Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Poem 1917. Words in life

                                                       Words in life
When words have meaning which will have impact on mind which will keep us just sleepless night after night
Those words are giving meaning to our life not because we like them but because for them we have strange sort of dislike
On some moment we feel we can ignore them in life after some moment they will just become that concept which
We hate from inside at every point we feel one thought from inside that every moment we need to ignore them if we feel
Those words are hurting us on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that some words are
Just creating that effect which will hurt our mind on every point words are creating that world on
Every moment and point this words have that meaning which capture our mind we need to just
Understand our mind on every point words will have two different sides which will take us ahead
But some words are cutting heart on every point when words are creating worst effect on our mind
Those words are so wrong at every point after all words are not going ahead as per our wish in life
Those words are creating so many effect on our mind those words are having so much understanding
On every moment in life that understanding will show us that point where understanding will just
Create so worst effect in life after all understanding will show us that part of mind life will look so
Much great on every point understanding will show this world that point where we need to just have
One understanding from inside those understanding are having impact on our mind that understanding
Which those words will have manage to capture our mind understanding will look so different effect
On life that words will show us that point where understanding will show our future and life in just
Totally different way in life so then words will have so many effect on our mind we feel that words
Will show us that side which will take us ahead to that point where we can see world in just totally
Different way from mind because word will show us new way of life we feel just one thought from
Inside that words are creating so much effect when they have so much confused meaning inside
Our life so then words will create for us totally different sort of life so at every point we feel just
One thought from inside that words that are irritating us throughout day are harming us by just
Managing to keeping us awake on every point we feel just one thought from inside so those words
Will show us that we can't be happy until we do our duty in life that is to throw out those words
Out of our life so then I feel one thought from inside words will show understanding on every point
We feel one thought from inside words will create so worst effect on our life so then at every point
Word will tell us we need to remove them in life but while doing that we will manage to fix them
More and more inside our life we feel just one thought from inside those words will show us those
Concepts which will show us different concepts in life after all those words will have some effect
In our life those words are creating so much impact on our mind we just never want to think of
Those words but we think of them whole time since they are taking us to wrong point after all those
Words are just worst effect on our mind we feel one thought from inside because words will just
Manage to create so much effect on mind because words are just leading to that point where we
Can see words in proper style of life we want to understand our mind we feel just one thought
From inside those words are having meaning inside life but then those words will manage to just
Change our life because we can't ignore them but then we feel one thought from inside so then
At one point we feel one thought from inside words will show in totally different way in life so
Those points will show us in different way our life we feel just one thought from inside at every
Moment and point we feel one thing from inside we need to understand world will be shown in
Proper way and on proper point we feel just one thought from inside words are taking us to that
Point these words are showing that we must take them out of life because when we move ahead
On every point words will create that effect on mind which will take us ahead on every step of
Our life we need to understand our mind on every point words will take us to that point where
We will understand world is totally different than what we understand from our mind we need
To just understand our thinking and life we have to take our world to that point where we can
Just manage to see it in different light we are no longer important for us on any point but just
That words will began to rule our life at every point that words will have some effect on our mind
Words will show in totally different way our mind so we need to understand thoughts from inside
Those words are entering and irritating our life but those words are forming wrong concepts
In life because words are taking us to that point those words will just turn to that point where
Words will manage to destroy our words and life we are in worst condition of life since that
Words are creating so much effect on future at every point we need to use word on every point
Words are leading to different sections of life where we will see in totally different way just
Every part of life that word will create our future and we claim to throw away words in life.

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