Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Poem 1403. Best skill

                                                                  Best skill
How interesting are some facts of life that some people just keeping one thing inside life
That are just best from every side they just keep searching on every angle of our life I just
Have one feeling from inside of mind that those things which happen in world are so perfect
And nice for our life but then those people just keep thinking one thought from inside of mind
That they are just best on every occasion and on every time I just keep feeling one thing
From my thoughts and from my mind I just keep telling every one that life is so interesting
And life is so nice and they should not say such thing to other people that they are best and
Other people are not wise even sometimes I accept their intelligence in hope that I am convince
Them in life that they don't know everything inside their future and inside their life I just keep
Thinking on thought from inside mind if I can convince them they will at least quit insulting
Others in life I just try to convince them that they are best so then they could have big heart
Inside life and they can get things just as they wish from time to time on every moment and
On every time they will just get in problem when they start upset every one in life but even
Those problems don't seem to woke up them inside life they just keep destroying others like
Some storm inside life but slowly that storm become something so destructive in life on every
Moment and on every point we need to understand those things which are important on many
Parts and on many thoughts of my life I just never forget what I have seen inside life but on
Every moment I just feel one thing on every point how can someone keep such a superstition
Inside life when that superstition will manage to destroy our thoughts and our mind when
I want to go ahead I just want to do my best inside my life I just never understand those thoughts
On every moment and on every point I have one feeling inside mind that those best thoughts are
Something so wrong on every moment and on every point I need to keep those things which
Are precious to me perfect and alive but when these people start to think they are best suddenly
They even plan to throw away those best things from life I just want to tell them that they can't
Be all rounder on every point so they need to give chances even to others inside life but these
People seem so sure that they are best inside life that their thoughts are stuck on wrong point
Of their mind when my life went ahead I just understood one thing in life that thinking you are
Best is wrong in life we have think that we are great but we also need to understand that our
Greatness is limited to just some fields of life and on other fields we are nothing but useless in life
On every moment and on every point I just feel one thought from inside that some people just
Have best knowledge of one side and slowly they began to think they know every thing best
In life and sometimes even in that field someone better enter inside life and instead of accepting it
They just start to scream they are best and they knew best on every point I just have one feeling
Inside life that best thought is some thing so interesting on every point of our future and our life
Because on every moment and on every point I need to understand those things of life which
Will take us ahead on every point of our life I just have one thought from inside that those thinking
Are harmful inside life after all those things which look so best are precious to our life but when
Those people turn in wrong way and they began to gather ego things turn into totally wrong
Point inside our life I just want to convince those people who are best that they should stop
Their ego on some point but that is not that easy in our life because best means above every one
And it began to create problems in life when I went ahead on every point I just feel one thing
Inside life that those best things which happen in life where those in which our life goes ahead
From time to time and we began to feel that we must decide what is best for us in life but then
I just understood one thing is best for my life that I should not let myself try to convince those
People inside life because they will never understand that thing in life and sometimes situation
Just get worst on every moment of life some people are not even that good or maybe their
Good skills vanish after some time inside life because when I went ahead inside my life I just
Have one feeling from inside that those things which are entering again and again inside life
Are not that best on any moment and on any point I just keep feeling one thing in life that those
Things which are something important and best inside life when I start moving ahead in life
I have just one feeling that best means something perfect in life but when something best turn
Into some thing worst inside life I feel it's better that we should stay away from it on those
Thoughts and on those points because life will go ahead on every point but those people who
Thinks they are best never change in life they just keep irritating every one on every point so
Let them understand that truth on their own we should not try to convince them in life and
On every moment we just have ignore them this is what we do and we learn best skill of our life.

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