Saturday, January 31, 2015

Adventure story 174. Examination paper

                                                        Examination paper
Sakhi was so panic when she entered in that examination room, she was so sure that she didn't able to write answer sheets. She felt that she would faint on staircase. She sensed that she would not able to do it. But still she went ahead. Finally she went in examination room. But as soon as she saw examination paper, she started writing answers. Suddenly she looked at paper and she sensed that she knew most of answers. She started writing them. She was became so busy in writing paper. She no longer sensed any thing odd. She started writing answers on paper. She was careful regarding every thing her writing and her style. She started writing every paper while considering every word with care. She was looking at each question which would had different meaning for her. It was goal for her success at every point. She felt just one thing. She started writing answers and she sensed that she knew most of them. She began to feel that those answers would look so much great. She answered every question with full concentration. She was answering question paper with full concentration. Every point those questions looked great now because she was calculating marks now. This was common with her. She was started writing paper. She began to feel relax from inside. She began to write it and whole world was just concentrated just on paper. She was doing it in right way. She began to read whole paper. She wrote it and she felt perfect. When she managed to complete it, she felt so great. She was fine now. She started writing paper because she wanted answers to be proper and nice. She was writing lines in paper. They all looked perfect on every time. When she had completed her paper, she wrote answers. Those examination paper would prove that she answered questions carefully. She had studied all those paper which were helping her that she did great. When she went out of examination hall, it was so great on every point. She wanted to answer those paper. She just always felt only those paper looked great which would had those question. That had answers known to them. She was so happy when she saw her friends. Then she ran towards them. Sakhi "Ranjana so do you like this paper? " Ranjana "Okay. What about you? "Sakhi smiled and said "Great." "Of course it would be easy for scholar like you. But for people like me. It was not that much great. It was problematic for simple student like me who have to study hard for hours still just don't get marks." Inside mind Sakhi was happy since she was called scholar. Sakhi "Come on. I am not scholar." "You are." Then all other girls joined them. It seemed as if she was only one who did best. She was so happy. She had even checked and confirmed answers. She was sure that she would get best marks. Now she was on top of the world.
        Sakhi always experienced same fear while writing paper. But she never felt any problem afterwards. She always went home with same pleasure. She knew that her results would be perfect but still if same fear from inside. It would be normal until date of results. She was enjoying every moment. When she came, her Mom came out side. But she didn't need to ask Sakhi's smile was telling her that paper was good for her. Sakhi started telling her Mom about paper. It was perfect. She was so happy. Even her Mom was happy to share her feelings. They were so happy. Every time Sakhi wrote each paper with care. It was her speciality. She was began to write paper. When she started to write paper in examination paper, she had to understood paper. She was answering paper. She wanted to her write every answer. She started doing every thing with full care. When her Dad came, she told him about paper with excitement. She was sure that it would be some thing which she could handle. She was so excited to get nice results. She was sure that they would solve paper. She was writing every paper with careful thinking. She was solving every paper. She was so carefully at every point. She did this every time. She was sure regarding her results. They would be something best. But then she began to think somewhere in her heart. She could face something worst. She could fail. She wanted to write paper. There was many chances that results would had effect on her life. She knew that she always managed to get good marks until now. But still she felt one thought from inside. She might face some problem this time. She just felt that she needed to act carefully. She must study for next paper from heart. She was studying for every chapter with care. She was so much concerned about that paper. In every page she just sensed some disaster. She was studying so hard on every moment. She was reading every book with care. But still she knew that some chapters were not completed by her. She had to study hard but at last moment she just couldn't start new chapters. It was worst for her. She could study them. But then she remembered that her sir told her that it would not be needed. She decided to just complete those limited chapters which were given to her. She sensed that it was not right time to start new one. Her heart wished on every time to finish her chapter. She wanted to study but she knew that on last day. She couldn't began to new chapter so she had to skip them. She had to just did those specific chapter which were mostly asked in examination due to lack of time. She just continued doing it.
         Next day once again Sakhi was scared. But this time when test paper came before her, it was not easy one like she hoped. It was hard all those question which she did manage to study on last moment were there. But still she kept peace of her mind as soon as her paper came before her. She started writing them with full concentration. She did her best. She knew that if she get nervous on that moment. She would lose every thing so she just kept doing it. She did her best. But that day when she went out, she was saying with all that her paper was worst. She was so tense. She was scared that she would fail in that paper. She told same thing to her Mom. It was worst day for them all. Her paper went worst. They all were tense now. But then they judged her marks. They confirmed that she should be passed. She started to understand paper at every step. She was studying so hard on every point. Then she were writing paper with full care. Next time she wrote answer sheet. She used to write every thing carefully. She did every thing just with one hope that she would pass. But somewhere she was writing everything. She was so tense that if she had wrote that paper in wrong way. Her all efforts would prove useless to this world. She was so panicked from inside. But still she gave her whole examination perfectly. But nothing was as perfect as her first paper. She still remembered that day. Then finally her exam was over. Her parents took her on vacation. She was enjoying her each day. But in her heart she felt as if it was her last vacation. She never able to enjoy like that again. That feel was scaring her on every moment. She wanted to things to be simple. But even on that vacation things were not that much easy for her. She just couldn't able to enjoy. It was not because she was tense. But thing just didn't turn out as per her wish. She felt scare from inside. She felt as if it was bad omen for her. She felt as if she sensed that some thing was going to be wrong with her. She told her Mom" Mom I sensed something is totally wrong." Mom "Don't worry. It is normal before results all felt that same way. It is going to be fine." "But what will happen if I fail?" "Don't worry sweetheart , I am with you. It will be fine even if you don't got good marks. Still we can manage every thing. Just remain relax." "Thanks Mom." She hugged her Mom. She knew that she would manage to do every thing if her Mom was with her. But in her heart she was so scared. She wanted to discuss more but then she decided that thing would not help her now. She should at least try to live and enjoy on that moment.
            Finally that day came when Sakhi's result would be shown, she was so tense. She went on internet to see her results. Her hand was shaking with fear. But still she did it and then her worst fear turned out to be true. She was failed. She knew it because of her worst paper. She must had failed in it. She was so sure. She had to do her extra work. She decided in her heart that she would do it. Then she went in college to get results. She received shock on that time. That first paper which she did her best was the paper in which she failed. It was not possible. She wanted to scream that it was not possible. But somewhere in her heart she knew that it was useless. Her marks must had changed. Then she suddenly remembered that student who was sitting before her. That student went away in just half an hour with smile on his face. She thought that it might be possible that this student managed it with money... Then she just didn't want to think about it. She needed revaluation. But she was so scared now of every thing. When she went home, she told every thing to her parents who promised her that every thing would be fine. She had to study again. But in her heart she sensed one thing that she might not able to give paper now. She kept studying. She was doing everything with balanced mind. But somewhere in her mind she wanted to hide from world in her own corner where she should not have to answer world. Then finally her paper was revalued. She got her marks and she was passed. On that point she felt that every thing would be fine for her. But it was not that way. Her friends were no longer interested in helping her. In fact they were too busy even to help her. She could sense that world was different towards her. But still she decided that it was just her thoughts. She had to move ahead with her life. She had to find some new way on every point. She started her career in new way. She began to go in that computer course. It was perfect. She did every thing in such perfect way. In class she was topper. Every one was nice to her. Her teacher was also nice one. It was all so much great. She felt that her life was perfect and fine. Until finally her course was over and she had to give examination. She had studied like normally she used to do. But then she started feeling feverish. She was so sure that she was going to had fever. Her Mom took her temperature on many times. But she didn't had fever. She was feeling as if she was going to faint. But when her Mom told her that she didn't have fever. She decided that she must go to examination. She went there with hope that every thing would be fine for her.
       From beginning Sakhi was feeling sick from inside. She just never understood how sick she was until she started writing paper. She just couldn't write perfectly. She sensed that something was wrong. She was feeling so sick. She was so sure that she would get temperature. She just wished from her heart that she was fine. She was so sure that it would had effect on her results. When she went home, she began to feel okay. At beginning she thought that it was her bad luck. But in that course she had to again and again give some reports and whenever time came to submit something and wrote for examination. She started feeling sick. Then she sensed something was wrong. She just never able to appear for examination. She just felt one thing from heart that she was getting sick due to news of examination. On every point she noticed that whenever examination was announced. She started feeling sick. She sensed that it was not normal. Even her Mom began to notice that her results were dropping. Sakhi "Mom I just feel that I can't able to write paper...Mom something is wrong with you." Then Sakhi started crying. She knew that she couldn't able to write paper. Her career was destroyed. She just kept writing but nothing was helping her. She felt sick on every point. She was not getting marks at all. Finally one day her Mom came in her room. Her Mom "Sakhi my friend told me about a counsellor who handle cases like you. If you go there, slowly your problem will get reduce. ""But Mom every one will taunt me including Daddy."" Don't worry. We will hide it." Then Sakhi nodded. She didn't want to prove herself mad but she sensed that something was wrong with her brain. She just kept trying to write paper but she just couldn't. Then she sensed that might be going to counsellor was not that bad. It was not that much serious. Then she went to her with Mom. That counsellor discussed with her all her problems. Sakhi first time told every thing to some one so frankly. She felt so relaxed then that counsellor told her how to handle her stress. When it was over, She came back to her Mom and told her "This is normal. Such trauma often develop in kids after such incidence. This is specific phobia regarding some situation. She felt fear and too much anxiety when she wanted to go for examination because she felt that she would fail again. It happens but I will teach her some technique of relaxation. She would easily able to handle phobias." Then Sakhi kept going there. Slowly she began to learn to relax when she gave her paper perfectly. She felt that she was so much relaxed for first time during her examination paper. Her normal phobia was also gone. She was completely relaxed and she got best marks. But she never dared to share with any one that she went to counsellor. In her heart she felt just one thing that they would never understood it on any point of life.
                                                                       The End

