Thursday, April 17, 2014

Poem 1429. Darkness of mind

                                                           Darkness of mind
When we see that shine which will arise inside life sometimes it looks good and sometimes it is
Wrong in life but then I just have one thing in our life there are something so wrong on every point
But we have to accept them as part of our life since when we went ahead inside life we just can't
Accept those darkness of life when we move ahead on every point we just feel one thing in life
That those thoughts which are precious to our life but then those things which are precious in life
After all those thoughts which turn darkness on every point are also not that bad when they give us
Bravery and courage inside life on each thought we give medals of bravery of life we learn to fight
On every moment and on every point I just kept thinking those darkness which is so perfect in life
After all that darkness which look so good inside life turn in wrong way inside life I have one thing
In our life that those medals of bravery got only when we began to adjust with that darkness in life
And then slowly we will learn how did it suppose to win inside our life on each and every thinking
I just have inside my mind some precious thing which happen in our life on every moment and
On every thinking I just never understand how can darkness and sorrows manage to teach me
So many facts and things when I move ahead in life as human being I just feel one thing from
Inside as I develop my thinking so on every point I just keep one thing that darkness help my mind
With each thought and thinking I just keep dreaming in life every thing which look so perfect for
My future and for my things but it doesn't help much in life as I went ahead in life and become
A worthy human being when life take me ahead on every point I just feel one thing that those things
Which become alive in life are not something interesting so even happiness is not fine on some
Part of life for human being it just manage to keep our smile but we also need some sort of efforts
And struggle as human being when we move ahead in life as human being I just have one thought
From inside that every thing is turn into something hard for our thinking when I start to move
Ahead on every point I just feel one thing that this darkness have captured mind as well as our
Thoughts and thinking when I start to move ahead in life I just feel one thing that those things
Which keep us alive are nice sort of things when we move ahead in life we just keep dreaming
That one day darkness will enter in our life and destroy every thing but that is not truth of life
After all darkness will not always destroy things sometimes it have power to teach us many things
So may be we need darkness of situation on every moment but we just don't need darkness of
Our heart or thinking because that is something which manage true destruction of human being
When we went ahead on each and every point we just feel one thing from our mind we feel
That on every moment inside our life we just began to like that darkness of our mind because
It will just manage to convince us in life that we are right and every one else in this world
Have done many crimes whatever other person says become crime of life on every moment
Things turn in wrong way inside life when we start moving ahead on every time I just feel
One thought from inside that this darkness which help us on every point it destroying us from
Inside but we never understood that is darkness because it have it's own power inside life and
On every moment we just feel one thing from our mind that those darkness which manage
To capture our thoughts are not that much nice they are just managing to destroy our peace
And quiet of our mind on every moment I just feel one thought from inside that this darkness
Which is precious to us is not going to help us in long run of life my thoughts will just manage
To hurt me on every moment and on every point because those thoughts are so wrong in life
I just always feel that I am wrong inside life when I have that darkness inside my life I know
Sometimes that darkness even shows success inside life and it also manage to give us victory
On every moment and time but then when I think about it I just feel one thing from inside
That those things which are important to us can be achieved by darkness but then those
Fruits never give sweetness in life because darkness have that bitterness which will manage
To destroy our life and on every moment we need to have that darkness stored inside our
Thinking and our mind I just never understand those thoughts of life which tell me that
This darkness is enemy of life because when that darkness enter in happiness just left us far behind
Even our smiles turn into some thing poisonous for our life when I move ahead on every
Thought and point I just feel one thought from inside that those things which manage to enter
On wrong front of life so even that happiness which we get by darkness of heart never make
Us true winner in life we just keep getting scared of every thing which will expose us in life.

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