Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Poem 1426. Those talks

                                                                Those talks
Some people just know very well that their talking will not do much good to other's heart and
Even due to their wrong talks they even suffer on many parts but still some person's seem to
Convince from their thoughts and heart they say that they will not stop talking because that is
Strange sort of freedom which they feel is so perfect for their heart when we move ahead on
Every part such people just manage to create problems for themselves as well as for us inside
Our future and inside our life on every moment people just feel one thing from their mind that
They have to talk to people in decent way but still they never feel that need inside life when
We went ahead on every point we just feel one thought from inside that those people never
Show any move to control their attitudes in life which will lead us to many problems so we
Force to give advice when we are not hurt we can always say that we can ignore them in life
But sometimes their talking manage to destroy our dreams and our life on every moment we
Just feel one thing from inside that those thoughts which are precious to our life are not some
Sort of thinking which can be destroyed by just their talk and so we want them to understand
This all inside our life when our life went ahead on every point I just feel that I should not
Need to give such people advice because they have another habit they never take them in
Nice way inside life I just feel one thing from inside those things which are so precious in life
I just keep looking at those things on every point those talks which look so wrong in our life
Can't be always ignored by thinking that it is okay to talk like that in life our talk will always
Manage to help us on every point when same talking become our enemy then where can we
Get friends in life when we talk it should such way that it will touch others heart and help
Those hurt souls in life but some people think that this is just nonsense of life they just never
Believe in faith and goodness inside their mind even their chanting seem so empty to our
Ears and their voice seems so feeling less sometimes but this is what we feel because we
Know very well what is hidden inside outsider will feel how great is that person and that
Person's voice when I move ahead I must understand that I need to find something to adjust
With these people in life convincing them seems like one job which will touch their heart
As well as their mind on every moment I need to go ahead inside life but that doesn't mean
Other fellow will have same way which is perfect to me inside life they feel that their talking
Is always so great for their mind and life they just never care their talking is hurting others
But at least they need to understand it is not serving their purpose in life but sometimes
When you make on habit it will just remain stuck to you in your life and it will never help
You at all on any point but still those people just feel one thing that other person don't
Understand things in life even when other person forced to do everything for them still
They just don't accept it inside life I just never understand what those people think in life
But I feel they are stuck in their own imaginary world for long time may be there was one
Time on which people use to believe them and they use to win by those talks in life but
After some time people just feel hurt by them in life sometimes we need to understand that
Bitterness don't help you every time I know medicines are bitter but that doesn't mean that
Any one can give medicine whenever they wish inside life even bitter things should be
Given to people in some limits inside life when you give them too much it will just create
Bad effect in life so when you talk bitter always do it in limit because people have power
To absorb their medicine in limit inside life when we start moving ahead on each and
Every moment in life we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that those things which
Are important in life should not have bitter effect on any point when I went ahead on every
Moment I just think one thing from inside that those things which they do while talking
Is not helping others it is just cutting souls of people from inside those souls which hurt
We just manage to get people who are hurt due to our talking inside life when we went
Ahead on every point I just feel that bitterness is not necessary in life sometimes we need
To act harsh but we should do it in limits in life when we cross limits in our life because
On moment and on every time they feel that those screams are pretty inside life I just have
One thought in my mind only if those talks will manage to harm us with them inside life.

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