Monday, January 12, 2015

Poem 1892. Obsessed thoughts

                                                            Obsessed thoughts
When we want something sometimes we just become so obsessed with that need on every point
I just feel sometimes we need to move ahead on every point but then those things which will just
Manage to create impact on our mind I feel only one thought from inside that when I decide to
Just move ahead obsessed with one thought from inside that I need to get that thing with just one
Thought on every point we just never understand any thing else on any point we just feel one thing
From inside that our this thought will take us to that thing in life but it is not taking us near since
It just keep us on that point we keep trying in wrong way sometimes in life our thoughts  will
Just manage to move us on just one angle of life that we never understand other concepts inside
Some times obsession just manage to confuse us on every point our thought will have some thing
That manage to confuse our mind we never understand when our obsession become a wrong thought
Of our mind on every point our thoughts will lead us to that section that tell us just our need but
It don't tell us do we have right to have that thing in life those thoughts which will take us ahead
Will just manage to confuse our mind our thoughts are not making us winner on any point but
They are just managing to confuse our life that thing will have just one thing from inside that
Obsession will manage to confuse our life because we want to move ahead on every point so then
I have one thought from inside when things will lead to that area of life where we just feel that
We want that thing but we want to find important sort of thing on every point so then on every
Area that need of getting things which will be have some interesting things in life those thoughts
Are something which are needed on every point of life since we just manage to imagine good sort
Of thoughts on every point we never understand one thought on every point but then when we just
Want to move ahead on every point but then just getting attach one thought from inside but then
When we move ahead on every point I will feel obsessed with one thought from mind but those
Thoughts things which will show us on every point need of them from inside are just managing
To change our thinking on every point because we just think what we want to get in life but we
Just never understand one thought from inside but how did we manage to show some impact on
Our life when we remove obsession sometimes we want to move ahead on every point when we want
To think before just getting obsessed in life hoping for some thing is not wrong but obsession is
One thought on every mind because it keep away from logic and sometimes we just remain away
From logic on every point those thoughts which tell us we can get that dream just keep us with
One feeling that thing is dream on horizon on every point when we move ahead in life we just
Feel one thought from inside that our dream are nothing but just one thought which will manage
To turn truth on every point only if we use them with rules in life but then those things in life
But then obsession will be mistake on every point so then I feel one quality on every point so then
Trying just for one thing on every point but then that need of things on every time when things
Will have some effect on our mind but things will create many effect on every point but then
Those things which will have some impact on our life when we see many things that will have
Some effect on our mind we just feel one thing from inside but then just wanting some thing
Manage to create that effect of Midas which makes even positive things in life so then on every
Point we just want to move ahead on every point with one thought that is our need from inside
Of getting thing on every point I feel one thought from inside that obsession which we have
In life that will confuse us in life since those things that will have some results on every point
In our life because just want of getting things on every point obsession never let us to turn in
Right way in life it will manage to confuse our mind we are no longer interested in getting things
In fact those things which are easy for us turn into hard way for our life we feel one thought
From our mind so we feel one thing from inside that thought are obsession to our mind but
Then our thought will turn positive on every point of life so then when life will turn in totally
Confused on every point so when we need to understand one thought on every angle of our life so
Those thoughts which are taking us ahead in life just tell us one thing our obsession is just one
Sort of thought which will be part of my life on every point but then I feel that obsession is
One quality which take us away from target on every point instead of winning we just began to
Lose on every time our thoughts will confuse our mind so when ever you want thing think with logic
On every point never just get obsessed with things on every point inside our life on each point.

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