Friday, April 4, 2014

Poem 1408. Things in limit

                                                         Things in limit
From one side I see that sunshine but still we feel that nice touch only for limited time in life
Because only at morning we get that sunshine which touch us on every point of our life I just
Have one feeling from inside of our mind that this sunshine is so nice on that morning and it
Will give us nice touch inside life I just feel that strength inside when that sunshine touch my
Face I feel so nice but then after some time sun began to change it's side and slowly that sun
Began to burn me in life but I just feel one thing this is rule of life on every point we just feel
One thought from inside my mind that on every moment and on every point sunshine will be
Harsh on many times when sun will goes higher on every point if I don't want to hurt then
Inside our life I just feel one thought from inside that those sun rays which manage to burn
Us inside our life never look that perfect inside life I just feel one thing from inside that it is
Rule of life that each things goes away after some time may it be sun or may it be something
Else inside life on every point we just feel that it must not go out of our life but all things are
There for us just for limited time they never went ahead more inside life because those things
Which we get for limited inside life because there are some rules which show us that we can't
Get every thing as per our wish on every time we have to go ahead inside life because those
Things are so limited on many occasions and on many points in life if we expect them fully
Inside our life then we just don't need them on each and every time we can always get them
Adjusted in limited time inside our life I just feel one thing from inside that those voices which are
Important to us on every moment and on every time I just feel one thought from inside that
Those power can't be won completely inside life they just comes and goes away from our life
Because those powers will also have side effects on many sides what we feel inside our life
Is something which happen inside our future on every time and on every moment inside life
I just feel some powers are more powerful than we imagine inside life on every moment and
On every point I feel those powers are something which are more than our capacities in life
But still we want them inside our life because those things which touch us are those powers
Which help us on many times but we want to control them but we just can't get that control
Inside life I just want my heart to understand it in life that on every moment we wish to have
Success inside life but when those powers began to hurt us I just don't want them near me
In life and I just keep them as far away as possible in life my life never move as per my wish
Any time then how can I wish to have control over power inside life I just keep guessing from
One point to another point I feel that my wings can get that power inside and I will learn
To control that power in life but it doesn't happen inside my life because when I moves ahead
I just have one feeling from inside those powers which I have are something not that much
Interesting inside life when they come for just limited time inside life I feel those thoughts
Are something not that much interesting inside life because I have to respect that power
Even if we get them in limited time of life I just never understand why I just can't be satisfied
With those limits in life after all those power are useful if I use them in limit in life but I just
Began to think one thing inside life that on every moment and on every point I will use that
Power in limit inside life I just have one feeling from my mind on every moment and on
Every point I have one thought from inside my mind that I want that power full or I just don't
Want it inside life when things goes ahead on every point I feel one thought from inside
I feel those powers which are so important in life should not be just give up because I don't
Get them in full inside life I just kept thinking on every point that when those power cross
Limits then those power will not help us but that doesn't mean they are not helping us
When we use them in limit in life on every moment and on every time I just feel one thing
From inside those thoughts which are precious to us inside life I feel those things which
Look so perfect are not that much nice I feel one thing from inside of my mind that on
Every moment I need to go ahead inside our life I feel those powers which entered in
Our future and in our life I feel that those power will manage to harm us beyond limits
Inside life but still we need to use them in limit when we get them in limit inside life
Because when we can't get something full still then we have to adjust with what we get
In our life if we don't adjust with it then we have spend our days in just crying so if you
Really want things adjust with limits in life but if you don't want then you can always
Claim that it is so limited so you can't include it in life after all you can say no with respect
When you act this way inside your future as well as inside your life on every moment and time.

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