Friday, April 24, 2015

Poem 2070. Keep secrets

                                                             Keep secrets
Each one want to keep secret in life but secrets are just source of troubles on every point
And at each point we want to move easily in life still we just surround us to that point where
Secret will manage to destroy us one thing from our mind we feel just one thinking from inside
That secret are turning in right way in life only when we start to say it to others for happiness
From inside when we move ahead on every point I feel one thought from inside those thoughts
Which are touching our mind where having many secrets in our life we need to understand our
Mind secret should show us that point which show us many problems in life since when we start
With secret we are creating so many effects on our mind we need to understand one thought from
Inside secret will show us those points which will show us that secret will show us at every point
We see those secret those thoughts to our life when secret will have saw us that point when we
See many effect on our life when secrets are hidden they will just tell us we are scared of truth
In our life when we have one thinking from inside secret will show our world on that point which
Will have so much effect from our mind that secret will be that power which will show us that
Sort of angles on every point which will show us in new light which will be confused on every
Moment and point we feel one thinking from mind then at every point we feel one thought from
Inside then at every point those secrets will look so wrong on every point when secrets are just
Created in wrong way in life they will have so worst effect on our mind at every step we feel
One thought from inside secret will show us that point where we see in different our life on that
Thinking and point we need to understand those secrets from our mind when secret will turn
To that point after all those secrets will have so many effects on our mind in future we will have
One thought from inside when in mind we need to understand many points to form one secret
In life at every angle we just manage to create so much effect on life those secrets will turn in
Those effect on our life when secrets will have many sides of life but then secret will show us
That point when secret will create so much impact in life those secret will create effect on mind
Secret will have many angles and manage to different effect on our mind when we create so
Many effects in life then secrets will turn one thing from inside then secret will form different
Effect on life when secret will turn our life to that point where life will turn into mess on every
Moment and point secret will create worst effect on life we have one thinking from inside on
Every point secret will create effect on our life when those secret started to turn our life in just
Wrong way on every point because secret will turn into something that will turn our life in totally
Wrong point because secret will turn our life wrong way  so then at every point we feel
One thinking from inside that secret will form effect on our life when secret will show us
In totally wrong way in life then life will turn in different way in life those life can turn it in just
Totally wrong way in life those secrets are turning different way our life that secret will have
Those facts of life which will show us our life in different way in life secret will turn into some
Sort of thinking which will harm us on every point it seem that may be we need to take out that
Secret from our life then secret will show us that point which will look so much great to our
Thinking and mind when secret look so much great on every point I just feel one thing that
Secret will form that effect on mind which will show us that world which capture our mind
And on every point it seem as if secrets are killing our life because secrets are hiding so many
Important point but still we can’t trust people in our life since we need to keep secret on just
Every point secret is that need of our mind which tell us on every point that secret will take
Our mind to that point where it is just suffocated from inside so we need to say those secrets
To world clearly on every point secret will just bring sunset to our life but still we need to just
Hide sometimes but we can slowly show world what we want on proper time when we are
Waiting for proper time it can’t be called secret for our mind secret will never look that much
Great mind but we can’t just show everything easily in life so sometimes we keep secret but
For keeping secret we must not lie in life because lie will manage to destroy peace of our mind
We need to come out in open that we have secret in life then our secret will not have that much
Poison inside since everyone knows there is secret it means we are not cheating any one in life.

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