Thursday, January 29, 2015

Poem 1921. Behind in life

                                                              Behind in life
When we say something it is just because we say it is what we feel from inside but we just see
Sometimes people just don't agree so what should we do on that time some say just pursue it and
Some say leave it behind I just feel I can't tell you something while sitting  far away on some point since
Sometimes pursue something is necessity of life how much people may disagree but it is need of
That time we just can't left that subject behind because sometimes some people just never understand
That concept from mind we just feel one thought from inside that when we move ahead we need
To understand our mind on every point it feel one thought on every point that how can we just ignore
Some point then I know what is trick on our life we need to pursue point but not with anger but just
With joy of life on every point we need to understand one thought from our mind that when we just
Move ahead we need to walk ahead with smile but that will not happen every time when we pursue
Some thing which other dislike they will just disagree with you on that point and you will be called
Arrogant in life or they just call you that one who never have any sense of mind it depend on just
Situation in which we are in life but one thing is so common that they just never like our thought
On any point so they will call us with different inside life it is so favor that those who hate us are
Just never going to like us in life but question is of those people are getting convince by them on
That moment or point can they turn into some thing and nice for life when we move ahead I just
Have one feel from inside that on every moment we need to understand people on every time after
All those thoughts which will manage to create impact on our mind are not turning in such way
That we can consider it as best example of life we just think one thing we have lost in jungle of just
Confusion on that point because people are not behind us they are just far away from us in life but
Then comes next question which you must ask your soul from time to time that when we start to
Move ahead are those people with ahead of us and behind I just feel one thing from my mind that
Some things are needed to be understood some times people can also run behind on some point so
Then when we move ahead on every point I just feel see sometimes people are not running after
Some one's thought ahead instead they are behind and when you move ahead of them you will
Find they are far away from you in life and they are far behind on every point of our life when
We start to move ahead on every point we just have that they should understand that moving
Ahead it is important in life but that will not happen on any moment and on any point we just
Feel one thought from inside of our mind they need to understand that they must move ahead in
Their life I just feel one thing from inside of mind that at every moment we just can't convince
People on every point to move ahead some just prefer to move behind and on every moment
Those people will just manage to stay behind and on those moment and on those times they just
Did one thing from inside that those moments which are required for our mind never seem that
Much good for our mind because when those people move back they will not understand us but
They just understand one thought from our mind that those thinking which we have are some
Thoughts from inside of mind they even taunt us that we are on some different point never accept
That we are ahead and they are far behind that is rule and understanding of our life on every point
We just feel one thought from our mind that those moment which are necessary for life are not
Just moving ahead on each step and on each point we feel just one thought from our confused
Mind does going ahead is wrong for our life but it will happen on any point I feel just one thing
That things are going ahead as per our thoughts on any point those things which we understand
On every angle of life just create problem for us on every point we need understand one thing
From our mind that moving ahead is good but people are not understanding it in life when people
Will move ahead slowly but when they are running behind on every moment and on every
Angle of life those moments will be behind on every point that staying behind seem to them as
Wise on every point when we move ahead on every angle of life these things which will have
Some behind on every point are wrong but to those people they are important in life they just
Never understand one concept from mind that they are behind they just laugh on us as if we are
Totally wrong in life when you understand this thing just never turn back to explain them in life
You can tell them from your positive but never go behind because when you go behind then
You have lost race of your life on every point this race will create impact on your mind we just
Never understand any thoughts from inside but one thing is so clear that we must stop to leave
That place since one day people will need to come to that place in life and if we left that place
May be in forest of this world we never find that road again in life so keep calling people from
There and keep requesting or scolding them so that they will come to you in life but just never
Leave your place on any point because it is important sort of place for our life we just never
Go behind we just need to move ahead in life on every moment and on every point inside life.

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