Friday, April 11, 2014

Poem 1420. Scary person

                                                          Scary person
How scary are some people that even with their thought we just began to feel that we are totally
Confused and we feel it's our fault when many times it all happen due to these people and due to
Their wrong talk many times we just feel that we are doing wrong thing and it manage to confuse
Our mind as well as our thought on every moment inside our world we just feel one thing among
Our thinking inside our world because when we went ahead inside our heart we just remember
Those people and their thoughts because when some thing they say it keeps alive in their mind
And on every moment we just feel one thing that we are not wrong on any thought or on any point
Because when these people pressure us inside our life we just feel convince that they are so wrong
And we are so right inside our life I just never able to guess on any point that those truth which
Comes in light are something totally different on every side of our life I just keep guessing one
Thought on every point that if something wrong happen then we will just wake up on every moment
And on every point I just keep guessing on every point that those thoughts which will hurt us
Are so wrong inside life I just keep thinking one thing from my mind that all those thoughts which
Are alive seem to be so wrong inside our life I just keep thinking on every point that our thinking
Will never hurt us on any moment of our life until we just don't get convince that those people
Are telling us truths and facts of life on every point I just keep thinking inside life that those all
Things which are stored inside our mind are not helping us at all inside our life we just want to
Move ahead on every moment and on every point but still when that person says something then
I suddenly feel that I have lost every purpose of my future and of my life because my life will
Take me ahead on every point I just never understand one thing from my mind that those words
Which are important to me are precious to my life because on every moment I just feel one thought
From inside I feel those things which enter inside our life don't look that perfect on any moment
And on any time I just keep guessing one after another things inside life but still on every moment
When those people come before me all guess just remain inside our mind I know that some people
Will claim that they never had such person that person who scare them from inside but when they
Say it I just feel one thing from inside that they are telling nothing but truth about our future and
About our life because when those people went ahead I just feel one thought from my mind that
On every moment I just feel one thing from inside that those people who are part of our future
Are not that much right in life on every moment we just feel one thought from inside that on
Every thought and on every moment we need to move ahead in life we just keep thinking one
Thought from inside that those thinking which is alive inside us is not that perfect in our life
I just keep thinking on thing on every moment and on every point that those things which happen
To us are not that perfect in our future and nice when I start moving ahead I just feel one thought
From inside which tell me on every moment that I want to move ahead in life because on every
Moment I just feel one thing that my life is going ahead on every step as per my wish when
I don't look back at my life on every moment I just feel one thought from inside that those things
Which are precious to us look so perfect inside life I just keep thinking every day and on every
Moment of life that those things which are important to us are something great for our thinking
And for our mind because on every moment when we move ahead we just feel one thing from
Inside that those things which look so perfect to us are not something that good to our life
When we start moving ahead we just feel one thing from our mind that those things which
Look so good to our future look perfect when they enter behind those people in life but when
That person comes before me I use to feel that I am lost in life and every one have such
Person inside life but then as days went ahead I feel just avoiding that person will not help me
And my thoughts about life because on every moment I just feel one thing in my mind that
On every part we just feel that we can win when we go ahead in life because when we move
Ahead slowly we just feel one thing from my mind that this person is not that wise and this
Person can't decide future inside our life on every point when I went ahead I just feel one thing
Inside life when I manage to face that person then only I have manage to win in our life but
When my life went ahead I understood one thing from my mind that these person got special
Skill of convincing others wrong thing and I don't have that skill at all on any point of my future
Because I just like convincing right things in life so nothing will make happy that person so
I just can't avoid that person I have face that one because in case avoiding you need to always hide
And no one can move ahead while hiding inside their life going ahead means walk straight in life.

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