Thursday, January 22, 2015

Poem 1909. Rose and cactus in life

                                                       Rose and cactus in life
Tree will have some concepts which are so useful inside life these tree are leading to that look
And that useful things in life then tree will be useful they will have many types of effect on our life
When tree will have some design and remedy on every point that trees are leading to many sort
Of problem on every point when on that tree I see many sort of useful things in life but then 
When we move ahead on every point and usefulness or uselessness on every point we just never
Want to plant that tree which don't blossom as we prefer and like we never plant that tree which
Don't grow what we like but have we ever thought that even that tree give us coolness on every
Point but we just see those blossoms and beauty from inside we want just those things which will
Manage to look good in our life but then there are many things which will have some effect on
Our life since they look so much lovely and nice for life since some times show and look just
Manage to capture our mind but some times I have noticed strange thing in life only when there
Is blossom on other people's tree people say it on every point so then I will have one thought from 
My mind that those things which will have some effect on our mind we feel one thinking from 
Inside that those beauty which belongs to others sometimes seem just useless to people in life
Just give that beauty to them then they just began to shine then beauty become some thing so 
Much precious in life so then when on every step I found that equal become just thing which 
Will be use to show other less and show themselves as better in life so those concepts in life
When blossom will have some look on every point then tree will have some look which will 
Just have some effect on our life then tree will have many look that concept in life when on that
Tree on every point when on every branch will have many beautiful and fresh look on every point
On tree we can see many sort of look which we like but when people tell us that those flowers 
Are so wrong for our life and we must admire that cactus since it is useful in life some times 
We just get convince when more people tell us that in life but does it mean that we need to just
Go ahead and fall in love with cactus and hate flowers in life just saying since some thing have
Beauty will look so much great on every point but then that beauty which will have that look 
On every point but when we say we must not look just at beauty never mean we must hate beauty
In life how confused are people inside life they just never understand when they will act which
Way inside life those concepts which we see inside our life tell us that we most develop any 
Dislike for some one inside life when we move ahead on every point I have one thought from 
My mind beauty will differ but it must not matter that much in life but we need to hate beauty
Is also wrong concept of life we need to understand rose have beauty but it don't have that soft
On every point it is delicate one so we need to handle it with care on every point but does that 
Turn rose in worst thing in life but some one say cactus is useful so we must throw away rose
Do you really feel that we need to hate cactus on every point that sharp touch will manage to 
Just create effect on our life so cactus is full of thorn on every point when we touch then it may
Hurt us in life but since sometimes people advise us in life that cactus is so much great I have
Seen people those who love roses on every point just reject them since they are advise we need to
Understand on every point but then roses will no longer some thing so famous in life so they just
Decide may be cactus is better gift than rose in life I just feel one thought from inside but then
Cactus will look have cuts which will look so much great and harm us in life so then this sort
Of cuts of cactus will hurt and harm us in life we just like soft touch in our life we just move 
Ahead with others thoughts on so many point that we just began to ignore things in life but then
That smell of rose which lack on every point cactus will never have smell on every point on
Every point that look will have some effect on every point but we need to understand one thing
From inside if we want to be equal then tree cactus and rose should be side by side we must
Not hate one of them in life if you hate and treat it in wrong way one day will come in life 
And some who like rose will manage to say it with loud voice no longer you will look so much
Great for hating rose in life because hating ugly look and hating beauty are equal crime we need
To understand one thought from our mind that when we move ahead on every moment and on
Every point we need to give importance to both things in life those moments which will manage
To take us ahead on every point when we understand both things are equally important inside life. 

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