Friday, January 30, 2015

Poem 1924. Rejection of good things

                                                            Rejection of good things
Just try to understand how strong will be your lines when you stop thinking what others feel about
You inside your mind when you forget that thought which tell you that you need admiration in life
On that moment you will speak with whole confidence that line which will give you power to just
Move ahead with positive point that line will have some impact on our mind on every time when
You speak that line I just feel one thought from inside that when lines will have some impact on
Our thinking and mind we feel one thing that they are for pleasing us in life but lines are never just
Meant to please people in life those lines are creating effect on every point we just feel one thought
From inside of our mind those lines which will have words will create effect on our mind when
We start to move ahead on every point those lines are formed meaning which will take us ahead
In life on every point I feel that lines will have different concepts hidden on every point when we
Move ahead I just have one feel from inside that lines which we say are not some thing which we
Want to move ahead with our thinking in life sometimes we just say what others want to us to say
On few points but worst thing is that sometimes we even argue just because other tell us in life
I just feel that we should not at least argue for others in life because when we just act as per others
Thinking and wish we just manage to destroy our mind we need to understand that lines will have
Different meaning on every point those lines which have different concepts of life seem like just
Some thing which needed to speak only when we really effected in life just because we are with
Some concept and never truly understood it in life we must not fight for some one just because
We are standing on another side sometimes I see people just follow some one like tide and then
On every step they just keep watching that person as if that one is so big ideal for life but that is
Not truth because ideal are not something which we can find just because many follows them in life
We need to learn our life on our own terms and not on those terms which others told us in life on
Every moment and on every time we feel just one thought from inside that each lines will have just
Some effect on every point I feel that in every line their should be just that thought which we feel
From inside not that thought which other have in mind we need to say lines with full faith on our
Thinking and mind we need to understand one thought from inside that those thought will have so
Much effect on mind when we feel just one thing that when we have that thought in mind then
We just feel one thing that we will get success when we think in positive way and with freedom
In life we feel just one thing from inside that those thoughts which will have understanding on
Every point but then when we move ahead in life those lines are creating impact on our mind that
Impact which will look so much better on every point those thoughts will have some good effect
On our mind but that will not happen because freedom will show you new things in life so then
Those new things will not accept by others in life so when you say your thought on first point
It may people dislike you or look at you in strange way in life I know one thought from inside that
On every point we feel that our bright new thoughts will get appreciation from world but they
Just never get it in life the way we want them on any point those thoughts which we have inside
Are so different they will look so much different on every angle of life but then when we start
To look have so many impact on our life when people began to reject those thoughts which we
Feel perfect and right when people began to have some effect on life those effect which we see
In our life are due to those thoughts which are right on some point but those thoughts are just
Considered as worst on every point I feel one thing from inside that step by step we need to move
Ahead with thinking of our mind we need to understand one thing from inside then lines will
Look so much great to our mind but people are not ready for those lines then it's up to you that
If you prefer or ignore those lines I just have one feel from inside that when I will move ahead
With nice thought from inside which will have some meaning that will have some effect on mind
They will show us many angles of life I feel just one thinking from inside that when we move
Ahead on each step we feel one thing from inside that new thought is so important on every
Moment and point so then when we move ahead at every point I feel just one thought from
My mind that good thoughts will have some positive effect on mind which will show us those
Good points that will show us many times will get rejected but we need to find them in good
Way in life we need to move ahead on every point with just one thought that we need to understand
Our thoughts in life we need to take them ahead with one thought from mind that we need them
As part of our future because they are taking us ahead at every point we need those good thoughts
In life so if we need them then we must need to accept rejections on every point inside our life.

Poem 1923. Ambition in life

                                                          Ambition in life
How wonderful is that feel which touch my mind that sweet feeling of innocent cheek of that
Sweet child that child never care once who I am in life what that child see is just that affection
Which we have in mind that child never want to know about cost of those gifts in life then how
Did we human began to value things more in life when that sweet feeling enter in our mind that
Feeling is so innocent on every point when we move ahead on every moment and point I just
Have one feel from inside that some times that sweet feeling of affection enter in life even just
One chocolate seem like some precious treasure in life which will give that sweet touch for which
We want to live in our life we just never understand that our thinking will look so much better
When we let that sweet feeling which we have as child remain alive if you are hungry or if you
Are thirsty then your anger can be understood in life but sometimes even those who have enough
Sort of things want more and for it they start screaming in life we need to move ahead on every
Moment and point in search of that sweet feel from our life we feel just one thought from our
Thinking and our mind that this sweet touch which show us that shine that will look so much
Great on every point of life seem so wrong when selfish means manage to capture our mind
After all we need to understand one thing that we need to find that feel which will look so much
Great on some point when we include that feel in our life not with view to get thing but with just
One view it is to find pleasant sort of happiness from inside on those moment when we start to
Move ahead in life never once we think that what we want as child after all even small child will
Cry for hunger and thirst as well as for security in life but child never ask so many things like
Perfect baby cot in their life they want their parents and their relations to be loving that is their
Only need of life they never ask for big things on any point at every point they want just one thing
From inside that is affection from other person and some one who take care of them in life but
When we grow up we began to create ambition in life and sometimes they don't fulfill and on
Some moments they just don't fulfill in life when they are not fulfill we get insulted on many
Moments and points people just began to plant one thing in our mind that no one like some one
Who fail in life I feel that thought is itself wrong on every point because every one will fail on
One point or another point we need to accept that failure is always part of life but some people
Just don't accept that thing in life they feel that no one like failing in life but question is that one
Thing from inside that do you forget your past of failing on every point when we start just moving
Ahead in life we feel one thing from inside that failing is that process which will help our thinking
On every point because sweet feeling will began when we fell still our people stood with us on
That moment and point when that thing happen we will understand one thing from inside that
We are not failing and winning ambition is not that much important for our mind when our thought
Will manage to confuse our mind our focus will get confused on every point because what shall
We need is not ambition on every point we need some thing more important that is our sweet and
Pleasant feeling from inside I just never feel that our true relationship will be based on winning
In life one ambition can bring two people together in life but that doesn't mean that those two will
Leave each other if they fail in life on every moment they just think of winning on every point
Even when they lose they may try some other way for winning in life because ambition shall be
Such that on every point we just want to fight for ambition in life but clever people never set
Those ambitions on easy point they set them on most difficult point in life we want to keep just
Moving on every point so ambition will show us that shine which will always help us to just
Understand our mind but one thing is always truth in life that ambition is just one part of life
For which we move ahead on every point and we need to understand ambitions as part of our
Future and life we need to understand that moving on every point which will show us many
Sort of thought and point we just need to move to ambition that is need of some people who
True live for ambitions in life we need to understand never after winning they just want to do
That work in life ambition must not just winning it should your work in life then only losing
Will stop scaring you and you will become true winner on every point of our thinking and our
Mind we need to understand one thing from inside that ambition should our work not just one
Thought winning in life because winning is that thirst which will keep us unsatisfied on every point.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Poem 1922. Goodness of life

