Friday, April 24, 2015

Poem 2069. Strange feel in life

                                                        Strange feel in life
Sometimes it seem something is so strange in our life we feel just one thought from our mind that
We can avoid strangeness in life that strange feel will show world in positive style we feel one thing
From inside that strange world will look so different on every angle of life we feel just one thought
From inside that strangeness is one feel of mind when strange things will have some facts in life so
At every point strange feel will enter in life we feel that strange feel show different effect in life
Then those effect on our mind strange feel will lead to us that point where world will look so much
Different on every angle of life we have just one thought from inside that this strangeness will just
Show us different results in life we feel one thinking that strangeness is that feel which never enter in
Our life because on every point those strange feel will have reaction in life when life will have effect
On us it will show us those points when strange thinking will have so hard impact on our mind but
Then at every point strange feel will not deserve us that point where we need on every point that
Strange feel have so much effect on our mind because strange feel show us different effect on life
Strange facts are that part which will show us different effect on life because that strange feel just
Have that life it will show us that point because that strange feel which lead to that section in life
Which will become different on every point when we look at life with some hopes from inside then
We just feel one thing how can world be so much strange on every point those strange thought
Will show us that point those thoughts will show us effect on our mind then at every point so then
I have one thing from inside life will show us different colours of life we feel one thought from
Our mind that when life will have strange effect on our mind which will show us so much great
Effect on our life at every strange incidence our life will look itdifferent in our life when strange thing
Enter it will have reaction on our mind so then I feel one thought from inside those strange feel
Show us so many different points then if we look carefully at that strange thing with open mind
Then we feel one thing from inside that those thoughts which are strange which will look good
In life when we start to move ahead we just wish one thought from inside strange feel have so
Different effect at every point which show us different effect but they are having effect on our
Thinking and mind since those strange effect will show our world sometimes with interesting
Sort of point in life because when we move ahead with one thought from inside we want those
Strange thoughts to take us ahead in life those strange points will show us that point which
Will have one feel from inside strange thing are not wrong to our life we need to understand
One thought from inside strange thoughts are not that much bad in life when they will turn
Our mind in right way in life we just have one thinking from inside our need of moving ahead
To that point this feel of strange things will help us in life when I feel one thought in our mind
They will have many concepts which please to our heart never feel scared strange feel from
Our thinking and heart we just have one feel which is so wrong we need to learn to admire
Our thinking on every part after all those strange feel is true meaning to heart it will show us
That nice part which will show us to that heart when our thinking turn into some positive part
We feel one thought from heart that strangeness will harm our heart but sometimes that just
Strange and different thing will help our heart those thoughts will show us to that heart so
Then from our heart we need to find something which will look so good for our heart when
Those strange things will create positive impact on our heart they will look so much great on
Each and every part we never once thought what will be effect of it on our heart since those
Thoughts are turning into something which is fully wrong for our thinking and our heart I have
One feeling from my heart those thoughts are creating new effect on our mind which have
Just needed that strange feel from inside that will take us to that new point which we desire
On every point we need to move ahead with that strange feel since it is need of our life so
That thinking which touch our mind is never right on any point we have one feel from inside
World can give us true shine only when we see it in positive light we feel one thought from
Inside those strange feelings are basic of our life they will show us that start which we want
In life so trust that start and strange effect in life which will show us on every point when we
Start to move ahead with strange thought from inside because it will create so much effect
On our life we feel one thought strangeness will show us that point which will show us that
Point which we desire from inside so accept strange thing in life so then it will look great in life.

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