Sunday, April 12, 2015

Poem 2047. Imagining sorrows

                                                        Imagining sorrows
Sometimes some concept about my mind which guessed by others in life in such wrong way that
It made me smile sometimes when I just don't feel hurt they assume so much more in life and when
I get hurt they hardly notice that point when some people don't understand my sorrows I feel hurt
But most funny is that moment of life which will show us in totally wrong type people came to
Just console us while we are not even hurt on that point we need to teach them ideas of life in just
New way on every point when we are not hurt and people assume we are hurt how hard it become
To convince them in life that why should we be hurt on that point where nothing is existed at any
Moment in life why people just imagine sorrows in life those thoughts which they guess from inside
Are nothing but just shadows of their mind on some moment may be they sense some sorrows of
Our mind and that sorrows made them concern so much from inside those sorrows which will just
Manage to tease us for few moment in life for them seem like biggest evil thing of our life when
Those sorrows are not hurting us in life how hard it seem even to convince people that we are not
At all hurt in life we are just happy and that is our state of mind but people just never understand
That state on any point we need to tell them on every point that we are happy but for them those
Talking seem like pretending in life sometimes people are not even ready to accept happiness as
Our state of mind too much concern will lead to so many problems for life we need to move ahead
With our mind but people just keep thinking about us from their mind they just live in their dreams
And imagine us in it in life and their dreams began to seem like truth to their mind dream is nice
Sort of concept and it can be truth of your life but you can't move others as per your dreams on each
And every point those dreams which are creating from inside are some dreams which will turn true
For you but not for others in life dream can take you ahead but it can't tell others how to move in life
Since it is your dream not dream of other person on any point never let your heart tell you what is
Happening in others world and what others feel from inside because you can't understand others
Since they have their own secret in their heart on every point we need to understand one thought
From inside that world will have different dreams but some dreams are just created by others to
Confuse you in life they are never true  on any point or may be on sometimes you get confuse on
Your own by some concepts in life but never blame others for it in life since others never understand
How confused you are due to that dream in life others just assume that you have enjoying it on
Every point they never guess that you will get hurt by feeling other person is hurt in life some times
Dreams are just dreams not truth or need of life we can get dream but only if we tried and on just
Some times it happen in life other person have one dream that one tell it to you then forget it from
Their life because it seem so hard to manage on that point so when that dream fell so sorrows in
Our heart and mind since we have tried enough hard for that dream on any point just having one
Dream doesn't mean that we have tried some dreams are nothing but just thought which we have
Once inside mind so when we don't get that dream no sorrows will felt from inside because we
Have just cancelled that dream even before any one break it in life we can fly in sky if we try it
But we can't turn in to air how hard we may try it so some dreams are such that they never turn
Truth on every point so for them sorrows are something which show us just how immature we are
In our life we can fly in air but we can't change our form in life so such dream never seem like
Some truth to our mind but people just confuse them from mind because they feel we are truly
Having that dream and trying to turn it true in life when dreams seem impossible they no longer
Exist after some point we can dream to live underwater with proper help of science but you just
Can't become fish in life so some dreams are that way and on some moment people will may say
They want to be mermaid in life but that doesn't mean that one really feel that they want that
Change in life when that will not happen do you feel people will cry in life then why do you feel
On some impossible dreams people will have sorrows inside we need to understand that some
Sort of things never happen in life so they are not there then why should we feel sorrows for that
Non existing thing in life we can imagine as much as we like but never feel that all those things
Can bring sorrows for mind because our mind know from start it is not truth of life so it will not
Cry for that lottery which it never going to win in life when we move ahead we feel just one thing
That people will understand our mind but when they don't it seem so much strange thing for our
Thinking and our mind because how can some one expect us to turn into mermaid in this life and
How can some one feel we can become Cinderella when it is not possible in life just live in present
And you can dream tomorrow as much as you can, but never feel that when you dream impossible
Sort of thing and it will not happen that person will cry in life because that one have enough sense
In mind just dreaming is okay but thinking it is true that thought is some thing which will kill you
From inside so be aware when you think other person is crying or you may when to console just
Most happiest person in life due to your imagination you are creating troubles in others life since
When you console sometimes you invite those thoughts which are never existed on first point.

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