Saturday, January 24, 2015

Poem 1914. Walking on thread

                                                           Walking on thread
Sometimes when I move ahead in my life I just jump without much thinking in some tide and
Then I just plan how to move ahead with that tide on that moment just adventure seem so much
Important priority of my life I just never give second thought what will happen due to that jump
In my life I just feel that I need to do it because it is justice and it is sometimes right but
Sometimes feel so much confused from inside that I need to move ahead with one thought from
My mind that adventure is that thinking which look so perfect on every point when we move
Ahead only with one point that adventure is need of my life since on that point I just have one
Thought from inside that I want justice in life so I am not even scared to swim ahead against
Any tide sometimes I feel just fighting for justice is so easy part of life but hardest part is that
Making friendship in life when I start to make friend I will always manage to give them smile
And talk with them so perfectly on every point those movement which I will do with view of
Making friendship in life but then when we move ahead on some angle of our life those movement
Which are taken with thought of friendship scare on every point I feel just one thought from inside
When adventure will turn lead to many problems in our future and life friendship is that thought
Which we want to take on every step of life with hope good but I am so scared on every point
So those thoughts of friendship will turn into that side where we can see many kind of lights on
Every angle and point but then friendship means also standing with friends in life but then comes
Next question on every point that does those friends stand on right side because sometimes just
Every thing turn so wrong way in life when friend stood on wrong time it is not about just breaking
Friendship but it is also about screaming about it on top of lung on every point because if you
Just manage to keep quiet then all will assume just one thing from inside that we are on wrong side
So one wrong friendship means just biggest drama of life since some friends just never quit you
So easily in life they just kept claiming on every point that on you they have right just being friend
Never mean we can become inhuman in life when friend does some thing wrong it is like moving
On one small thread on every point when I start to move on that small thread on every point while
Balancing inside our life walking without falling is hard task for our life on every moment of life
It is so hard to understand life when we start to walk on that small thought or small point I know
Friendship is not small thing in life but when we do something wrong for friend and cheat our
God on that point that friendship looks nothing but just small threat on that point because it seem
As if we have cheated our best friend our god in life so other friendship no longer matter in life
So when I make friendship it scare me so much every time since judging good from bad is not
That much easy in life since human being are needed to stand together in life so we need to just
Search for friend on every point we need to find some friend who will look so good to our life
And walk with us in life it is not seem as easy as just walking against tide it is hard like floating
And swimming in that tide drowning seem easy job than saving ourselves by swimming some
Times seem like so hard task on every point but that is true hard work for our life since moving
Ahead is not easy job for our life we just need to understand one thought from our mind that
When we move we need to walk with so much care on every point because life is not about just
Drowning but it is about saving ourselves and swimming perfectly even in worst sort of tides
Which will take us ahead on every step of life we need to understand on every point just one
Thought from inside that tide are to swim not to get drown on every point we need to understand
One thought on every point that friendship is worth to take risk every time still friendship just
Manage to scare me so much every time enemy can't do that things which friends do some times
Since enemies are not that bad sometimes circumstances put us in such situation that enemies
Are created in life but those friends who manage to turn us to worst point can't be ignored as
Just some tide we need to understand one thing from inside that enemy can be friend but never
Create worst sort of friend in life that can hurt us so much that we can't stood again in our life
So we need friend but need to make them care in life but we must not feel so much scared on
Every point to make friendship inside life since friendship is so need of moment and that time
So I have understood one thing in life walking some times of thread is rule of our future and life.

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