Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Poem 1893. Concepts like moon

                                                       Concepts like moon
New concepts and new thinking will always create on life that concept which will manage to just
Confuse us from inside at each and every point concepts are those things which will have some
Idea from inside those new things will show us those concepts in life they will show us something
New on every point when we need to move ahead on every point we feel just one thought from
Inside those new types of thoughts creating new idea to understand our thoughts on every point
We just never understand what sort of new thought of our mind which we have inside our mind
Those new thoughts which are part of our future on every point when new thing enter in our life
Since new thing start to change on every point of life when we do something wrong at every point
While thinking new thing we need to move ahead on every point with just one thought from inside
That new things will show us that moon which is so far away on every point we can never able
To touch it on any point those new things will show many sort of concepts in life those new things
Are something so unknown to us at every point those new things will so much better on every
Point those concepts will change many thoughts of life that new things are so far away that we
Just have one thought from inside that we need to understand new concepts which are far away
From us like moon to our life but sometimes we even manage to reach moon but then comes just
Next concept of life that when we reach on moon if we see just rocks and stones on moon we find
Do we feel moon is useless in life on every point we feel just one thought from inside that just
Reaching in sky with moon is not enough on every point when moon will manage to enter in our
Future and life we see on that moon many things but still even stones which are on moon seem
Like something so precious inside life then when moon will have some great thought on every
Moment and point since it is far away every thing on it will seem so much different on every point
Those thoughts which are unique and those feel which don't have gravity will seem so much precious
On every point those new concepts which are so important for our life no longer seem something
So important on any point when concepts are so much new we need to try them on every point
But then new things will look great on every point so then we feel just one thought from inside
That new things will take us to sky on every point those new things are those thought on every
Moment and point then new things will look so much great on every angle of life I will see that
New things will have confused effect on mind then new things will have so many ideas in life
When those ides have so many concepts on every point I just feel one thought from inside that
New idea is that thinking which will have good thought on every point but then as we start to
Move ahead we feel one thing from inside that new concepts will have some great feel inside life
That great feel make some good things and some bad things in life it's just up to us on every point
So I started to move ahead in life those new concepts will lead to that area where we can see
Many sort of thoughts on every point but then new thought will tell me one thought on every
Moment or point since those new things which are telling us they are something so new on every
Point but then new things will create some effect on our life that new things will look so much
Better on every point I feel just one thought from inside new things will show us many positive
Thoughts and sides I just have one thought that new thing will show us that new light on every
Point inside life after all new thoughts are creating good effect even when those things will look
So much better when they are important on every point I feel new thought is so much great at
Every angle of life we feel just one thought from inside that new concepts are creating impact on
Our life we see new things are eye opener on every time we feel one thought from inside that
Those new concepts are like moon but then can be sometimes good one also in life like some
Unique medicine which take away sickness from life we need that medicine as rare help for our
Health and life we want medicine to look great on every point we never want to think of medicine
Which will help us on every point but then medicine will have some thought from inside but
Then new concepts are sometimes having not that much good effect on life but they are so perfect
And worthy on every point I just feel one thing from inside that new concepts are those thoughts
Which touch our life it seem so much wrong on every point but then moon will have those sort
Of rocks and stones but they are also nice so try  to understand sometimes when things which are
Far away from hands are nice to our eyes but when we get them we must learn to respect those
Good as well as bad part on every time which will look so much better on every moment and point. 

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