                                                             Goodness of life
When we start to move ahead on every point sometimes it seem like success and some times it just
Seem like failure on every point but just one thing is so sure in our life that we need to move ahead
On every point with just one thought from our mind that those success for which we have thirst just
Seem as if some wrong line of life because if we want the truth then success must not always come
Ahead in life but people just never understand they feel it is just one nonsense written in those
Books which are having different lines are telling us on every point that we need to move ahead with
Just one thought from inside it is just we need to understand right but people will just manage to
Confuse their thoughts and mind by telling that they need to move ahead with practical which just
Mean fraud on every point we just never understand what we feel from inside but one thing is so
Sure for our mind that when we move ahead just goodness will not help us in life but does that mean
We can quit goodness from inside I just know one thing goodness will give that pleasure which
Never I will able to get with bad deed in life when I do some thing good in life I just do it for my
Thinking and heart I just feel on it no one will have right to expect that god no one seem so good in
Our life that some person who can claim and say that one manage to make us good from inside since
God have made us I feel only god can make us right and even if you don't accept god then you can
Say it is your thinking or your mind but no one can come ahead and say that this good deed was
Just done on my instigation in life we need to understand that just asking things will not help us
That much in life we need to move ahead on each step by proper thought from inside we need to
Just one thing that trust that goodness from inside but it always hurt us when our good work is
Called contribution to bad person's work and mind but then comes next question does that mean
We can't try on any point does that mean we need to understand one thought from inside that when
We move ahead we need to find one thing that is our need from inside we need to act towards just
Goodness other thing must not matter on that point because when your heart is pure then that goodness
Will show us just light I just one thought from inside that on each and every step we can see that
Sort of light which will make us happy on each point so one thought must become alive furom inside
That if we act in good when it is just with one hope that god will stay by our side all those people
Who make us confused by deserting us in difficult point are just never meant to stay with us at point
They are those bubbles with which we use to play when we are child and they are just for few
Moment in our world not for long time we just never understand that they are not for us but just run
After them like small child we need to take some proper steps in our life but those steps just
Stop on that point when we move ahead on every point with just one thought from inside there are
Many sort of bubbles which will have many sort of colors inside that water bubbles which will
Have some look on every point there are many  colors which will have hidden in bubble
In life because there are many colors which are hidden on many point when but that doesn't mean
We need to find colors will have some point but then bubble will burst like dream on some point
That running thoughts will have good on every point when we set those thoughts as good in our
Life on every point that good feel will always help us on every point I feel just one good thinking
From inside we just never understand one thought from inside that this thought will look so much
Different at our mind good thought on every point I have one thinking from inside that goodness
Is that angle which will look so much great on every point we feel just one thinking from inside
That goodness is that area of our mind where we can see many issues are brought together on
Many points goodness will become part of our life just because we want to something quitting
That goodness will not help us that much in life our each step will lead to just problems in life
I feel goodness is that thought which will show us positive and pure thought from our mind so
Then comes that thought that will look so much better on every point but then good thoughts
Will take us ahead but some people just convince us that they will lead to failures in life so then
When I will move ahead step by step in life I feel that goodness will have some nice concepts
On every point but then when I think about it in life I have just one thinking from inside but
Then good sort of concept will look so wrong on every point those concepts which will have
So bad effect on our life they will manage to hurt us on every point in life we just need to have
Some concept on every point that is turning to wrong side is wrong in life whatever we may
Wish from inside but one thought is true for mind goodness is need of every time never let
Any one change you on any point because goodness was always right on every time of our life.

Poem 1921. Behind in life

                                                              Behind in life
When we say something it is just because we say it is what we feel from inside but we just see
Sometimes people just don't agree so what should we do on that time some say just pursue it and
Some say leave it behind I just feel I can't tell you something while sitting  far away on some point since
Sometimes pursue something is necessity of life how much people may disagree but it is need of
That time we just can't left that subject behind because sometimes some people just never understand
That concept from mind we just feel one thought from inside that when we move ahead we need
To understand our mind on every point it feel one thought on every point that how can we just ignore
Some point then I know what is trick on our life we need to pursue point but not with anger but just
With joy of life on every point we need to understand one thought from our mind that when we just
Move ahead we need to walk ahead with smile but that will not happen every time when we pursue
Some thing which other dislike they will just disagree with you on that point and you will be called
Arrogant in life or they just call you that one who never have any sense of mind it depend on just
Situation in which we are in life but one thing is so common that they just never like our thought
On any point so they will call us with different inside life it is so favor that those who hate us are
Just never going to like us in life but question is of those people are getting convince by them on
That moment or point can they turn into some thing and nice for life when we move ahead I just
Have one feel from inside that on every moment we need to understand people on every time after
All those thoughts which will manage to create impact on our mind are not turning in such way
That we can consider it as best example of life we just think one thing we have lost in jungle of just
Confusion on that point because people are not behind us they are just far away from us in life but
Then comes next question which you must ask your soul from time to time that when we start to
Move ahead are those people with ahead of us and behind I just feel one thing from my mind that
Some things are needed to be understood some times people can also run behind on some point so
Then when we move ahead on every point I just feel see sometimes people are not running after
Some one's thought ahead instead they are behind and when you move ahead of them you will
Find they are far away from you in life and they are far behind on every point of our life when
We start to move ahead on every point we just have that they should understand that moving
Ahead it is important in life but that will not happen on any moment and on any point we just
Feel one thought from inside of our mind they need to understand that they must move ahead in
Their life I just feel one thing from inside of mind that at every moment we just can't convince
People on every point to move ahead some just prefer to move behind and on every moment
Those people will just manage to stay behind and on those moment and on those times they just
Did one thing from inside that those moments which are required for our mind never seem that
Much good for our mind because when those people move back they will not understand us but
They just understand one thought from our mind that those thinking which we have are some
Thoughts from inside of mind they even taunt us that we are on some different point never accept
That we are ahead and they are far behind that is rule and understanding of our life on every point
We just feel one thought from our mind that those moment which are necessary for life are not
Just moving ahead on each step and on each point we feel just one thought from our confused
Mind does going ahead is wrong for our life but it will happen on any point I feel just one thing
That things are going ahead as per our thoughts on any point those things which we understand
On every angle of life just create problem for us on every point we need understand one thing
From our mind that moving ahead is good but people are not understanding it in life when people
Will move ahead slowly but when they are running behind on every moment and on every
Angle of life those moments will be behind on every point that staying behind seem to them as
Wise on every point when we move ahead on every angle of life these things which will have
Some behind on every point are wrong but to those people they are important in life they just
Never understand one concept from mind that they are behind they just laugh on us as if we are
Totally wrong in life when you understand this thing just never turn back to explain them in life
You can tell them from your positive but never go behind because when you go behind then
You have lost race of your life on every point this race will create impact on your mind we just
Never understand any thoughts from inside but one thing is so clear that we must stop to leave
That place since one day people will need to come to that place in life and if we left that place
May be in forest of this world we never find that road again in life so keep calling people from
There and keep requesting or scolding them so that they will come to you in life but just never
Leave your place on any point because it is important sort of place for our life we just never
Go behind we just need to move ahead in life on every moment and on every point inside life.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Poem 1920. Fresh and new dreams

