Monday, April 14, 2014

Poem 1424. Surprise

Whatever happen inside life I just always think one thing that was surprise this factor never leave
Us behind inside life on every moment we just feel one thing from our mind that on every
Thought in our life we just keep thinking on every moment and on every point that how sure
We are about those factors of life which will look so same on every moment and on every
Time inside life because on every moment and on every time I just feel one thing from inside
Of our thinking and our life that our life will never take us ahead as we think and on any point
I just feel one thing from my life that those things which happen never as we like after all
Things don't move as we like people act so differently they move just so totally shocking way
In life we just guess something and then we see that those things which are important in life
Began to create effects on every moment and on every point but so shocking is it's effect
That we will never understand we should cry out of surprise because we never expect those
Things to rise as they rise but it is not that they are bad on every time sometimes they are
Pleasant sort of surprise sometimes they give unexpected allies inside their life when we start
To move ahead I just feel one thought from inside that those things which look so perfect to
Our mind are not that good inside life I just hate those thoughts which will be part of future
And which will be part of life but then I feel many times things turn in good way inside life
When we hoped least suddenly we see that sunshine which manage to bright our days and
Manage to bring smile in life and that one even manage to give peaceful sleep to us in life but
When life moves ahead on every point of life I just feel that those things which are so different
Are not that much part of our life when we go ahead in our life I feel those things which are
So good never act as perfect part but they act as surprise in life when we move forward then
I will just feel one thing from in mind that those surprises which look so perfect are normal
To our future and to our life those moments which are so good to our life where not some
Part of future will help us on every point of my life will never go ahead as we thought on each point
Life will move ahead as we wish but not always from every side my life told one thing that
It will just always like to surprise my mind after all when days went ahead then I see those
People act so differently in life when we can win easily some jackpot life put us on back track
Of life and sometimes on those tracks our fortune will rise and then just turning back seem so
Nice that it seem as if failure can help you more in your life because failures are those things
Which we see on every point but we just never accept success from them and it will be big prize
So when we went ahead we just guessed lot of things in life we just feel that failure should
Destroy us and success should help us in our life and we feel when we need to do something
Again it means failure in our life but doing things again doesn't mean always failure in life
Because sometimes it means success and it happen to us in life on many point and then we
Get that thing in better way inside life but then people taunt to us we just feel one thing from
Inside that success is not about getting things done on first place sometimes in case of success
We need to go ahead in life and try things inside life on each and every point then only we
Can get them in better way in our life I just feel one thing on every moment and on every time
I just never understand those things in life which will help to go ahead in life on first failure
I feel life is full of failures on every point we just keep thinking that winning is not that important
Inside our life I just feel one thought from my mind that those things which are so perfect
Are not that much nice in our life I just kept telling myself that standing on back track will
Never help me much inside my life since world told me I just began to believe it in our life
I just feel on every moment those winning is not good things for our life when I decide to
Move ahead in life then I will feel just one thought from inside those things which happen
To us in our life are perfect things in life repeating tracks is good when we get them properly
In life I feel those repeating tracks are right inside our life we just feel those tracks in life
But then those tracks are something which we don't want to repeat in our life and we just
Feel one thing from our mind that repeating is some crime because that means we are failed
And people laugh on us in life but many times I feel repeating is good thing for our life since
It will take us ahead I just feel that repetition is always perfect thing for me as well as for
My thinking and for my mind but since I was always told against it I just feel when I have
Thought which will lead to surprise when I began to win on every day of my future and life.

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