Friday, January 2, 2015

Poem 1876. Tolerate pain

                                                           Tolerate pain
Sometimes that wall which is behind back never felt to me until I decide to feel that touch I know
It is there just like twitter of that bird but sometimes things just turn so much confusing in world
That nothing comes ahead and nothing can change the world because people decide not to see
That things which they want to see from heart sometimes people just don't understand on every
Point and on every part I feel one thought from my heart sometimes even visible things will look
So much different on every part when we see them they are so much clear to our world and our
Thinking and our heart when we move ahead that thought will take us in life that what we can see
In this world can be seen on every point when we move ahead with positive thinking from our
Thoughts and mind I just feel one thing that people will not see what I want them to see in life
They don't even see what truly there in life what they see is just one thing what they wish from
Their mind so how useless it feel to see things as per our thinking and mind only if people start
To see the truth as it is in life on every moment it feel that life will move on every area of mind
We just never understand what we feel from inside we have one feeling that when we move ahead
One day people will see that truth of life which will be crystal clear after some point which will
Have that thinking from inside that will just manage to confuse our mind because if some one
Want to ignore that wall then some one can do it in life after all if you decide to just ignore
Something then it is possible in life when we move ahead on every moment we just have one
Thought from inside that those things which are existed on some point are not those which are
Truly existed in mind I just have one thought from my thinking on every point that when people
Want to feel that wall then they will feel that wall on every day of life but when people just don't
Understand that wall what will they feel from inside they just feel one thing that this wall is just
No longer part of life but one thing is so sure that this wall is existed so it will stay on that point
And it is just up to us that will we except that wall or will we ignore that wall on every point
When I will move ahead then I want to see truth in life but people just want to ignore that thought
Or truth on every point that wall which is there and made of solid things will not be that much
Strong to understand for some mind then we just can't wake up that thoughts or wake up that
Thinking of mind we need to understand just one thinking which hurt us from inside that when
We move ahead then those solid things will have some effect on our mind but if we just reject
Their existence from our mind on every moment we feel just one thinking from inside when we
Move ahead when we just feel so much shock from inside that those thinking that will seem like
Some thing which seem existed more than actual thing in life can't be defeated on any point when
I will start to move ahead with my thought from inside I just feel one thing that some people will
Have power to reject every thing in life on every point it seem as if their wrong thinking will
Have power even over existing things in life when we move ahead we just never thought once
From our mind that one day we will see some people who have such a strong thinking and mind
When I will move ahead I just feel one thought from inside that strong wish sometimes manage
To destroy even good things from our mind we need to move ahead slowly and step by step
In our life we need to understand that being having solid proof will not be enough for mind on
Each and every step we just manage to get hurt from inside those thoughts which are taking
Us ahead are not getting to any good point because we just hoped one thing that people will see
Truth since it is clear as rock in life but it will never happen since it is not possible for my thought
And for my mind to see that sometimes even solid things are rejected by mind and on that point
We need to convince ourselves to ignore it even when we are right we have to tell ourselves that
We are alone in truth even if it is truth in life on that time it seem not like sunset but seem as if
We are drowning in sea of sorrows on that point only if we decide on that moment it's just pool
And we can swim in it then we can come out of them on every point those sorrows are just those
When this are not something which are part of solid thing which will create impact on our mind
After all those things which are truly existed in life never seem like something which will look
So good on every angle of life I wanted those things which so sure for eyes to look real in life
But solid things will have some impact on our mind when on every day we will move ahead in
Our life I just feel one thing even concrete thing can become invisible in life when people decide
That it is not existed by their mind and this all will turn totally wrong in life because existed thing
Will not vanish it will harm us in life but sometimes when people say we have to tolerate pain
In life not because we are guilty but because we never manage to convince people just on time.

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