Friday, January 16, 2015

Poem 1899. Cage of good things

                                                        Cage of good things
When in life we went ahead on every point then as we want to try to move ahead
In life but then I feel one thought from inside I feel I have one thought from inside
That good things will look so much better on every point when we want to find just
Some thing from our mind that good thing will have perfect sort of ambition which should
Be stored from inside after all those good things which will look so nice when we just
Manage to understand our mind I feel that one thing is so right that when we move ahead
On every point I will just feel one thinking from inside that good things should not hold
On any point because good things are those things which are needed on every angle and
On every time when we want to understand one fact which is needed on every area of life
But then good as well as bad things on every point will have some impact on our mind
Because good things are something which are responsible at every angle of every point
But then good things will look so much great but then good things are not that much
Good as well as nice but one thought of holding good things that have some thought
Inside life since good things are something so precious in life they will take us ahead on
Every point of life but then we need to move ahead on every angle of life I feel one thing
From inside because mind will show some angle of point which will have some effect in
Our mind we never understand when we try to hold good we are not holding but we are
Just managing to keep it out of our life because when we hold something so hard we just
Damage that thing in life we need to understand that freedom is that thought which needed
On every point we must not try to hold any thing on any point when we tie something
Then it will have effect on our mind and our future will differ by our thoughts on every
Moment and point those things which will have some effect to our mind are mostly those
Things which will show us light but if we try hold our light darkness will be future on
That moment and point so we need to understand that light will have that shine which will
Look so much great only when we let it free on some point we must not try to hold anything
How much may we need them on any point just because birds are giving us good company
Do you feel caging them is wise because when you do that they are no longer your friend
They become your slave for life and slave is never great concept on any moment or on any
Angle or point we need to understand that goodness is just concept of our mind and at every
Point that concept will change if we let goodness to be reduced on some point when we start
To move ahead I just feel one thought from inside good things are some thought which will
Give shine on every point after all good things will show our life that shine in which we can
See many angles of life when we start to move ahead on every point good sort of thought
That touch our mind when I will want to move ahead on every point only when we let that
Good turn into something precious then it will look so great on every point but when we
See start to move ahead those thoughts that are leading to concepts which are good on just
Every moment and point that thought which will help us on every point good is that thought
But good thing are so important inside our life when they are free and we let them come and
Go away as they like we must not try to stop flow on any point we need to move ahead on
Every angle of life but then those good concept will look so bright when we see them on
Any angle of life I just feel good things should be like those things which will give light
To our life when we move ahead I feel one thought from inside that good things will be
That perfect thought on every point after all good thinking must move ahead on every point
But I just have one thought from inside that good thing is that concept which will take us
To right area of life I feel one thought from inside I can never store good things in my life
Good things will move ahead then on every step I see those good things can't fly so easily
On every point when good things will have some precious in our life those good things
Are not something caged in life I just feel one thought from my mind we need only morals
Not other things to caged in life we need to move ahead on every point with just one thought
That we need good things on every moment and point but they will visit us on right time
We must not try to cage any one for our choice they will not give us happiness since those
Good thing needed freedom to do things perfect and right on every point of our future and life.

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