Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Poem 1437. Limit of work

                                                                Limit of work
Some problems which look so bigger on night sometimes look so easy inside day light how can
That happen to human mind how thing change so strange way in life when we discuss some issue
While going home on some point that issue seem so hard on every point because you just have to
Keep it waiting for next day inside life we can't just jump and began to hope on that night and
Just hope that everything will become perfect and nice for our mind when we understand one
Thing inside life we just keep thinking those things on every point  and then we can't have peace
In that night so that is truth of our life that we can't win in life unless we decide to go ahead as
We want from inside with patience on every time but still inside my heart and my mind I feel
That there are not those nights when I have slept peacefully inside my life after all those things
Which are precious for me can't wait for next day in my life I just suddenly began to feel that
I am going to get sick on next day due to some sickness inside life when I am fit from each and
Every side I just feel one thought from inside that those thinking which are alive inside my mind
Are not going to hurt me on any point because on every moment I feel that why don't I just think
About it just for that night and so even when it is needed inside my life I just feel one thing from
My thought and my mind that I must work on that thought inside life because those thinking are
Totally important inside life but then I just have one thought from inside my mind I just keep
Everything ready in my mind and then next day I will start my work on time how strange is
My thinking inside my mind which just tell me on every point that I must complete work on time
I just have one thought from inside my mind that those work can go actually next day but those
Nights will always remain busy in thinking of my mind I know that work is important but then
I just feel one thing from inside my mind that work should not become that worship which just
Never let you sleep in life because when we do worship to our god it will give us peace of my
Thinking and mind I just feel one thing from inside that those peace is not given by work in life
After all work is for benefit of our life but not for benefit for our body or mind inside our life
Work should not become something which stay with us even on every night and then slowly
Start to scare us even on our peaceful night because then those nightmares of failures surely visit us
From time to time I just keep thinking on every point that those things which look so perfect are
Not going ahead as we wish inside life because those things which look so nice inside life but
Then I feel that sometimes work become so important to us on every point inside our life after
Some limit we just began to forget over them even our god we began to think just one thing from
Our mind and our heart that those things which are so important to our thinking and our heart
Because when we went ahead on any part I just feel one thing from my heart that my thinking
Should not be just on my work other things also matter in this world because when we do it
On those moment we just keep alive that work when we are doing it and even when we are
Not doing our work and I just feel that when work is done only then I just feel one thing from
My mind after all when that work is not there why should we have to keep working on it on
Every moment and every time because those times are wasted when they are just kept on
Thinking in mind but then some people say it will improve us inside life but I just feel that if
We act that way inside life slowly our life left us from time to time and then we just live with
Our work and not with our thoughts and mind after all for getting success is important but
Human being is not just machine which manufacture success on every day and on every thinking
We must learn to do other things inside our life on every point we need to think about work
In life because when I went ahead with work I just feel that it should be for limited time but
Still I just feel that it is not expected from our thoughts and our mind we need to convince this
To our brain and our body in life sometimes we assume just one thing from inside that thing
Will be adjusted automatically inside our life and on each and every point we just feel one thing
From inside of our mind because on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that it will
Not happen until we teach to go ahead that way to our future and our life so we must never
Let our mind go as it like sometimes we need to force it to go as we wish from our mind but
Then we just feel that we are doing extra work so it is fine but I just feel that it is wrong in life
Because we have forgotten all other duties inside our life so then I feel just one thing from
My mind that those duties are as important as work for our thinking inside our life since
I feel that just while doing work we should not forget our good values which are given us in life.

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