Friday, April 25, 2014

Poem 1443. To prove

                                                              To prove
Sometimes some people have shadows of their past which keep impact on them on each and
Every moment and on every part but then comes next question inside my heart how can I
Understand them since I am the one who never have any past I know we have all future
As well as past but some have like me just normal friendly past but those people want every
Person to cry for their past they want those shadows to be drag on each and every heart
But I just feel one thing why don't they feel that maybe instead of telling others to understand
Their past why should not they understand someone's good past if you want to borrow something
Inside your life and use it from your heart then why should you borrow other person's good
Pleasant past but they always says it is not possible in life and they always feel that we want
To win on many angles of our life but then when question comes of past they just keep telling
Their pains are so horrible in life that on every moment I just feel past will become alive in
Our future and in our life when those things which are part of their past can turn into shadows
Of future inside life and it will happen inside life that past will one day manage to destroy that
Peace of mind after all those people who have so horrible past in life can always manage to
Bring that past inside our life after all shadow will have effects on things of life when we went
Ahead we just feel one thing inside life that those past which are with them are taking us ahead
On totally wrong side those shadows which are spreading darkness are wrong on many moment
And on many times I just feel one thing from my thinking that instead of growing with past
We need future inside life on every moment and on every point we just feel one thing from
Our thoughts inside life I just feel one thing that those shadows of their past managing to harm
Our thinking inside life but those people just feel we must keep them inside life they just keep
Telling us that we will never understand those pain in our life but I just never understand that
Why did we need to keep pain inside even if we don't have shadow of past that dark but still
Every one have problems inside life on every moment we just feel that they are not that big so
We just ignore them inside life when I went ahead I just feel that those shadows of past are
Entering in our life not because we want but because every one have sympathy to those people
Inside life if crying about past can make you so great then we all can cry for it but question is
That what is use of that past inside our future life because crying can't take us ahead and don't
Improve our life but some people just love to drag their past and slowly every one start to drag
That past inside life because when one person talk about past and claimed other have enjoyed
Perfect sort of life I just feel one thing that past will manage from every side and suddenly
People began to start competition of their life I just never understand when we get nice future
Then why did people was some sad past behind why people just feel that sad past will make person
So smart and wise I just feel one thing from inside that wise person will remain wise and they
Never need load of sad past to go ahead in life it seem so strange rule of world that they seem to
Feel just those who have sad past deserve good future in life do you think that just because
They have sad past they should be given right to make sad our life but it seems whole world
Just love to cry for past and just manage to taunt those people who don't suffer in life but I just
Never understand if you have sad past then you also have many guilt in life because it is not
That easy to come ahead inside life after all those past manage to take you wrong way in life
So if you suffer then you also have guilt so that will always settle scores in life because those
Who have so sad past still manage to come so ahead mostly does a lot of compromise inside
Life after all they can't come ahead as per their wishes inside life until they do some adjustment
With their morals from time to time and those who have sad past still doesn't do compromise
Never like to repeat that past again and again inside life because they want to forget it and want
To come ahead inside life when you repeat your past I feel that it's due to guilt which is teasing
You inside your mind I just feel that we must once confess that guilt and then go over that past
In limited time because if we keep dragging those shadows of past then our future will just manage
To become shadow of past life even if some one taunt you inside your life just don't start repeating
Past on every point after all past will become something which will not help our future at all in life
Because those past which are alive in life but then I feel that past are something which should be
Discuss once and then we must learn to stop dragging it in our life because future is already
Managing to create lot of effects in life and instead of past we can improve future to prove in life.

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