Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Poem 1428. Wrong demand

                                                                 Wrong demand
When you think about it you just feel one thing inside your world that your mother is something
Most beautiful and best inside your world may some one who look better may enter inside world
But still that beauty remain as basic of your world and sometimes same thing happen regarding
Our country inside our world I just feel on every moment I need to think about this in world but
Then when we move ahead in life I feel that we began to accept super humanness in those people
In our life on every moment and on every point we just began to feel that things are not going
Ahead as we wish in life we just feel our mother is so great and same apply to our country in life
When we get every thing since we are just small angel at that time we just demand those things
Which are in hands of human and sometimes we even get them on other people's sacrifice but
Then slowly our life went ahead from time to time and we just began to feel that we are doing
Totally wrong thing in life our trust suddenly shattered when things don't turn as we wish from
Our thoughts and mind they all turn by destiny which is not perfect for us on any moment and
On any point I just keep guessing things in life which have that perfectness which help us on
Every moment and on every time I just keep guessing but things mostly goes in wrong way of
Our future and our life because when we move ahead I just feel that I am standing on wrong
Thought or wrong front of my life we just never help much to ourselves on any point we just
Keep guessing things one after another inside life we feel that we will get them in proper way
In our life we feel that those things which are important to us are not that perfect and not that
Much nice I feel those things which rises demand from us have increase in life on every moment
We just feel one thought from inside that those things which look so perfect are not something
Which look clear in life because when I start to move ahead I just feel one thought from inside
That those which I wanted are not possible for that person whom I thought so perfect in life
And then that anger began to enter in our life I just never thought that my thinking is turning
In wrong way of life until I see that those things which I have dreamed are not going ahead as
I wish inside life I just kept complaining about things in life and slowly I just began to scream
On that person whom I liked I know we all disagree to say but this is truth of our life we just
Force someone at position of god and then began to blame that person inside life I know that
Sometimes things are not moving as we wish in life but just screaming on our whole people
Is not going to help me in life when I move ahead I just have one feeling from inside that those
Things which I have seen in my world are not that perfect for my mind when things turn in
Totally wrong way inside my life after all when we are kids we just feel from heart that our things
Are so best in life but no one is perfect since god have given each person chance to do mistake
Inside life and those mistakes will turn into blunder from time to time and then we began to think
Our own private god cheated us in life but we ever thought that we are looking at human
For whole time and just claiming that person is god will just create problems for all inside life
When our life move ahead I just feel one thought from inside that those things which look so
Perfect to us are not that much nice on any point I just feel one thing may it be case of our
Mother or case of our mother land one day we disappoint if we give them place of god then
We must understand it is just for respect never hope that they will do those duties which god do
Inside life we just keep telling ourselves those people are great and that is truth of life but that
Don't give them power of god inside life they are just human like us on every time so they will
Also make mistake which may cause trouble inside life when you blame mother then you are
Blaming yourself inside life because when you accept your mother to change in god that is just
Your thought and not truth of life and when you accept your country as heaven once again you repeat
Same mistake twice those both concepts are great but they are not to confused with increase
Of acceptations inside life when I manage to move ahead inside life I just keep thinking one thought
From inside that when future will move ahead we need to understand those things in our life and
We need to grasp that those concepts are totally wrong inside life I just never understand that
When we confuse this way concepts of our life and turn them totally wrong inside life because
When we went ahead we just keep guessing where we stand in life and while doing that we want
To land on top so we just keep hoping that our best helper turned into god inside life and then
We just keep least demand  before them in life and never thought that how much we demand
In return of respect inside life we must need to understand we can't just demand this way in life
We need to understand called someone as god and calling something as heaven is just to give
Respect and it should not be turn something so wrong inside our future and inside our whole life.

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