Monday, January 26, 2015

Poem 1915. Simple ways in life

                                                         Simple ways in life
Why people can't be simple in life why can't we need on every point so then at every point that in
Life we feel just one thing from inside life can't be simple on any point since it will create so many
Effect on every point of life we just feel one thing from inside that simple is true need of life so
At every point simple is one thought which will take us ahead to that point where simple will just
Become logic of our life we want to walk in simple way on every point simple things are that which
We truly need in life we want to walk in simple way and create nice future for us at every point but
That never happen since we never act in simple way in our life on every step we just sense one
Thought from our mind that simple feel is need of our life when we walk in simple way we see
Many nice things of life at every moment simple thing will create so much impact on our mind
But still we just never dare to act simple since we are so much scared that some one will use us in life
We just feel one thought simple things are just moving ahead in just one way where simple thing
Will become need of our life but still we keep secret from all at every time because our trust is
Just reduced by wrong thought of life those thoughts which capture our mind in such way that we
Just can't understand our life on every point we need to move ahead in life with so many secrets
On every point we need to live that simple and perfect life but still we have seen so much wrong
That we feel one thing from our mind that simple will never apply to our life because we are always
Scared on every point we just feel one thought from inside that simple is that thought which will
Manage to take us ahead on every point where simple style of living on every point so that sort of
Simple things will take us to that side where we can move ahead easily on every point we just have
One feel from inside simple is that act which will take us ahead on every point when we start to live
In simple way in life those simple ways are right on every point when then we thought simple sort
Of thought which will have so innocent and precious in life then simple will have some thought that
Will lead to wrong point but good ways of life so then we move it to easy way in life because those
Thoughts which are simple to move ahead in life seem like those simple and pure thoughts will just
Look so wrong on every point because simple is that which will show us world in good sort of life
So then simple ways are need of our life we feel just one thought that movement should be such that
Simple will show us some concepts of life which will look easy on every point so those simple sort
Of things in life those simple facts are easy for our life because simple will show us that way of
Our future and life on every point simple ways will show our world at every point we feel one
Thought from inside simple and easy ways are true ways of our life which will show this world
In new light we don't want world to use us so we complicate them on every point we are so scare
To walk straight in life that we confuse our ways on every point we need to walk with care on just
Each and every point simple ways are true proper ways of life but we are so scared from inside
So then at every simple way we need to understand one thought from inside then simple ways
Will show us that point where we need to tell our mind just one fact from inside simple type of
Ways are need of our life when simple ways will show us good way in life so then simple sort
Things will show us pure sort way of life that simple will be so nice on every point then those
Simple ways will have many sort thoughts which will show us this world in good point in life
Then simple things are not easy which we need on every point that simple ways will show us
That sort of feel from inside simple ways are need of life on every point because simple ways will
Manage to complicate our mind since some times we think too much even on simple thing in life
We want to claim things are easy but we just claim it for other we never claim it for us on any point
Our all claims will become useless after some steps of life we need to understand our thoughts and
Our mind before we claim something we need to understand our thoughts from inside simple ways
Are need of our future on every point but we can never move in simple way in our life when we
Start to move we complicate our thinking and thoughts on every point simple ways will turn into
Some thing wrong on every point simple thing seem just for others but it never touch us on any
Moment and point simple things are no more that easy for our life we need to keep them just as
Per our thoughts simple way to move ahead on every point so those simple ways which will look
So great on every point so that simple things will take us ahead on every point so simple ways
Will have show us to that point simple things will show us that ways which will move us to that
Point where simple thing will have so much panic from inside because we scared from inside so
Then simple will have those ways on every point which will show us sunlight on every point of life.

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