Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Poem 2041. Every question in life

                                                            Every question in life
Those question will show us different concepts are hidden in life because then question will have
So many impact on mind question will show us meaning inside life when that question will create
Some impact in life then question will have different words inside which will change our world
To different style then question have some meaning inside we need to find that question which
Will form that concept inside life because question will create effect on our life then question
Will manage to have effect on our life then life will show us different effect on our mind so then
That question will give us look of our life when question will have some form and concepts in life
Because question will show us world in life which will differ on every point so question will just
Show us different meaning inside life so question will have so many part will have some effect
And impact on our mind question will show this life at every point question will show us that
Part of world and thinking from inside since question will show us so different angle of life so then
At every point question will show this world to that point where world will have so many thought
From mind so then at every point question will show us different section of life so then this sort
Of thinking on every point question will just give world that meaning from inside those questions
Which will show us that side where world will look so much different on every point and it will
Create that effect on life so this world will look so much interesting on every point when questions
Are up on proper time but some questions are made in such a way in life that in this question
We find proper concepts of life when we move ahead on every point to that section in life so
That question will form that effect on our life when it is created in proper way for life we need
To create that concept for our mind question will look so interesting in our mind so then I feel
One thought from inside question will show us that point where world will look so interesting
For our mind since question will show us that point which will have different words that will just
Manage to create wrong effect on mind we need to understand our mind we feel one thought from
Inside because questions will have many meaning from inside so then question will have so many
Sort of our life question will show us that meaning which will have so many sort of effect on
Our mind because that question will create effect on our mind but then in question there will be
Impact on our world at every point because question will have so much effect on future and every
Moment and point because question will show so many section of life we want to ignore them
But one question will have in life since question is felt on that point where it will show us that
Thought from mind which can't be said clearly on every point that thinking will have just one
Thought inside we need to understand question from inside of our mind because at every step
Of our life that question will show us new light we need to understand one thought from inside
Question will show our world new feel from mind we just have one thought at every thought
From inside question will have power sometimes to touch our mind but some questions are
Nothing but just useless trouble for our life we feel that those question will be that step which
Will show us new thought from inside that will show us one thing from inside so we need to
Understand one thought from inside question will have different meaning from inside so then
We need to understand one thought that some question are such that we just never need to answer
In our life because they are not questions they are just traps which are set for us in our life when
We feel one thought from our life that question will help us at every step of life so those question
Will have so many effect on mind because question will show us world in positive way in life
So then question will show us different thinking inside that question will look so hard to on just
Each and every point understand our mind question will show this world totally different in life
Question will have meaning that will show our world these meaning on every point so then at
This point question will be needed on some point because question will needed in life on just
Some moment and point I feel that questions will enter after some steps in life when questions
Are needed on some point but then question will show us world at every section of life then
These question will show us that world will have different traps in life we feel just one thing
From inside question will show us that point where question will manage to have so many effect
On our life but we need to understand which one is important and which one is not in life just
Because questions are screamed on you it doesn't mean we need to answer every question in life.

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