Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Poem 1884. Worst dream

                                                       Worst dream
These dream which will have some effect on our life when dream will have some impact in life
Because in that dream we see many things in life at each dream we have many angles of life
In dream we see many things on every point that in one dream we have many sort of meaning
In that dream which will have some things on every point that dream we see some sort of things
Which different on every point when dream will show us many angle of life but then dream
Will show us what we have inside but I just don't feel every time dream will have some sort
Of impact on our life I have so many types of dreams which are never even some in our mind
How can those things enter in dream sometimes they say they are something which we think
From our mind but they are not that much truth of life those dreams will have so many sections
In life these dreams will have so different meaning that they will manage to effect our thoughts
And our mind when dream will have so many section which will have some effect on our mind
Those dream seem to have that meaning which will show many angle which show many part of
Our future or present on every time but that dream is not that truth which I can see in my life
So easily sometimes dreams manage to confuse things on every point inside life so those things
Which will have some influence on our mind sometimes so look different when they enter in
Our life on every point in our world dream will manage to change so much that it no longer just
Manage to show us any truth on any point that change manage to confuse our dream so much
That those dreams will look so different on every angle of life I just have one feeling from inside
Dream will just never look that much truth in life because those dream will look so much evil
Which will have some effect on our life but then dream will have some different look that we
Just don't manage to understand that look on any point when dream will look so wrong and then
It will look so ugly on every point those dream will have some worst sort of effect on every point
Because dream no more seem that much real in life since dream is not something which will be
Real any more since on every point those dream will manage to differ us so much those dream
Will are showing worst type of thing that dream will never have any look wrong on every point
But that bad dream will have bad effect to our life so then that bad dream will look so nice
Which have bad effect to human mind on every moment I just think one sort of thing that those
Dream no longer manage to create impact on our world when from first step I just manage to
Move on next step in life I feel that there are worst sort of dream which will have worst sort of impact
On our mind in that dream I will see so different things reality no longer manage to touch our
Thinking those dream will create impact on every thinking it will differ us on every point those
In dream we can find many types of things those dream will have different angle of our life
In dream I see many sort of things but then when I will dream I will always manage to create
Some sort of worst things in that dream we can see sort of worst things which will have some
Sort of reaction that will not look so much real on every thinking in each dream we can see
So many different sort of things which no longer seem like real dream they will have many sort
Of things which no longer real for our world we just keep thinking one thing in our world that
Dream is not real and that is also truth of our world that dream is no longer true or no longer
Real for our world when we move ahead on every point dream seem to create worst type of
Impact on our thinking those dreams which will manage to look so real in each and every thing
I just feel one thing that dream will differ on every sort of thinking because dream are not more
Real thing since dream are changes due to many thoughts to our world on any point in our
Mind and thinking so those dream will have some impact to our world that dream will have
Some sort of worst effect on our life because that dream will have some worst type of effect
To our life because life will have some effect then dream will have bad impact on our mind
So in that dream I see many sort of our life but then in that dream those are creating worst
Type of effect to our thinking because dream will have that look which will look so much
Bad for every human being after all that dream will have some sort of thinking which will
Just manage to create bad effect to our thinking in that dream bad thing will have some reaction
To our life and our thinking we feel one thought on every angle that dream will have worst
Sort of effect in that dream since reality no longer seem as part of our future and our life on
Every point I feel just one thing that dream will look so much worst on every point but then
We feel just one thing that it is no longer our thinking I just agree with that thing when it change
So much it really no longer remain our thought or our thinking because it is not our thinking.

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