Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Poem 1881. Show off of bravery

                                                       Show off of bravery
How brave is that one who speak in life in such way that kills others  heart from inside just on every point
Because some one have power to hurt others in life should we consider it as brave in life
How brave is that one who speak just words since it is duty of that point when other people
That one feel speaking duty on that point I just have one question when other stand even after
Near one's death we don't expect them to smile so how speaking on stage even after death  of
Unknown becomes such bravery in life if we feel sorrow for unknown then we need to show them
For support in life in case near one we need to move   ahead so it is need of that moment Which we Have inside but strange is this world which expect us to cry for every one in life while some people
Do every thing and go as per plan but they are so kind because they manage to crying on just suitable
Time and how easily people ignore tears of those eyes which are due to pains manage drying on every
Moment people who are having true sorrows inside sometimes ignored and called ruthless in life
But those who have power of killing seem so kind just because they manage to get sympathy in life on
Just every moment and each point we just manage to confuse our heart due to big drama in our life
Sometimes I feel just one thing from my mind that we can never able to see true face inside our life
People just get convince on every point with one thought from inside that what they saw on face
Is just one expression on every point that they want them to be real in their life when we move ahead
On thought thinking will enter in our life that brave feeling which we feel from inside will so
Wrong on every angle of life those features which we see on every moment of life will seem like
Something that will have some effect on our mind we feel one thing from our thinking on every
Moment and point those thoughts which will show many sort of reaction in life we feel that those
Concept will look so good at every area of life when we see many effect on those feather it will have
Some effect on these feature will have different look on -differ which will have some reaction
Inside life then when feature will have effect of our mind on every point it feel that face will have
So different look according to our reaction in our life when those feature will have some effect on
Every point sometimes people just play with feature and people believe it to be truth inside life
While some people never show in face they are misunderstood on every point that these feeling
Which called brave just began to depend on our features in life then what will be remain meaning
Of bravery in life some times it is on change of feature and sometimes it is on occupation in life
But I feel bravery is that which is hidden inside our heart on every point bravery is that feeling
Which will have some effect on our heart and mind on every point that bravery which are showing
Many sort of factor on every point because brave is that thought which will have some impact on
Our life because that bravery will look so great and pure on every point that feeling which will
Look so much high which will be feeling will have some effect on our life then when bravery will
Have some feeling which will look so great on every point when we move ahead on every point
Bravery will have some effect on our life but then mind will have some impact on our mind but
Sometimes true bravery remain hidden and just show off gets credit in life sometimes people just
Don't understand what is written inside that mind on every point it seem as if every thing that look
So perfect is not truly brave in life we feel just one thinking that we need to win on every step of
Our future with our brain on every point those thinking which will have some good effect on our
Thinking at every point will look so much great on every angle of life those people who act brave
Sometimes just don't get credit in life but we need  to understand our credit is not from people it will
Be just comes from god on every point I just feel one thing that we must not trust what people
Think on every part we need to understand one thing that we are true and brave then we just don't
Need credit on every part mistakes are also our life's some part I just feel one thing from our
Thinking at heart I feel one thing from my heart that those thinking which will have some reaction
On every part but then emotions will have some impact on our heart but then on every moment
Which will have some reaction on every part I just feel one thought from my heart so then I feel
One thing that our mistakes are always shown big when people want to call other brave heart
Just never let our heart to move ahead on every part but then heart will look so much impact
On our thinking and on our heart I want that feeling which will have some effect on our thinking
And heart so then I feel bravery will look nice on every point that will touch our heart but we need
To understand does that bravery is true quality and true feeling from our thinking and our heart.

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