Friday, January 23, 2015

Poem 1911. Prolonged childhood

                                                        Prolonged childhood
Those thoughts of childhood which will have some thinking on every point that childhood will look
So much great on every point I just feel one thought from inside that childhood will look so much
Great to us on every point but do you think child is not suffering in life just look around and then
You can see list of problems in their life some times some rule enter and we can at least question
Then but child will have to bow on every point when child will have some thought on every thing
In life after all child needed to bow to those rules and can't even complain in life just needed to move
Ahead with one thought from inside that they have to do it on every time but then when I need to
Just move ahead on every point I feel one thought from inside that child will complain and may be
Cry on some point but then that child accept slowly that tide child will move ahead with each step
In life I feel just one thing from my mind that childhood is never that much stubborn at any point
As grown up never accept something when they made up their mind while child can manage to then
Create effect on our life because when we move ahead on every point I will just have one feel from
Inside that each child will have some idea from inside this child will show many concepts
In life after all when child will have some thought from inside that concepts which we have some
Thought from inside so then I feel one thinking from inside then childhood have some thinking
From inside when child began to move ahead on every point because child will show there are
Many sort of thought from inside then childhood will be so hard task on every point so then I feel
One thought from inside then childhood will be create one concept from inside of mind but then
Child will have some sort of thought from our mind then I feel one thing from our mind but then
Childhood will have some thinking from inside then thinking of child will have some sort of understanding
Which will have some thought from inside that every thinking which will have some impact on
Our thinking and mind they knew that they can set every thing right if they decide to do it from
Mind so even when some things break they cried for some time and then find some thing new in
Their life not like grown up they just keep crying for something centuries after centuries inside life
A child seem to know when stop  crying while adults just fall in love with concept of just discussing
Every injustice for centuries in life grown up just need to move ahead from past on many times but
Grown up just keep their anger for too long time and when that anger start to give them troubles
In life they just claim that how hard is their life another problem is one which we face on every
Moment and point those childhood will have some effect on our mind but then when we move
Ahead on every point those fears which will have some effect on every point but then I have just
One thought from inside that fear of child is something so clear and obvious in life I feel one
Thinking from inside of our mind when I will move ahead on every action in life so then I feel
Fear is something which will have some nice sort of impact on our life but then fear will have
Some effect on our mind since fear is that feel which will  make cheerful our thought on every point
But then I feel one thought from inside that  child have faith on us on many points while
Our faith is not on any thing in life so our life will look so much great on every area of life
So we need to keep that faith perfect and bright from inside our mind I just have one thing from
Our mind since we are in so much love with childhood on every point then why don't we keep
Faith in tact in life we have never lost anything but our faith on those moments of life but then
That faith is replaced by our stubbornness in life we just feel one thing that we know every thing
And that have manage to create impact on our mind when we move ahead on each step then we
Just have one feel from inside that we know all while others don't know much in life we just
Began to feel that we even don't know who created this world and it's every concept from inside so
When we move ahead on every point we just argue on each point never quit some point and
Just move ahead in life never let one winning as winning of small game in life we just began to
Feel winning make us so great that we can rule our world and others life that concept take us
Always from childhood and also take away others happiness from them in life we want to be
Small like child then why are we insulting others on every point why we want to capture world
When child never want it in life child want just to enjoy their life with games on every point
When some child include that ambition on some point childhood become one dream that is so
Far away from that child so it's up to you how to keep childhood in life it is not about age but
It is about just thoughts in life which will make us happy on every moment and every point in life.

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