                                                        Fresh and new dreams
When sun will shine I just have one thought from my mind does that sun look so good on every
Point inside life inside that sun rays will manage to remain hidden on every point but then those
Thoughts which tell us on every point look so much great from inside those sun rays which will
Look so nice on every point inside that light I see that pure sort of thought which will be so nice
And pleasant inside life because those thoughts which will look so nice when we feel one thing
From inside that those sun rays will have pleasant sort of things hidden inside after all those thing
Which will look so great on every point we feel one thinking from inside sun rays will look so
Fine on every point but then I feel one thing from inside that sun rays are hiding things on every
Moment and point many things which will show me that new dream for my life which I have just
Never able to achieve in my life when I will move ahead I just want to see that shine in which
Things are hidden on every point in those sun rays I find many dreams hidden on each point and
In each sun rays I see that hope which I have forgotten to see in life but only if I can able to see
At that sunshine may be I should be able to see many things which will have nice feel for our
Future on every point because that sun is so bright I just able to see limited inside life then I feel
One thing from my mind sometimes bright things are hiding many types of pleasant things but
I just never able to see them because they are too bright for our life when those sun rays are so
Hard for eyes how can I will able to see inside life those dream which are so nice but when we
Want to see those dreams which are pleasant in life so those dream are something which will just
Look so nice in those sun rays I can see many nice and pure sort of dreams on every point but
Then I feel just one thing from my mind that dreams will make me fresh on every angle of life
Because they are something which are new on every day inside life those dreams are hiding many
Sort of idea which will look so great on every section of mind after all that idea was nothing but
Just one dream of mind which will look so pleasant on every angle inside life I feel one thing
From inside that new dreams will come inside life on some point when life will move ahead I just
Feel one thought from inside that in sun light we see many things on every point those things
Which will look so nice when we keep dream on every point which tell us that we need to see
That sun shine which will give me so many pleasures which I will never able to see in life on
Every point I will just see many thoughts from inside that sun rays are hiding pleasant sort of
Thought and future on every point I just see sun rays which are hiding fresh thoughts from inside
I feel one thing from inside in that sun there are many fresh dreams which are so new on every
Moment and point these dreams which are leading to some sort of area which will look so nice
When some interesting dreams which will show different way inside life in that dream I see
Many sort of things inside life those dreams which will look so precious inside life when in that
Dream there are many dimensions inside life which will seem like that rainbow which will show
That shine on every point I feel just one thing from inside sun rays are hiding many types of
Dreams which will show many angles inside life those meaning which are showing those thoughts
Which will have many dreams inside so then dreams are something so new which will have many
Types of dreams which are so unique that I want to watch them for many times but then when
We move ahead on some area of life we want to see those dreams as part of our life those interesting
Part of our future will look so nice in life those dreams will look so nice which are always there
On every point I just feel one thought from my mind that dreams are those thoughts which will
Confuse us inside life after all dream of future will manage to create impact on our life so then
Dreams will look so great when it is something so unknown inside life we feel one thought from
Our mind dream will have some effect on our life I feel one thing from my mind that those
Dream will nice so interesting in life but then dream will create some reaction on every point
Those dreams are something which will have reaction inside life but then this dream will look
So interesting inside life that dream will look so nice when that dream will show many sort
Of angle in life when I see that sun light I just want to watch those dreams which are hidden
On every point when dream look so pure and touch our mind it seem that those dream are just
One thought which will take to that mountain where I can see many pleasant thoughts of life
So sometimes even when sun rays are bright I try to watch that light but then in few moment
I know that I can't able to watch that light and my dreams are not hidden there they are not
That much far but they are inside my mind which will give me pleasant sort of feeling on every point.

Poem 1919. Inside life

                                                               Inside life
Ornaments which look so pleasant in life at every point it will look so nice that design on every
Moment and point that beautiful look which touch us on every point will look so much great at
Each point of my life when diamond will look so lovely and so nice but then will just for moment
And on that impulse on that time they will tell me that I am safe on every point they will look so
Much great as security of my life but they never touch me on that cord of my mind because they
Are not given with that love on many point just because some one want to return some thing on
Some point that gift is given and it never seem that much great in life that one want it to give us
In return of our love but I feel many time in return of love best gift is first returning love then
Other things come after some time but some times time just don't permit but we need to understand
That concept on that point love is that thought which will look so perfect when we move ahead with
Each step towards that goal of getting that goal we just keep demanding on every point some may
Say love need company and time but it is demand of small child still sometimes when mother have
To work hard to earn money and work hours after hours in life even when she return affection in
Return in same way by child but we just never understand that point we keep seeing something lack
On every point it is our efforts that will make us winner on every point just demand things will not
Make us winner in our life what winner need is true patience and not tag of winner on any point
Winner will feel happy even when that winner lose on some times of life because when we want
True affection and love then it never comes to us in just few moments in life we can't find a true
Friendship on just impulse of our life we need move ahead slowly but one thing is so sure that
We must not quit in middle because we feel that we fail that race of life because winning love is
Never a race it is something which take patience and hard as well as honest work for hours in life
Just some impulsive thought will manage to destroy those flowers which are so light than sky and
We need to understand that we must not just be practical because it is not just maths which we are
Doing inside our life some may understand you and some may never understand that soft feel of
Inside our mind but one thing is sure that we need to touch our sky on each try when we start to
Move ahead those true affection which we need will join us in life but if we forget to trust that one
Then we can't get that love on any point love is not just one relation it will have many shades on
Many point and becoming winner on each shade seem hardest task of our life those moment which
We cherish in our world seem like full of affection on each point I just feel one thing from my
Thought that this world is perfect place to include affection on every try when we start to move
Ahead with each thought we feel just one thinking from inside that love is that feel which is so
Precious like air but we can't get it on every point some relations are so perfect while some just
Lack in love on every point some are just giving things and other are just taking times but some
Are just giving us love and we must find them to fulfill our dream sky on every point we need to
Just understand love is need of each and every try when we move ahead on each step I just feel
One thought from my mind that when I will move ahead I just need to understand each time what
I feel from inside those words which will look so much great which show me that world for
Which I will die because that true love is one thing that is hard to get but in some relation we will
Get it in just few tries but if we insist on just one relation and ignore other relation and their sky
We will just never understand that love already entered in our sky some get it from birth in mom's
Arms and on that moment they get that sky but some need to move ahead to get that thing in their
Life and need more try but then that one love is not enough we want it to blossom our sky and
At each step I feel just that we want each relation to be perfect and that will manage to hurt us
On each and every try we never understand that thought from inside that some point we can
Get that thing but we need to try at each try just bring assuming that this one will be perfect
And other one will be never give success is wrong thought on every point for our thinking and
Our life we just move with assumption in life I feel that it is so wrong assume things in life since
We can't tell our destiny and we can't decide which will be so perfect for our life when we move
Ahead we feel one thought from inside that life can give us pleasant feel on any moment or on
Any point because finding what we want is always surprise part of our life on every point of life.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Poem 1918. Soft feeling

                                                               Soft feeling
Those softness which we feel from our heart will just one feeling which will show nice feel
On every point that softness is that feel which we have in our mind as one part that will just
Create impact on our mind that softness is that feel which we need to cherish on every point
But then those soft thinking which will look so good on every point that thought which will
Have some soft touch from inside I feel just one thought from our mind that soft touch which
We get in our life is so important inside life that precious thing which will deserve one feel
From our mind that pure things will have some thought from inside that this pure will have
Some feel we need on every point that pure feeling will show us that wonderful feel on each
And every point this softness feel which will show us good and perfect for our life so we
See many sort of feel on every point that soft touch which will show us one feel from inside
That we need that sort of softness which will help us to move ahead in life those feels which
Will show us our life's brightness on every point I feel just one thought from inside that when
We move ahead our thought will look so much great on every point because that softness is
That touch of my mind which show me beautiful of horizon in life it shows that impossible
Feel which we need from inside on every side of life I feel just one thought that this softness
Can touch horizon on every point it shows us that look of impossible sort of horizon which
Will have one look on every point after all that horizon is that point which we can't touch but
Our softness of mind will show us beauty from inside but then I want to see that horizon will
Have many enchanting colors from inside but then these colors will look so marvelous to our
Life then we look so good on every point after all softness is that beauty which will look so
Much great on every point so that softness will have that beauty from inside that no longer
It matter who gave it to our life but sometimes we just want to live that softness from inside
It is lovely like feather that will have some soft touch on every point these feather will float
In air on every point it seem as if softness which feel show beautiful and great on every point
But that softness will touch to our mind cause is not that much important we just want it from
Inside some times some dream just made it so wonderful in life that soft touch will have just
One feel from inside that soft feel will have some effect on our mind we feel just one thing
That it no longer matter who have create that feel in life even if that one want to hide still
Sometimes that softness seem so nice that it began to become part of our life so then on every
Point that softness will show us that part of life which we want to store on every point we just
On every feel of life those softness will look so much like need of life it is required on every
Point because I feel what I mostly miss is that softness of life which we can find by unexpected
Help on every point that touch which help me and show me many point is nothing but one hope
Which is so important on every point I have one thought from inside that soft sort of touch
Will have one feel from inside those soft thought will show our life some feel from inside but
Sometimes we understand one thing from inside that soft touch is not may be that much real
For our life then comes next question from inside should we touch that soft touch or just ignore
That touch from inside those feel which we sense from inside some times comes from unknown
Person and some times it is just not for us in life when things comes from real thing they will
Stay with us for all time but sometimes invisible help vanish from our life but just with that one
Thought we can't reject that happiness from inside we need to understand one thought on every
Moment and point that when we move ahead we need to find some thing good in life at every
Moment our need of  it of one thought from inside may be we must not use logic every time
Sometimes we just need to ride on clouds without thinking they will vanish after some time
Since vanishing is that truth from inside but then those feeling will vanish in some time I just
Have one thought from inside but then soft feel will have some concept in life I have just one
Thinking from inside soft sort of feel which is so great on our life this soft touch will have one
Thought on every point that soft feel touch our mind I just feel one thing I will ride on that cloud
While keeping one thought from inside that this cloud is the one which rain after some time and
Then it will vanish on some point but still I will treasure that cloud on every point I feel just
One thought from inside that I want live dream on some time so then those fiction sort of dreams
On every point then we need to reality on every point connected to that dream but sometimes
I know it will not happen in life so I just keep that feel inside and forget that it mean to be real
In life when we know dream are just dreams then they will never manage to hurt us on any point.

