Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Poem 1414. Change view

                                                           Change view
After all in every view I see nice thing inside life I just feel one thought from my mind because
On every moment and on every point those things are something so precious in life those views
Which look so lovely and nice have just one thought from inside those views on every time
We just need to understand one thing from our mind that whatever may happen but still that
View will remain same for us inside life sometimes I feel how can I say that in life when those
Things which will happen inside life will never change them on any point but then I feel that
Those views will changed from point to point because changes of nature is rule of our future
And rule of our life on every moment I just have one thought from inside that those views
Which I see are something changes with season on every point I just keep thinking that those
Views which look so perfect and nice for our life have beautiful looks on every point I just
Never understand any thing in life about those views which will change from time to time
When life goes ahead I will feel just one thought from inside that even those leaves of tree
Will change from time to time I just feel that weather have special effect on it every point but
Then I just feel one thing from my mind that those people who are important in life will look
So wrong on every point we just feel one thing from my mind that even those views will
Change from time to time they will just don't look same on every point because when season
Will change those views will change on every moment of our life I just see those changes
Which will have effects on my mind but then I never feel that those views are that bad in life
Every season seem to have it's beauty inside but then when I look at those views I just feel
That I am seeing same thing in life because even if those trees change colours are grow
Still they look so different inside life when things will change I will just feel one thing from
Inside that those things which will have change in atmosphere will change looks but they will
Never change those trees or those things which are part of those views inside life when I went
Ahead on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that those leaves which have different
Colors are not some thing so nice inside life when scenery changes slowly things change in life
I just keep feeling one thought from inside that those views which look so perfect and nice
Are disturbed by surrounding inside our life only when some trees fall down by storm inside
Life but even then when new plant grows there on that place in life I just feel so perfect and
Nice but sometimes instead of plants and trees buildings enter inside life then I just feel hurt
By that change but it will just for some time because after some days my thoughts began to
Tell me that I must go ahead in this way inside my life I just can't hope getting those trees
Inside life on every moment and on every point I feel this greenery is going to come back in life
So I have even adjusted with that view because it is need of time I still liked that view because
It is developed and nice inside our life I just feel that modern thinking will help me on every
Moment and on every point I just have one feeling that I need to become modern inside life
When those things are so perfect inside life I just feel that this modern things will help me
From one point inside life when I went ahead inside life I have one thought from my mind
I feel one thing from inside that those changes will take me ahead on every point are not that
Perfect on many spots and on many points I just feel from inside that our life is not that easy
Which will make changes according to our choice they are something which are totally wrong
On some moment and on some times I just wish from my thoughts and from inside that some
Person should come to me inside my life and then that one should tell me how did I can help
Any one inside life I just feel one thing from inside those things which are important to me
Are lost sometimes because people just never understand what will happen inside life on
Many moments and on many points I just never understand one thing from inside that those
Views which are changed for worst are not that much nice even inside life after all this life
Is something so wrong sometimes it is just one thought which will have effects on our mind
But then when views turns in wrong way inside life I just have one thinking on every moment
And on every point that those things which happen around us on every time are not that perfect
And are not that nice inside our life but still I have adjust even with those worst views on
Every moment and on every time because views are something which are not decided by me
But they are decided by other people of my life so I just keep watching them sometimes with
Joy and sometimes with cry inside my life but I know one thing from my mind that those
Views will never change I have to adjust with them in life even if some one told me that
Once again I have to live in destructed world I have to live in that inside life because I have
Right over just my house nothing else is mine I know this is sad but I have accept it in life
That when I move outside I can't control people so much that I can change views in life
So when I see buildings out of window I just pray to god every day from my mind that
God will give brain to other to keep it intact inside life but if that don't happen I just know
One thing will finally happen inside life I just can't keep looking at that view I have to start
One fight but I still feel sometimes things can be handle inside life so we can easily see
Nice and perfect things inside life because every one have power to change view inside mind.

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