Saturday, January 31, 2015

Adventure story 174. Examination paper

                                                        Examination paper
Sakhi was so panic when she entered in that examination room, she was so sure that she didn't able to write answer sheets. She felt that she would faint on staircase. She sensed that she would not able to do it. But still she went ahead. Finally she went in examination room. But as soon as she saw examination paper, she started writing answers. Suddenly she looked at paper and she sensed that she knew most of answers. She started writing them. She was became so busy in writing paper. She no longer sensed any thing odd. She started writing answers on paper. She was careful regarding every thing her writing and her style. She started writing every paper while considering every word with care. She was looking at each question which would had different meaning for her. It was goal for her success at every point. She felt just one thing. She started writing answers and she sensed that she knew most of them. She began to feel that those answers would look so much great. She answered every question with full concentration. She was answering question paper with full concentration. Every point those questions looked great now because she was calculating marks now. This was common with her. She was started writing paper. She began to feel relax from inside. She began to write it and whole world was just concentrated just on paper. She was doing it in right way. She began to read whole paper. She wrote it and she felt perfect. When she managed to complete it, she felt so great. She was fine now. She started writing paper because she wanted answers to be proper and nice. She was writing lines in paper. They all looked perfect on every time. When she had completed her paper, she wrote answers. Those examination paper would prove that she answered questions carefully. She had studied all those paper which were helping her that she did great. When she went out of examination hall, it was so great on every point. She wanted to answer those paper. She just always felt only those paper looked great which would had those question. That had answers known to them. She was so happy when she saw her friends. Then she ran towards them. Sakhi "Ranjana so do you like this paper? " Ranjana "Okay. What about you? "Sakhi smiled and said "Great." "Of course it would be easy for scholar like you. But for people like me. It was not that much great. It was problematic for simple student like me who have to study hard for hours still just don't get marks." Inside mind Sakhi was happy since she was called scholar. Sakhi "Come on. I am not scholar." "You are." Then all other girls joined them. It seemed as if she was only one who did best. She was so happy. She had even checked and confirmed answers. She was sure that she would get best marks. Now she was on top of the world.
        Sakhi always experienced same fear while writing paper. But she never felt any problem afterwards. She always went home with same pleasure. She knew that her results would be perfect but still if same fear from inside. It would be normal until date of results. She was enjoying every moment. When she came, her Mom came out side. But she didn't need to ask Sakhi's smile was telling her that paper was good for her. Sakhi started telling her Mom about paper. It was perfect. She was so happy. Even her Mom was happy to share her feelings. They were so happy. Every time Sakhi wrote each paper with care. It was her speciality. She was began to write paper. When she started to write paper in examination paper, she had to understood paper. She was answering paper. She wanted to her write every answer. She started doing every thing with full care. When her Dad came, she told him about paper with excitement. She was sure that it would be some thing which she could handle. She was so excited to get nice results. She was sure that they would solve paper. She was writing every paper with careful thinking. She was solving every paper. She was so carefully at every point. She did this every time. She was sure regarding her results. They would be something best. But then she began to think somewhere in her heart. She could face something worst. She could fail. She wanted to write paper. There was many chances that results would had effect on her life. She knew that she always managed to get good marks until now. But still she felt one thought from inside. She might face some problem this time. She just felt that she needed to act carefully. She must study for next paper from heart. She was studying for every chapter with care. She was so much concerned about that paper. In every page she just sensed some disaster. She was studying so hard on every moment. She was reading every book with care. But still she knew that some chapters were not completed by her. She had to study hard but at last moment she just couldn't start new chapters. It was worst for her. She could study them. But then she remembered that her sir told her that it would not be needed. She decided to just complete those limited chapters which were given to her. She sensed that it was not right time to start new one. Her heart wished on every time to finish her chapter. She wanted to study but she knew that on last day. She couldn't began to new chapter so she had to skip them. She had to just did those specific chapter which were mostly asked in examination due to lack of time. She just continued doing it.
         Next day once again Sakhi was scared. But this time when test paper came before her, it was not easy one like she hoped. It was hard all those question which she did manage to study on last moment were there. But still she kept peace of her mind as soon as her paper came before her. She started writing them with full concentration. She did her best. She knew that if she get nervous on that moment. She would lose every thing so she just kept doing it. She did her best. But that day when she went out, she was saying with all that her paper was worst. She was so tense. She was scared that she would fail in that paper. She told same thing to her Mom. It was worst day for them all. Her paper went worst. They all were tense now. But then they judged her marks. They confirmed that she should be passed. She started to understand paper at every step. She was studying so hard on every point. Then she were writing paper with full care. Next time she wrote answer sheet. She used to write every thing carefully. She did every thing just with one hope that she would pass. But somewhere she was writing everything. She was so tense that if she had wrote that paper in wrong way. Her all efforts would prove useless to this world. She was so panicked from inside. But still she gave her whole examination perfectly. But nothing was as perfect as her first paper. She