Poem 1917. Words in life

                                                       Words in life
When words have meaning which will have impact on mind which will keep us just sleepless night after night
Those words are giving meaning to our life not because we like them but because for them we have strange sort of dislike
On some moment we feel we can ignore them in life after some moment they will just become that concept which
We hate from inside at every point we feel one thought from inside that every moment we need to ignore them if we feel
Those words are hurting us on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that some words are
Just creating that effect which will hurt our mind on every point words are creating that world on
Every moment and point this words have that meaning which capture our mind we need to just
Understand our mind on every point words will have two different sides which will take us ahead
But some words are cutting heart on every point when words are creating worst effect on our mind
Those words are so wrong at every point after all words are not going ahead as per our wish in life
Those words are creating so many effect on our mind those words are having so much understanding
On every moment in life that understanding will show us that point where understanding will just
Create so worst effect in life after all understanding will show us that part of mind life will look so
Much great on every point understanding will show this world that point where we need to just have
One understanding from inside those understanding are having impact on our mind that understanding
Which those words will have manage to capture our mind understanding will look so different effect
On life that words will show us that point where understanding will show our future and life in just
Totally different way in life so then words will have so many effect on our mind we feel that words
Will show us that side which will take us ahead to that point where we can see world in just totally
Different way from mind because word will show us new way of life we feel just one thought from
Inside that words are creating so much effect when they have so much confused meaning inside
Our life so then words will create for us totally different sort of life so at every point we feel just
One thought from inside that words that are irritating us throughout day are harming us by just
Managing to keeping us awake on every point we feel just one thought from inside so those words
Will show us that we can't be happy until we do our duty in life that is to throw out those words
Out of our life so then I feel one thought from inside words will show understanding on every point
We feel one thought from inside words will create so worst effect on our life so then at every point
Word will tell us we need to remove them in life but while doing that we will manage to fix them
More and more inside our life we feel just one thought from inside those words will show us those
Concepts which will show us different concepts in life after all those words will have some effect
In our life those words are creating so much impact on our mind we just never want to think of
Those words but we think of them whole time since they are taking us to wrong point after all those
Words are just worst effect on our mind we feel one thought from inside because words will just
Manage to create so much effect on mind because words are just leading to that point where we
Can see words in proper style of life we want to understand our mind we feel just one thought
From inside those words are having meaning inside life but then those words will manage to just
Change our life because we can't ignore them but then we feel one thought from inside so then
At one point we feel one thought from inside words will show in totally different way in life so
Those points will show us in different way our life we feel just one thought from inside at every
Moment and point we feel one thing from inside we need to understand world will be shown in
Proper way and on proper point we feel just one thought from inside words are taking us to that
Point these words are showing that we must take them out of life because when we move ahead
On every point words will create that effect on mind which will take us ahead on every step of
Our life we need to understand our mind on every point words will take us to that point where
We will understand world is totally different than what we understand from our mind we need
To just understand our thinking and life we have to take our world to that point where we can
Just manage to see it in different light we are no longer important for us on any point but just
That words will began to rule our life at every point that words will have some effect on our mind
Words will show in totally different way our mind so we need to understand thoughts from inside
Those words are entering and irritating our life but those words are forming wrong concepts
In life because words are taking us to that point those words will just turn to that point where
Words will manage to destroy our words and life we are in worst condition of life since that
Words are creating so much effect on future at every point we need to use word on every point
Words are leading to different sections of life where we will see in totally different way just
Every part of life that word will create our future and we claim to throw away words in life.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Poem 1916. Winning over

                                                           Winning over
When I see my friend depress I just want them to smile not because just I care for them so at every
Moment and point when we move ahead at every step in life with just right thought from inside so
Then I feel one thinking from inside depressed feel will just increase on every point so then  just
Each and every point depression will show this world in different light at every angle of life so then
We feel one thought from inside depression will never show us new sort of light on every side when that
Thought depression will show us many thoughts which will have darkness on any point but then
I just feel one thought from inside depression is that feeling which will have so different sort of
Thought or future at every point because depression will have darkness on every moment in life
So that depression will show us to that angle of life that darkness will create so much effect on mind
But then depression will have so many effect on our mind then depression will show us that thought
Which will have many angles of life depression will show our mind that side where in life at
Every point depression will show darkness to that angle of life so that darkness will show us that
Shadow of life but then at some point friends will show us to that angle which will just have that
Point where depression will show us in negative angle of life so then I feel that depression will just
Have so many effect on our life so that depression will show darkness from inside mind so then
Depression will show us that point where that negative effect on our mind then depression will just
Manage to create worst effect on heart at every point because depression will that thought which
Will show our world that point because then depression will show us that point where we are just
Leading to that point where we find worst quality in life since neighbour will have so much impact
On our mind that depression will lead to that section inside life where we are struck on that point
Where our need of life will become part of darkness not of nice feel in life we feel just one thing
From inside that depression will show worst effect on mind we feel one thought from inside that
Depression will have negative effect on our mind so we need to understand depression will show
Our life negative sort of effect on mind that depression will show us in that point where not just
Our friends but we also start to feel depressed in life so that depression will move to all not just
To us in life it will show this world that perfect thought from inside depression will show us that
Light which will lead to so many troubles in life after all those thoughts which began to form effect
On our mind are those which will show our world to that point where life will no longer same for
Neither friend nor for us in life failing is not hard but hard is that depression which we create in
Our mind and life because that depression will lead to true troubles since for true friends just
Failing will not matter that much in life so those depressed feeling have some impact on our mind
But then failing will show us that angle which just take us few steps behind but depression on
Our friend's face take us far behind we need that hope from inside that at every point we just need
One thought from our mind we have to move ahead with one thought from inside our need to
Move to positive side will show us that thought from inside which will take away hope from life
We need to understand failing will not matter that much in life what matter is getting over that
Failing and trying in life but mostly we just feel depressed and from others we expect one big smile
May be that is our mistake in life it is not about depressed friend it is about having depression
From inside we need to understand our mind that depression is that thought which we have in
Our mind but we want others to help us to smile so every one just claim other should take sorrow
With smile but we need to understand we should be the first who smile in sorrows and make
Others smile when we think this way then only one day we will see light after all sorrows and
Failures are part of life no one is born winner or no one says losing is crime if people hate loser
Then let them gathered around big crowd which gathered around winner in life but if we don't
Win that doesn't mean we don't have right on smile we need to understand that smile is some thing
Which will be our on every point what may people feel it is just their thought from inside but
Never those thoughts will make them right those who says proudly that loser should not have
Any right need to go and think again in mind because may be god will not like that thought and
May be that one will see another side in which that one will suffer even after winning on every
Moment and point god only stood with those who learn to give respect in life I never remember
Any mention of winning or promise of winning by god on any point we need to move ahead with
Just right way in life when we choose right losing will become part of life because if right was so
Easy to do in life then why did people avoid it in life so be right and never let winning effect
Affect your thoughts and mind because winning over depression is just one and basic need of life.

