we see many sort of thought which will look so much nice
In life but we are moving ahead on every point so then at some point we feel just one thought
From inside in life we feel life will look good if we even remove sorrows fully on every point
Then sorrows will move ahead on every point in life we need to give happiness from inside so
We decide to remove sorrows are keep just happiness in life we want to turn our life totally
Happy on every point after all those sorrows are those thoughts which should be look so much
Great on every area of life I feel just one thought from inside that sorrows will look so much
Wrong in life we feel one thing from inside then life will show just happiness in life so just
With one view to remove sorrows from life we start to store and searching happiness from
Inside I will have one feeling from inside smile will show our world so good thought from
Inside in this world we can see different concepts inside so when we move ahead on every point
We feel just one thought from inside in life that if we think in details about sorrows then we
Can remove then from life so we just keep on thinking about them and planning about them
On every point so we never look at happiness because we want happiest life but our life will
Have so many types of effect on life we want to make life perfect but we can never make things
Perfect in life until we learn to accept imperfection in life but we just keep one thinking about
Getting things into perfect in life we feel just one thought from inside only if we can remove
Them on every point we can get something positive in life we want our life to move ahead
With just one thought from our mind that we want our life to great on every point what we
Truly want from inside if just that smile but we are just so confused by hope of full happiness
From inside we feel just one thought that sorrows should be removed on every point with
Good incidence will give joy from inside funny incidence will show this world so at every
Point that good incidence which will show us good side to change into good one in life so
On that point good incidence will look great on every point then good thoughts will create
So much bad effect on mind because they are trying to remove sorrows and then it turn into
Something different in life but it will not happen in life we feel one thought from inside that
Sorrows will go away but they become most important thing of life we need to remove all
Difficulties but instead of that we manage to make them strong part of life we feel just one thing
From inside that life will look so great on every point when funny incidence will show us just
Nice look of life at stop us from thinking of perfection turn us into some thing which will look
Straight before us in life we want to something which will show us positive side on every point.

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