Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Poem 1882. Goodness in bad things

                                                     Goodness in bad things
When I walk on that road on which I see future as something nice I just feel one thing that I just
Don't need to think twice when I walk on that road which have nice sights I just never thought that
There can something beside those nice sort of sights when I will move ahead I never thought from
Inside that on some point there will be that walk which will show us some thing ugly on some point
When we move ahead we need to understand one thought from inside that walking is not that much
Easy for our life we need to walk slowly step by step on every point we need to move ahead with
Positive thinking inside our mind when I walk on road I just use to see good thing on begining of that
Road inside life but then after some point I have manage to see bad things and it have created just
Worst effect on my mind those walk which I use to love become something that no longer look
That much great in life because I have manage to see worst thing when I have expect them in least
On that point but this is what is called our life it just love to give us surprises on every moment
And on every point it never understand what is our need from inside it never went ahead as per our
Thinking and as per our choice that road on which every thing seem perfect slowly manage to look
So different in life that we just began to feel we need to move ahead slowly and step by step in life
When I walk ahead on that road which look so much great I just manage to feel so upset when it just
Manage to look worst for my life because those walk which are suppose to be pleasure walk just
Manage to look worst walk for my mind I will never manage to understand on any point in each
Walk on some part are good and some parts are not nice this is what mostly happen to us in life
That at first moment it look so great but after some moment it began to look wrong on every point
I just walk on road of life at beginning of those walk it will look great but it will look so wrong on
Every point when we began to walk on that perfect road of our life every thing that is good will just
Manage to give some good effect on our mind those thoughts which will look so much great that
Will show us good section of life those goodness which touch our future will have some impact on
Our mind that positive impact is perfect but when we learn just half things in life when we move
Ahead then good things will began to enter our life but we need to understand that good things will
Have some impact on our mind those good things will also create some section on our mind but then
When I will move ahead step by step good began to look bad when we move ahead at every step in
Our future and life when good things will have some reaction to our life those walks which will
Have some effect on our mind good thoughts will began to take us ahead with each step on our
Each moment in life because good things are having reaction on our life we feel just one thing that
Good thoughts will have nice effect but they will just turn into bad effect because then we just
Assume bad things will have some impact on our life those thoughts with which we move ahead
In our life we feel just one thought from inside that in life when we walk on road of life then
We just have one thinking from inside when good things happen then we feel just one thing from
Inside but then good things are creating bad effect on our mind so then after some point I feel
Just one thing from inside when on road of life we began to move ahead then we want to start
To move ahead on every point but good things will not happen on some steps of life but then
Just assuming good will have some effect on life when good will vanish after some point we
Feel just shock on our life those things which are happening on every angle of life we want
Those things to turn positive in life but we feel just one thought from inside that bad will never
Happen and that thought is totally wrong for our life we want things to turn good on every point
But it will not happen in life sometimes things will be wrong but sometimes things are right so
Then we want to move ahead we need to understand one thinking from our mind we feel just
One thing from inside good things will have some impact on our mind but bad things are having
So many impact on our life that they will seem like those good things when we understand with
Them on every point good will happen on some point inside life but then bad thing will teach us
That they are also part of life when we learn to search good in them on every point I feel just
One thing that we need to understand bad thing after some point we need to have one thought
From inside after good then bad things enter in life but then we start to move ahead on every point
So then I feel one thing from inside that good will turn bad but they teach one thing that is way
Of life we need to understand each good will have bad and each bad will have some good inside
When we move ahead we need to understand that we need to search good in bad and bad in good
Sometimes because when good is lost it better to say good is not teaching much in life while
Bad can show us many good side and show us those people who live happily in sorrows of life
Those are our true teacher in our life we need worship them and follow them in our each day of life.

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