Poem 1915. Simple ways in life

                                                         Simple ways in life
Why people can't be simple in life why can't we need on every point so then at every point that in
Life we feel just one thing from inside life can't be simple on any point since it will create so many
Effect on every point of life we just feel one thing from inside that simple is true need of life so
At every point simple is one thought which will take us ahead to that point where simple will just
Become logic of our life we want to walk in simple way on every point simple things are that which
We truly need in life we want to walk in simple way and create nice future for us at every point but
That never happen since we never act in simple way in our life on every step we just sense one
Thought from our mind that simple feel is need of our life when we walk in simple way we see
Many nice things of life at every moment simple thing will create so much impact on our mind
But still we just never dare to act simple since we are so much scared that some one will use us in life
We just feel one thought simple things are just moving ahead in just one way where simple thing
Will become need of our life but still we keep secret from all at every time because our trust is
Just reduced by wrong thought of life those thoughts which capture our mind in such way that we
Just can't understand our life on every point we need to move ahead in life with so many secrets
On every point we need to live that simple and perfect life but still we have seen so much wrong
That we feel one thing from our mind that simple will never apply to our life because we are always
Scared on every point we just feel one thought from inside that simple is that thought which will
Manage to take us ahead on every point where simple style of living on every point so that sort of
Simple things will take us to that side where we can move ahead easily on every point we just have
One feel from inside simple is that act which will take us ahead on every point when we start to live
In simple way in life those simple ways are right on every point when then we thought simple sort
Of thought which will have so innocent and precious in life then simple will have some thought that
Will lead to wrong point but good ways of life so then we move it to easy way in life because those
Thoughts which are simple to move ahead in life seem like those simple and pure thoughts will just
Look so wrong on every point because simple is that which will show us world in good sort of life
So then simple ways are need of our life we feel just one thought that movement should be such that
Simple will show us some concepts of life which will look easy on every point so those simple sort
Of things in life those simple facts are easy for our life because simple will show us that way of
Our future and life on every point simple ways will show our world at every point we feel one
Thought from inside simple and easy ways are true ways of our life which will show this world
In new light we don't want world to use us so we complicate them on every point we are so scare
To walk straight in life that we confuse our ways on every point we need to walk with care on just
Each and every point simple ways are true proper ways of life but we are so scared from inside
So then at every simple way we need to understand one thought from inside then simple ways
Will show us that point where we need to tell our mind just one fact from inside simple type of
Ways are need of our life when simple ways will show us good way in life so then simple sort
Things will show us pure sort way of life that simple will be so nice on every point then those
Simple ways will have many sort thoughts which will show us this world in good point in life
Then simple things are not easy which we need on every point that simple ways will show us
That sort of feel from inside simple ways are need of life on every point because simple ways will
Manage to complicate our mind since some times we think too much even on simple thing in life
We want to claim things are easy but we just claim it for other we never claim it for us on any point
Our all claims will become useless after some steps of life we need to understand our thoughts and
Our mind before we claim something we need to understand our thoughts from inside simple ways
Are need of our future on every point but we can never move in simple way in our life when we
Start to move we complicate our thinking and thoughts on every point simple ways will turn into
Some thing wrong on every point simple thing seem just for others but it never touch us on any
Moment and point simple things are no more that easy for our life we need to keep them just as
Per our thoughts simple way to move ahead on every point so those simple ways which will look
So great on every point so that simple things will take us ahead on every point so simple ways
Will have show us to that point simple things will show us that ways which will move us to that
Point where simple thing will have so much panic from inside because we scared from inside so
Then simple will have those ways on every point which will show us sunlight on every point of life.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Adventure story 173. Kindness in heart

