Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Poem 1883. Respecting unworthy

                                                         Respecting unworthy
There are many photos which are showing many animals in life but sometimes it feel they are
So far away in life but then sometimes it feel that we are always from every point that those
Photos will look so beautiful on every point because those animals will look so fresh on every
Moment and point in those photos will show so many great things on every point those photos will
Look so enchanting from inside because photos will look so perfect on every angle of life so
Then on those photos I will see many sort of photos which are showing many sort of look
Which I miss in life but then when I look carefully I suddenly feel one thing from inside that
When we see animal we need to think again and again which animal look so much great in life
Just look at tiger and you sense one thing from inside this tiger want to live each day as per
It's view and choice may it be animal but it never want to live with us in life so why should
We force that one in our life but when we move ahead we just feel one thing from inside that
What we feel so nice on every point so then in photo when it will look so great we want it in life
But it is never wise decision of our life those things which are dependent never want to live just
Under us on every point when we want to move ahead we just never understand that in those photo
Those animals will look so nice in those picture we can see many things which will look so much
Great on every point that photo will have that look which will give great effect to my life then
I feel one thought from inside that in this photo there are some part which look so much perfect
On every angle of life I feel one thing from my mind sometimes we just don't think what we
Need from inside that in this photo I can see many great things on every point those animals
Which will look so great on every point because in that photo I can see many animals alive
On every angle of life when I see that photo I see many animals as part of life who are not that
Much suitable on any angle or on any point tiger will give majestic look to those photos that
We feel that they should become part of our life on every moment it seem so much wrong on
Every point I feel just one thought from inside that tiger which look so much wrong for our house
Seem so perfect for us on every time but then even if we decide to say that tiger can eat us so
It is wrong for life but just think about deer on every point that skin which have so nice sort of
Golden touch on skin that will look so interesting on every point that deer which will look so
Much pleasant on every point these deer move around on every point after all those deer don't
Look that much lovely at every point in that photos there are many deer in that photo
we see vegetarian deer which will look so much better in photo and then we feel
That photos will look so great on every point when deer will have some look nice and perfect
On every angle of life but then when deer will enter in our house when deer will manage to take
Us on some point those deer will look so much great with golden touch on some point then I feel
One thing from inside that deer will look so much better on every point that deer is not something
Which will look so much great on every point because deer will not like to stay with us on some
Moment and some point but then I feel one thought from inside deer will look so much better
In photos which are created just to please us in life no longer seem that much great on every
Moment and point when we move ahead then on every point I feel one thought from inside
But then I feel that deer will manage to destroy many things in life after all deer will manage
To break many things from house since deer want freedom so some animals we love but they
Are not suitable in life since tiger will harm us and deer will get hurt due to us on every point
After all tiger will may like to stay with us but we must not keep it with us on any point and
Deer never like us on any point so then deer enter in house on every point I feel that deer will
Break many thing s on every point so some wild animal wanted freedom on every point so then
Those pet animals which I feel civil animal are nice on every point so I just never understand
That why we want to control those things in life which are not made for us on every point
When god have created for us friendly things in life dove, dog. cow which become insult in our life
How can we respect just those things which never care for us in life but still we just run after
And try to control and cage things on every point so those pet animals will look so good on
Every point but still we just want to control on every point that is never made for us on any
Point those things which are suppose to live wild life become need of our mind but I just feel
One thing from inside only if we understand to give respect to those things which does things
For us in life but those who help us seem wrong and useless to us just because they are so
Easily come to help us on every point I just feel so wrong is that thought from inside but I know
One thing no one understand it they never like dogs and donkey, tiger which eat them seem
Most best friend inside their future on every point as well as on every sort of thinking in life
Respecting to unworthy seem like just style of many human being's each and every thinking.

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