Monday, April 7, 2014

Poem 1412. Keeping touch with history

                                                        Keeping touch with history
Even when we say again and again we don't want ghost of past but still it enter inside our life
On every moment it seems as if that past is haunting us again and again inside life we all just
Want one thing from our thoughts and from our mind that those things which happen to us
Are not that perfect in life because when we want to left behind past inside life so then I just
Feel one thing why past is coming again and again inside life those past in which I was not
Even born began to capture people's mind I just never understand how can that past manage
To come before me in life then I just feel one thing maybe that is those ghosts which never
Had proper funeral and proper rituals in life so maybe those ghosts are again haunting us in life
I just have feeling those ghosts are part of our real life those incidence never leave us even if
We are not part of them in life we just get insulted for them from time to time we just feel
That we are not part of them then still why fingers are pointed at us inside life when we went
Ahead on every point I just feel that we need to understand that those ghost of past have power
To hurt us from time to time I just never understand on thought from inside how can I clear
Those things which have never happen to me inside life are having effect on us and on our
Thinking and on our life we have answer daily to those deeds which are not even part of our
Future and our life on every moment we just feel one thing from our mind that those things
Which happened should be studied before we answer them in life I just feel one thing from
Inside that those answers which I have gave are not one which I will be giving because
I have seen it in life just by studying books how can we give proper answers because I will
Study one book and you will study another but when people start one thing all around us
That they start digging past suddenly it becomes every one's favourite work on every moment
And on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that those past which enter in our
Thoughts and in our world on every moment of our world I just feel one thing from my thinking
And from my world that on every moment those things will happen inside my life and just
Because I want answer them I use to run to library and use to dig past from time to time
Inside my life on every point I just never feel one thing from inside that while doing that I am
Trapping myself inside past for every moment and for every time I just feel one thing from
Inside that I am just stuck in libraries and that is what wanted by other person in our life that
On every moment and on every point we just stuck in that past and then our future will never
Going to rise inside our life I just keep feeling this way on every time that while reading history
And while screaming about it I forgot my present many times in our future and in our life
We just keep thinking on every point that those things which are so precious to our life
Look so wrong on every point I feel that those past have captured my future on every point
I feel as if concentrating on those past is totally wrong inside life because that past will not
Stay truly inside life that past will just destroy us on every moment and on every time since
Past is something which just turn in wrong way inside our life I feel that storing past is so
Wrong in life I just don't want to stay in that library forever in life then I just have to store
Past inside life because other taunts me and tell me many things inside life I just feel one thing
From inside those thoughts which are so wrong will just have bad effect on life but then one day
I feel just one thing from my mind all those people who are alive on that past are dead now
Inside our life so why are we discussing those past in our life when we should just discuss
Future on some moments and on some times I just have one feeling from inside that those
People who are part of our life trying to keep us behind by just bringing out our past on every
Moment and on every point inside our life I just have one feeling from my mind instead of
Going ahead those people keep us so engaged in those thoughts which are behind that we just
Never able to look ahead inside our life I just keep thinking one thought on every point I feel
We just keep digging past from time to time on every moment and on every point we just have
One thought from inside that those things which will happen inside our life will never look
So perfect on every point when we just start going ahead inside life we just keep touching
Past on every point but that past never help us much inside life but it will keep us in touch
Of our history and that will not really doing to take us anywhere ahead inside our future and life.

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