                                                           Kindness in heart
Sumit was feeling excited. He was going on vacation with his Mom. It was so long time since they went to any where together. His Mom never went with them. He always went with his step mom and step brother and sister. He knew that they were his family. But still he was always curious about his Mom. Until now they had never took his Mom with them. His step mom was nice but he always sensed artificial behaviour in her acts. She never acted with him in normal way. She always tried to please him. She never get angry with him. But he knew that when he did something wrong.She went in bedroom to take her anger. She wanted to control her anger. She tried so hard to control her feelings. It all looked so wrong. After all she needed to keep him happy.She compromised everywhere for him. He had noticed that she was always more strict towards her kids.While whenever she had to deal with him.It was always extra sweetness.He just felt that her feeling were not that much true. She was hiding her true feeling on every point. He saw her many times talking to his Dad slowly in room.He was sure that she was complaining about him but she never spoke on his face.He just felt that it was back biting. Once he tried to complain.But it had only managed to turn matter in worst. Dad talked with just Stepmom Aarushi and it turned those matters into worst. She just started crying and apologized to Sumit. Sumit just hated it. He wanted Aarushi to act normal but this turned matters into worst. Aarushi stopped complaining against him.He just never understood that how did she managed it. Specially when he got angry,he just began to scream on her. He had demanded many wrong things until now but she tried her best to handle it peacefully. Sumit sometimes felt so pity on her and anger towards her. He just wanted to see his real Mom. He wanted to understand mind of his Mom.He wanted to know that why did his father left her. Sumit wanted to judge by himself about his father's decision. Aarushi was packing every thing for him. Aarushi "And Sumit be careful. Your Mom is nice lady but still you have to understand one thing. She is not well so you have to take care of every thing.""She is not well? She was sick.""Sort of . Try to understand. She is not that much well that she could take care of you; in fact even of herself."" What? What are you trying to say?" Now Aarushi looked scared. Now Sumit knew that she would say some excuse and ran out of room. His guess proved right.She said that she had forgotten some of his pajamas and ran away. Sumit just didn't understood her at all. He wanted to know but he knew that it was useless.She would just cry if he kept digging so he decided to ignore it.He was packing things in suitcases. He knew that every thing was perfect and she never tell him truth.
      Sumit sensed that things were not as easy as it seemed. Now he was suddenly little bit scared to meet his Mom because he knew that something was wrong inside her. But Aarushi was not telling it. Then he waited for his Dad.His Dad Sushant never understood him. Sushant just kept screaming on him. Sushant was busy in his business. He never had any time for his son. He just kept looking at Sumit in such a way as if he was obstacles on his every plan and Sumit personally took that thought to his mind. Sumit always acted against Sushant. Whatever might Sushant suggested but still he kept disagreeing with Sushant. Sumit felt just one thought from his heart that at every point he had to move ahead. Sumit felt one thought from mind. He never cooperated his Dad. He never knew that why did he was taking so much revenge. He felt that he was against his Dad just because he married to another woman while his Mom was there. It was not about his Mom being alive or dead. He didn't even remember face of his mother. But he just didn't like his Dad marrying to another woman. He never understood that why did he felt that way. He felt that it might be due to suggestion of people around him. After all those people were always who kept telling him that his Mom was stepmom. He never accepted her or his father's decision. He just kept taking revenge and now he wanted to talk with his same father in friendly way so that he could get things as per his wish. But he knew that it was hard for him. But still he didn't slept until Sushant didn't come home. Sushant was shocked when he saw that Sumit was sitting in corner. He was so confused from his mind.He wanted Sumit to listen but he never did that. He just hoped that he was not planning to create more problem for him. Sushant "Why are you awake? You are planning to go with your Mom on vacation. You need to wake up early. Go and sleep. ""I know but I want to talk to you about Mom." Sushant gave pleasant smile. Sushant "Sure. I will tell you every thing about her. She is nice lady. She was very good by nature. I am sure that you will spend great time with her. She will show you many nice things and you will enjoy it fully." Now Sumit was confused. His father was talking about his mother in such a good way. He had heard that mostly divorced couple had bitterness between them. But his parents seemed on friendly terms. In fact he just wanted to ask his father that if he liked his mother so much why did he separated from her. But Sumit was never on that much friendly term with Sushant. He didn't want to hurt Sushant now. He just wanted to get information regarding that thing which Aarushi said. But then he thought that Aarushi might had said it out of jealously. Sumit smiled and said "Bye Dad. Good night I will go to sleep."
        When Sumit went in his bedroom, he heard loud argument. His step brother Vishal was fighting with his Mom and small Tanu was supporting him. Vishal " I want to go with Bhaiya." Aarushi " You can't go. He is going with his mother. ""But you are my mother still he share you. Then why can't I share his mother. If I have to share my Mom,he must share his.This is cheating. He is just taking my things and not giving his. I hate him.""Shut up. He don't do anything. But I have so many servants here. Still I find so hard to take care of you all. How can Sumit's Mom will take care of you all?" "Then why can't you come?" " Then who will take care of your Dad?""He is grown up. He can take care of himself." "Now stop arguing. You can't go."Tanu "Go... Go with Bhaiya.""Shut up. Don't repeat your brother. No one is going. " Sumit was so confused. He felt as if Vishal was right. He was taking his Mom and in return he was not giving it. He knew that it was not possible. But he could at least took him to picnic. But then he knew that taking care of Vishal was responsibility and if he took Vishal then Tanu would cry. But then he thought that he might took Vishal with him. Aarushi could handle Tanu. First time he sensed responsibility of big brother. Sumit " I will take Vishal with me." Vishal jumped with joy and hugged Sumit. Vishal "Thanks Bhaiya." Tanu looked confused but she also jumped with joy. She was so small.She was happy because her brothers were happy. But Aarushi pulled Vishal away from Sumit. Aarushi "He will not go. If you want to go then you can. But I will not let you take my son to that mad woman. "Sumit was so shocked. Aarushi was actually rude. She never acted that way with him on any point. Sumit "But Dad said my Mom is nice lady." Aarushi gave strange smile and said "Your Dad is still in love with her. She never tried to kill him still he just kept admiring her." Sumit was so angry now. He was sure that Sushant didn't tell lies. "Shut up. My Mom is nice lady. You are just jealous.""Jealous ?!! Then ask your Dad why did he divorced her?" Sumit screamed on Aarushi and started abusing her. He never acted this way. Vishal was so confused now. Vishal just didn't understand whom he wanted to go out with Sumit but he felt that things were not moving that way. But before he could decide any thing Tanu took decision and ran outside. She opened door as soon as she did it. All voice of arguments went out with screams and Sushant came running inside that room. Sushant "What happened? ""She is telling me that my Mom is mad. She tried to kill you. She is lying. Am I right Dad?" Sushant looked at Aarushi with anger. Aarushi" He is trying to take my son with him.""Aarushi!!? Don't you remember? He is also your son. Ohh you don't care.Am I right?" Then Sushant took hold of Sumit's hand and took him outside.
        Sushant "I will come with you tomorrow." " What was she saying? Why don't you call her liar?" "Because she was not lying." "What? Mom tried to kill you but why? She is such a evil woman.." "No..No my son!! She is nice lady but she had a mental problem which was not diagnosed but that time. So we didn't understand what was happening." "I don't get it." " Well when we got married neither she nor I know that she had any problem. Every thing was perfect. She was beautiful and kind. She acted perfectly and so nicely with every one. Every one use to envy us. We were such perfect couple. Very much love with each other. Then you came along. "Sushant patted his head. It seemed as of Sushant once again living each and every day. Sushant " You were also perfect so every thing was so nice. If I tell you truth your Mom was nothing like Aarushi. She was so naturally kind and perfect. Aarushi just tried to be like her but never become like her. But then slowly she started acting strange. She started keeping watch from window. She was looking down again and again. One day she suddenly called me and told me that some one was standing down and that one wanted to kill her and you. She was not that much concern about her. She was just scared about you. I was so scared. I have called immediately to Police. But I know that it would take time and without your Mom and you. I didn't got any thing to live so I went there. As soon as I went inside, she started screaming. She was not screaming on me. She was screaming on some Tushar who was invisible to me. Then I have noticed that she had put you on floor out of your crib. You were crying when I tried to took you my arms. She started throwing things. She was throwing them on me but she never meant to hurt me. She was saying that some one was coming near me. It was just me. But still she kept throwing things. Many things managed to hit me. But I had kept you in my arms. She was protecting you. Trust me. She loved you and me. But she was seeing some monster which was scary and she was trying hard to help us. By throwing things on us.."Sumit was so scared. He could clearly saw that Sushant was crying. Sushant "But she is fine now. She is taking her medicines. She don't want to take you away from me. She is not even want to be part our life. She just wanted this small vacation. And I want to give this to her. She still had many problems. She called me many times. I went to help her. Aarushi hated her. But I felt that she was real and positive love. Aarushi never understood it. But I would not blame her. It was not easy even for her. So Sumit I have explained it to you. Now it is up to you. Do you want to come?" Somewhere in heart Sumit wanted to meet his Mom. His father was coming with him so he decided to give it a try.
           Then Sumit went to sleep. It was worst night for him. It was full of nightmares. He just kept seeing horrible things. He screamed so loudly that every one woke up. Sushant started to patting him. Finally he slept. Next day when Sumit got ready for trip there was not smile on his face. He was so scared. But when he saw his Mom, he was shocked. She was such a nice lady. She was so nice. He just wanted to sit near her. She gave him affection of her true mother. It was so nice. He never saw his father so much happy. They seemed like a perfect family. No one could had guessed. Sumit never noticed any fault in her. It was fine until five days of vacations were over. But then suddenly one day his Mom came to him and started telling. "Sumit do you see that man? He is looking so strangely towards us."Sumit saw that it was a waiter. Sumit "Mom it is just waiter." "No..No..."There was so strange feel in her voice. Sumit sensed something was wrong. "No..Mom nothing is there." She just nodded. But then she started screaming. "What happen Mom? Nothing is there."" There is monster. The same one that tried to hurt you when you are child." "No Mom. That was not true. It was just your imagination. Your Doctor.." " That was lie. He is here."Then she started abusing. She was looking so different. Whole hotel gathered. Sushant came running. Sushant tried to console her. But it was useless. Sushant was sure that she had not taken her medicines so she was having attack. Sushant was told by psychiatrist that he must call him immediately if something like that happened. Sushant called that psychiatrist. It was so hard. Slowly she started throwing things. Finally security guard and waiter took hold of her. She was tied to chair. It was horrible for Sumit. He was so scared. His Mom was looking like some person who was haunted by ghost inside ghost movie. It was so worst.He just wanted to run away. But then when he went out of room, he remembered her Mom. She was so nice to her. He once again went in room. Sushant was trying to console her. He was trying to give her medicine. But she was not taking it. Sumit slowly took that tablet out of his hand. He told waiter to bring one orange juice. Waiter looked confused. But he did it. He mixed medicine in it. Then he went to his Mom. Sumit "Mom you are thirsty drink it. ""They have tied me."" I will untie you." Then he pretended to scream on waiter and signed to him which was understood my waiter. Waiter pretended as if he was untying her. She smiled and slowly drank juice out of Sumit's hand. She went to sleep immediately. Sumit started moving hand out of her hair and said " I love you Mom." Sushant looked at him with shock. Sushant "Thank for understanding. ""Dad she is my Mom. I will never let her down." Then Sushant started explaining Sumit about her medicines and treatment. Sumit heard it carefully. Sushant felt so glad that his son was acting like grown up and he was not leaving his Mom behind. From that day every time when ever Sushant went to meet Sumit's Mom. Sumit went with him. After all she was his loving Mom. It was so strange in Aarushi's eyes. She never understood that how could they liked so much to that mad woman. She never understood that kindness was best gift for human mind. Some people had it inside their heart.
                                                             The End

Poem 1914. Walking on thread

                                                           Walking on thread
Sometimes when I move ahead in my life I just jump without much thinking in some tide and
Then I just plan how to move ahead with that tide on that moment just adventure seem so much
Important priority of my life I just never give second thought what will happen due to that jump
In my life I just feel that I need to do it because it is justice and it is sometimes right but
Sometimes feel so much confused from inside that I need to move ahead with one thought from
My mind that adventure is that thinking which look so perfect on every point when we move
Ahead only with one point that adventure is need of my life since on that point I just have one
Thought from inside that I want justice in life so I am not even scared to swim ahead against
Any tide sometimes I feel just fighting for justice is so easy part of life but hardest part is that
Making friendship in life when I start to make friend I will always manage to give them smile
And talk with them so perfectly on every point those movement which I will do with view of
Making friendship in life but then when we move ahead on some angle of our life those movement
Which are taken with thought of friendship scare on every point I feel just one thought from inside
When adventure will turn lead to many problems in our future and life friendship is that thought
Which we want to take on every step of life with hope good but I am so scared on every point
So those thoughts of friendship will turn into that side where we can see many kind of lights on
Every angle and point but then friendship means also standing with friends in life but then comes
Next question on every point that does those friends stand on right side because sometimes just
Every thing turn so wrong way in life when friend stood on wrong time it is not about just breaking
Friendship but it is also about screaming about it on top of lung on every point because if you
Just manage to keep quiet then all will assume just one thing from inside that we are on wrong side
So one wrong friendship means just biggest drama of life since some friends just never quit you
So easily in life they just kept claiming on every point that on you they have right just being friend
Never mean we can become inhuman in life when friend does some thing wrong it is like moving
On one small thread on every point when I start to move on that small thread on every point while
Balancing inside our life walking without falling is hard task for our life on every moment of life
It is so hard to understand life when we start to walk on that small thought or small point I know
Friendship is not small thing in life but when we do something wrong for friend and cheat our
God on that point that friendship looks nothing but just small threat on that point because it seem
As if we have cheated our best friend our god in life so other friendship no longer matter in life
So when I make friendship it scare me so much every time since judging good from bad is not
That much easy in life since human being are needed to stand together in life so we need to just
Search for friend on every point we need to find some friend who will look so good to our life
And walk with us in life it is not seem as easy as just walking against tide it is hard like floating
And swimming in that tide drowning seem easy job than saving ourselves by swimming some
Times seem like so hard task on every point but that is true hard work for our life since moving
Ahead is not easy job for our life we just need to understand one thought from our mind that
When we move we need to walk with so much care on every point because life is not about just
Drowning but it is about saving ourselves and swimming perfectly even in worst sort of tides
Which will take us ahead on every step of life we need to understand on every point just one
Thought from inside that tide are to swim not to get drown on every point we need to understand
One thought on every point that friendship is worth to take risk every time still friendship just
Manage to scare me so much every time enemy can't do that things which friends do some times
Since enemies are not that bad sometimes circumstances put us in such situation that enemies
Are created in life but those friends who manage to turn us to worst point can't be ignored as
Just some tide we need to understand one thing from inside that enemy can be friend but never
Create worst sort of friend in life that can hurt us so much that we can't stood again in our life
So we need friend but need to make them care in life but we must not feel so much scared on
Every point to make friendship inside life since friendship is so need of moment and that time
So I have understood one thing in life walking some times of thread is rule of our future and life.

