Sunday, January 4, 2015

Poem 1878. Expectations from gift

                                                      Expectations from gift
Some gifts are so small still precious in life when they are manage to come as surprise when
Some gift is expected I just feel that I expect too much from people in life so surprise thing will
Have some effect on our mind when gift are small things which will have some reaction on our
Thinking and mind those small gift will so important in life because that gift which will look
So much great in life after all small gift will look so wrong when we expect it from others in life
After all those gift which are so nice in life then when gift will seem so small on every point so
That small gift will having nice look in life when small gift that are so small on every angle of
Our future and life that small gift which take us ahead from mind when small things will come
Some effect on our mind those small things will look so much great on every point but then those
Small things will have some impact on our mind but still then small things will look so great on
Every point inside our mind so then small things will become bigger to our life when small things
Will have importance when they are given in special way in life but worst thing is that something
Bigger things seem like some thing so useless for our life we just keep searching for satisfaction
Which we feel from inside that big thing which will look so much great on every point but one
Thing so useful that things will not look that much great when we move ahead slowly in life with
Just selfish thought of getting things it will never look that much great like that small surprise
Gift of our life it is small thing so I never feel one thing that it could have that power inside
But even one jewel can't bring but small chocolate will bring that smile for our life on every
Moment and on every point since that small gift which will wake up our mind will seem like
Some thing that will bring freshness on every point we need just that happiness but we just never
Understand it in life we just feel we need things because we feel without things we can't live
Our life since those things become that part of our life which we just began to feel needed in life
Those things which are leading to that section on every point from where we can see just small
And nice cute sort of small gift which will look so nice on every point that small gift will touch our mind
When that small gift will look so touching to us on every point because those small gift are nothing
But just one thought from inside that touch us when it is given without expectation of life I just feel
One thing from inside how right is my teacher when she said that expectation are only problems of
Our thoughts and mind when we expect something then nothing can give us happiness in life then
We just want to move ahead with perfect hope of life those thoughts which tell us that small gift
Which we get in life is precious is one that never expect any thing on any point that small gift for
Which we feel happiness is something so nice for every point those gifts which are so small seem
So important inside life but then small thing which are little will look great when we expect them
As least in life those things which will so much good to us on every point when small things will
Matter more when they are given to us suddenly on some point it seem as if expectation are that
Enemy which take away joy of life those sweet and small things will look so great on every point
When small things will have some effect on our mind we feel just one thought from inside that
Small things will look great and big thing seem useless when we feel someone will give us just
Something precious in life because big things are just investment of future when we feel that those
Things are so great on every point those big things will look so great on every point that big sort
Of thing will  have some effect on our life but then big things will not look great because those
Big thing will have some nice effect on our mind but then small things will look so less on every
Point of life we feel one thought from inside bigger things are more important inside life but then
Small things which will have some effect on our mind those big things are great only for our future
And investment in life since that there are some things which are bigger and important inside life
That big things will have some effect on our life small things will create positive effect inside life
Many sort of things which will have effect inside life big things will look great and small things
Will look great when we don't expect in life that expectation will have some impact on our mind
After all expectation is that effect on our mind which will look so much great on every point and
I just feel one thing that expectations are that thought which I have inside my mind when I will
Move ahead I just feel one thing gift from some one who care for me will be precious for mind
But when it comes with expectation suddenly it doesn't look that much nice so on every moment
I feel one thought from inside I need to reduce my expectation if I wanted to live perfect sort of
Life on each and every point then only I will understand true meaning of gifts inside life because
Expectation never let my mind understand meaning of those gifts on any moment or on any point.

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