Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Poem 1905. Those concepts

                                                           Those concepts
Those concepts which will have some impact on our life some concepts which are creating some
Thought on every point but then concepts are having different thoughts in life after all those thought
And those concepts when we start to move ahead on every point that concepts will have some sort
Of reaction in life then concept are having plenty of plans on every point those plans will have so
Many sort of concepts which are many thoughts on every side in each concept I see many sort of
Thought from inside at each thought I feel one meaning from inside with every point I feel so many
Angles of life with every concept I can see different side so on every concept of mind I just keep
Thinking one after another thought from inside I just feel one thing from my mind that those sort
Of concepts which wake up my mind are telling one thing from inside those concepts are having
So many relations in our life when those concepts are having different angles of life I feel just one
Thought and one line that those concepts which I have creating on every point because with each
Sort of concept I see one fact from my mind that in those concepts which are truly part of my life
Seem like that thought on every angles of life I feel one thing from my mind after all those thinking
Which are having different reaction in life those concepts will manage to create those effect on
Our life those concepts are having so many issues on every point I feel just one thing from inside
That those concepts which are having effect on different point of life I feel just one thing that in
Each concept I see many sort of actions in life I feel that in those concept I see many points of life
When I study each concept which have new effect on our life so these concepts will show us many type
Of impact on our mind after all those concepts are showing new effect to our mind after all those
Concepts are having so many impact on our mind when we create some concept they will have
Just that sort of concept of life which will show our life many thoughts on every point I just
Have one thought from inside that with each concept new dream will become alive then those things
Which will have new sort of life those concepts will have some look on every point when I will
Move ahead with some concept I feel one thought from inside that with each concept I have some
Thought from our mind but then with each concept we will have to see effect on our life then I feel
One thought from my mind that those concepts will show us many sides of life with each concept
I will see many thoughts on every part of life every concept will show us different angles of life
I feel just one thing from inside that every concept will create some effect on our life I feel that those
Concepts will have some effect that will take us ahead on every point I have just one thinking from
Inside that those concepts which have manage to create so much ups and downs in life just seem
To create on every angle of my life because those concepts are having so much effect inside life
When concept will have so many results in our life at each concept will have so many angles
In life these concepts will have so many rules on every point that concepts will have some impact
On our mind I feel one thought from inside when with each concept I start to move ahead in life
Those concepts which will have some good effect on life that concepts which will have so many
Nice thoughts inside in that concept I can see many sort of future plans in life when we move
Ahead then concepts will have some effect on every point in each concept we will see many new
Thought in life when concepts will have some angles which will show many thought when we
Move ahead those thoughts will see many dreams in life or those dreams will have those thoughts
In life after all concepts are those angles which will show new world and life at every point then
I will see just some thing new from inside when concept will show us new light I feel one thought
From my mind that those concept will differ when we move ahead at each step of life so then
When we move ahead with step then we feel one thought from our mind but then concepts will
Lead to many angles of life I feel one thought from my mind that lie is one thought from my mind
I feel that concepts are some thing good but some times they are just lie on some point but then
When I move ahead in life I feel just one thinking from inside that some concepts will differ in
Our mind because those concepts will have those rules which will manage to create some kind of
Effect which will show some worst effect on mind on every angle I just feel one thought from inside
Every concept will have effect on our life I feel one thought from inside that concept will just manage
To show us different thoughts from inside we want to think that concept will show some shine
That will take us ahead I want each concept to look so good on every point but it will happen
Only when I will understand one thought from inside some concept will have good effect on life
I just want them every concept will look good when they will look so nice at every moment and
At every point I want those concept to look great inside our future and inside our life each time.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

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