Friday, April 4, 2014

Poem 1407. The past

                                                                    The past
How could in our life we can go ahead in any form until we don't know which way is perfect
For our hopes and which is perfect song but then when we start personal song I just feel one
Thing from my thoughts and from my heart that personal songs are something which are so
Near your heart that every time I just keep returning to that song because when I try to say
Something I just face same question before my heart because on every moment and on every
Part that did I have experience of that thing inside my life on every moment and on every part
I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my heart because on every moment people want
To show me that I don't know any thing from my heart I just saying it all with my limited
Knowledge on every part of heart because when I start to heart I just feel that I have also
Suffered pains on many sides and many parts inside our life on every angle of our heart because
Those things which are important for their heart I feel that in world no one is without experience
Inside any world's part but then when things went ahead on every moment and on every part
I just feel one thing from inside of my heart that those things which happen inside our heart
Are something so wrong in every part when we tell what we suffered from heart maybe we
Just need to bury it all far away from our thought and heart because then we will go ahead
In our life on every part but problem is that with our heart that on every moment I feel just
One thing from my heart that people just never let us forget it from our heart because they
Just want one thing from us that will be truth for our life's each and every part and our heart
Even when we want to go away from those pains of past I just want one thing from heart
That when I went ahead inside life's any part because when I went ahead on every moment
And on every heart I just feel one thing from my life's each part that those things which goes
Ahead inside our thoughts and our mind because on every point from our mind we are just
Asked again and again about life that what did we know about things in life just people keep telling
Us from books on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that those thoughts which
Are part of our life where just managing us to destroy on every point I just keep going ahead
On every moment and on every point those thoughts which are inside never look that best in
Our future and in our life on every moment and on every point I just feel one thought from
Inside that those people who will sing song of their heart inside life when I heard that song
I just feel I am once again going back to that time which I want to kept behind but then on
Some point I feel that maybe keeping it behind is wrong sometimes in life on every moment
I just feel one thought from inside those things which happen in our life will look so perfect
And nice on every point since when I went ahead in life I just feel one thing from inside that
When my thoughts of past become alive suddenly each and every thing began to look so
Wrong on every day of life I feel one thinking from my mind that those things which happen
Inside life are not something so perfect for our future and our mind because those things
Are good inside life I just have one thought so perfect and alive that on every moment I feel
Those things which are so nice are wrong inside life when we need past to win them in life
How interesting in those parts of life but then I just feel one thing from my mind that when
I went ahead inside my life slowly things goes in wrong way from each and every point
Because when I went ahead inside my life I just feel one thought from my mind that those
Things which happen in our life are not something so perfect on every point for winning
Over another past we need to show our past inside life sometimes past can't be concealed
Inside life because on every moment and on every point we just feel one thought from inside
Sometimes people need to know our past to understand how people can act wrong in life
After if we just began to live it behind sometimes it is just talking inside our life because
When we went ahead every moment of past will tell how did we walk ahead inside life
Because those moments which goes ahead from time to time will always have effects of past
On every point I just feel one thing from my mind that those pasts which will have effects
On life will not look so perfect on any point but still it will manage to harm us on many
Thoughts and on many point I just feel one thing that sometimes past is part of our future
And our life and it began to keep us alive on every point so even if I want to quit past
Sometimes I need it in life to show people that they are supporting wrong things inside life.

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