still remembered that day. Then finally her exam was over. Her parents took her on vacation. She was enjoying her each day. But in her heart she felt as if it was her last vacation. She never able to enjoy like that again. That feel was scaring her on every moment. She wanted to things to be simple. But even on that vacation things were not that much easy for her. She just couldn't able to enjoy. It was not because she was tense. But thing just didn't turn out as per her wish. She felt scare from inside. She felt as if it was bad omen for her. She felt as if she sensed that some thing was going to be wrong with her. She told her Mom" Mom I sensed something is totally wrong." Mom "Don't worry. It is normal before results all felt that same way. It is going to be fine." "But what will happen if I fail?" "Don't worry sweetheart , I am with you. It will be fine even if you don't got good marks. Still we can manage every thing. Just remain relax." "Thanks Mom." She hugged her Mom. She knew that she would manage to do every thing if her Mom was with her. But in her heart she was so scared. She wanted to discuss more but then she decided that thing would not help her now. She should at least try to live and enjoy on that moment.
            Finally that day came when Sakhi's result would be shown, she was so tense. She went on internet to see her results. Her hand was shaking with fear. But still she did it and then her worst fear turned out to be true. She was failed. She knew it because of her worst paper. She must had failed in it. She was so sure. She had to do her extra work. She decided in her heart that she would do it. Then she went in college to get results. She received shock on that time. That first paper which she did her best was the paper in which she failed. It was not possible. She wanted to scream that it was not possible. But somewhere in her heart she knew that it was useless. Her marks must had changed. Then she suddenly remembered that student who was sitting before her. That student went away in just half an hour with smile on his face. She thought that it might be possible that this student managed it with money... Then she just didn't want to think about it. She needed revaluation. But she was so scared now of every thing. When she went home, she told every thing to her parents who promised her that every thing would be fine. She had to study again. But in her heart she sensed one thing that she might not able to give paper now. She kept studying. She was doing everything with balanced mind. But somewhere in her mind she wanted to hide from world in her own corner where she should not have to answer world. Then finally her paper was revalued. She got her marks and she was passed. On that point she felt that every thing would be fine for her. But it was not that way. Her friends were no longer interested in helping her. In fact they were too busy even to help her. She could sense that world was different towards her. But still she decided that it was just her thoughts. She had to move ahead with her life. She had to find some new way on every point. She started her career in new way. She began to go in that computer course. It was perfect. She did every thing in such perfect way. In class she was topper. Every one was nice to her. Her teacher was also nice one. It was all so much great. She felt that her life was perfect and fine. Until finally her course was over and she had to give examination. She had studied like normally she used to do. But then she started feeling feverish. She was so sure that she was going to had fever. Her Mom took her temperature on many times. But she didn't had fever. She was feeling as if she was going to faint. But when her Mom told her that she didn't have fever. She decided that she must go to examination. She went there with hope that every thing would be fine for her.
       From beginning Sakhi was feeling sick from inside. She just never understood how sick she was until she started writing paper. She just couldn't write perfectly. She sensed that something was wrong. She was feeling so sick. She was so sure that she would get temperature. She just wished from her heart that she was fine. She was so sure that it would had effect on her results. When she went home, she began to feel okay. At beginning she thought that it was her bad luck. But in that course she had to again and again give some reports and whenever time came to submit something and wrote for examination. She started feeling sick. Then she sensed something was wrong. She just never able to appear for examination. She just felt one thing from heart that she was getting sick due to news of examination. On every point she noticed that whenever examination was announced. She started feeling sick. She sensed that it was not normal. Even her Mom began to notice that her results were dropping. Sakhi "Mom I just feel that I can't able to write paper...Mom something is wrong with you." Then Sakhi started crying. She knew that she couldn't able to write paper. Her career was destroyed. She just kept writing but nothing was helping her. She felt sick on every point. She was not getting marks at all. Finally one day her Mom came in her room. Her Mom "Sakhi my friend told me about a counsellor who handle cases like you. If you go there, slowly your problem will get reduce. ""But Mom every one will taunt me including Daddy."" Don't worry. We will hide it." Then Sakhi nodded. She didn't want to prove herself mad but she sensed that something was wrong with her brain. She just kept trying to write paper but she just couldn't. Then she sensed that might be going to counsellor was not that bad. It was not that much serious. Then she went to her with Mom. That counsellor discussed with her all her problems. Sakhi first time told every thing to some one so frankly. She felt so relaxed then that counsellor told her how to handle her stress. When it was over, She came back to her Mom and told her "This is normal. Such trauma often develop in kids after such incidence. This is specific phobia regarding some situation. She felt fear and too much anxiety when she wanted to go for examination because she felt that she would fail again. It happens but I will teach her some technique of relaxation. She would easily able to handle phobias." Then Sakhi kept going there. Slowly she began to learn to relax when she gave her paper perfectly. She felt that she was so much relaxed for first time during her examination paper. Her normal phobia was also gone. She was completely relaxed and she got best marks. But she never dared to share with any one that she went to counsellor. In her heart she felt just one thing that they would never understood it on any point of life.
                                                                       The End

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