Poem 1913. That thought

                                                              That thought
One time I feel that thought from inside that people will not understand one thinking from inside
Those thoughts in life that will show us our thinking from inside but when thought will have some
Thing which will precious for mind I just feel one thinking from mind when in mind will take us
Ahead to that point from where we feel that sea will look so nice at every power every point so then
When we move ahead on every point we feel that this thought just belong to us in our life when
We just move ahead on every point I just feel one thing from inside that thought which will have
Just manage on every point those thoughts will open door to our mind but at that point we will see
That door which will have nice look on every point that tide will look so much great on every point
In life but we just never feel one day our thought will turn into tide on every angle that thought will
Look so confused from inside that thought which have some effect on our mind but then I feel just
One thought from inside because then one thought will lead to good side may be at first it is just 
Our thought but it will not look that much good in life those thoughts will began to show us that
Power or light which will take us ahead on every point when some thought will move ahead on 
Some moment and point I feel just one thinking from inside that some thought will have different
Sort of direction in life some people like one direction of thoughts in life those direction which will
Make us alive may be not appreciated at first seem perfect after some time to world because one
Thing is so sure at every point I feel one thinking from inside that when we move ahead with just
One thought that is to take us ahead in life we want that freedom from starting of life some will 
Just prefer it at beginning and some prefer it after some time but freedom is one thought which 
Will show this world perfect type of light that will manage to take us ahead with each step on each
And every point one thought is just ours but for some days of life but then I feel one thought from
Inside that I am moving ahead with each point to that place which will look so much great on every
Point inside that one thought will take us ahead in life we feel just one thought which suited to us
Since we understand importance of freedom at starting point but slowly people will manage to 
Understand that it is most important in life other things will not matter when freedom goes away
From life because life will not move ahead with positive thought of mind it seem as if it all is 
So much wrong on every point I just feel one thing from inside that when one thought we just 
Began to create and it will have some impact on our mind I feel one thinking from inside that 
When I will move ahead at every point with just one thought that I want light inside my life on
Every point it seem as if one thought is not that much enough for my life when I will move ahead
At every point then I feel that one thought is going to be on one part of my mind when we move
Ahead at every angle of life I have just one thought from inside that when we start to move ahead
I feel one thought from inside that when we move ahead one thought to another thought to our
Thinking and life because then when I just decide to ignore some point then I will began to just
Understand one thought from inside that people will never understand my thought or my idea on
Any point I have just one feel from inside that thought will show many angles in life but then 
I feel one thought from inside that some thought will began to form new part from mind on every
Moment and on every point I just feel one thing that thought is far behind but then after some
Moment I observe mostly in life people will agree with that thought on positive thinking and point
When we start to move ahead on every point on every thought I feel that thought never move ahead
From inside so then I feel one thought from inside that when we start to move ahead on every
Point so then when we start to move ahead with one thought from inside that when we move ahead
We feel that this thought will never move ahead from inside that these thoughts will look so right
After some time in our life so when we move ahead in life I just feel that many times our thoughts
Were understood little bit late in life when we expect them to be understood people just don't
Understand them inside life but then slowly when they understood we have moved ahead in life
That is not bad thing but what is bad if when people don't understand first thought we stop there
And turn in wrong way in life just start to move ahead with one thought and move to that point
Where we can see many things in life which look so much great on every point if people don't
Understand keep that thought on that point and then move ahead with each thought from your mind
Because waiting on just one thought never right for our future or on any point of our life.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Poem 1912. Mixture

When heat form will have impact on our mind at every point it seem so much beauty will
Show us those seven colors in life when it seem so much golden that it just manage to touch our
Thinking and eyes those seven colors are that touch which truly hidden inside that beauty on which
We always have hope from inside will give us those seven colors look which will look so good
As well as pleasant inside life we just see golden look on every point those seven colors will have
That beauty which are looking so much great on every point we just see one colors but we feel that
Seven different colors are inside or may be those seven colors are never different they are just those
Same colors on every point when I see sun rays I just always remember those words of that small
Kid that how can seven colors be separate in life on that moment I feel one thing how wrong is our
Thought and thinking in life we may see rainbow which seven colors but they are never separate in
Our any part of life those seven colors are just together on every point they will look so much great
And interesting to understand one thought from inside that even may they look separate to you on
Some point but finally they are together and that is rule of life at every moment we just feel one
Thought from inside that seven color will have that power which will show this world it's wonderful
Feel from inside when we move ahead on every point we just see one thing that those seven color
Which shine in sky on every time I just see them as perfect thing in my life they show me that
Somethings may have seven parts inside but still they will manage to look just like one thing on
Many points when we move ahead on every point we need to understand that seven colors don't
Need to be treated separately in life we need to understand that golden sun ray have just seven
Types of colors inside and it will manage to create some impact on our life those rays which will
Have seven colors inside will look so much great when we think them as if one thought from inside
We need to understand one thought on every point that some thing will include many parts but still
When they stand together they are perfect and right when I will move ahead with each step on every
Moment and point I just feel one thing that every sun ray will have seven colors inside those looks
Which touch our feeling and our mind never understood by us properly in life may be those colors
Are telling us even one thing can have seven parts inside even one sun ray will includes many sort
Of colors on every point those seven colors will show this world that beauty which touch us on
Every moment and point we just never understand seven colors are never that much different inside
Our future and life those many types of colors which show us right light will look so much great
When they will take us ahead on every point but they are so different than each other at same time
And that's why we feel they must have separate idendity in life but they never have any separate
And different identity in life they are all just one concept but each part look different on every point
Like many water drops which can make sea as well as one tide they can't be separated in good way
In life when you try to separate them you will just manage to create worst impact on nature at every
Point that will bring that destruction which will manage to hurt our life we need to understand one
Thought from inside some things are just together and that togetherness just never look enough to
Our mind because we just feel they need to have independent identity since each color is so different
On every section of our life when we move ahead with each step we just manage to get some thought
From inside that those bright colors can't be together since they just seem not to match on any point
But when nature shows rainbow it manage to prove our concept false on that point to different
Things and concept can be together like salt and water or milk and sugar inside our life because
When two things come together they manage to create some bigger thing in life when water mix
With salt it create sea and without it that will be just river or pond on some point when two things
Just become one a new concept include in life because they have manage to adjust their differences
On every point but it should be to create some thing wrong in life it should become some thing
Like sun ray or water we must act like oil and fire and burn every thing in life because when wrong
Things mix still they create impact on our life they can't be separate since once some thing manage
To be together we just can't separate them how much we try we can try to stop them for just some
Moment or time but they will never stop until we find some thing more powerful mixed inside life
So instead of finding water or sand to stop fire don't start fire in life mix things properly since
You have some thing important at stake it is not just small magician trick it is our precious life. 

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...