Friday, April 18, 2014

Poem 1432. Defeat

When I notice that wind I just feel it's touch on every moment I just thought that I just hate
That sort of touch when wind move those leaves I feel that pleasure which I get from those
Movement and which I get from earth I just never understand what I want from this world
Because I feel so sure that I get what I want from this world inside my mind when I close
My eyes just one word repeated again and again by my mind that on every moment on earth
I just feel one thing from inside of my world that I want just peace which I see in those
Movement inside life on every point I want just that thing from my mind but I know so much
From my mind how much may I ask for peace still world will not give me easily it in life
Because on every moment when I went ahead in life I just feel that world love one thing
That is power and for it every one want to fight even with peace you can get power in life but
Still on every time people just feel one thing from my mind that every moment I just
Get every thing in my life if people understand importance of peace from their mind but then
When I went ahead I just understood one thing from my mind that peace just like argument
Because they feel that they are cheated on every moment of life when some thing wrong
Happen on any part of life we just feel one thing from inside of our mind we feel that those
Who moves ahead in life are not those people who are happy with what they got in life they
Just keep asking more and more slowly it become truth of their life so on every moment
I just feel one thing I just can't get it from world on any point so I just have accept that truth
And have to move ahead in life on every moment just after thinking that our life is not some
Thought or thinking which help us on every point some just love fights and that is truth of life
But I hate that thought most that how easily people get convinced by those wrong thoughts
Of future and life when I move ahead I just hope to see peace lover in life and what I mostly
Found are sadly those bunch fighter who are loser from inside when we want peace they just
Have big list of complaint inside life but I just feel that I have my list of complaints against
Them inside my life on every moment and on every time I just feel one thought from inside
Those complaints which I have inside life are not something which look that perfect to me
After all those thinking which are important in life are just related to peace of my mind and
On each and every point inside my life I just feel that I have needed to find peace inside my
Life but on every moment and on every point those thoughts which hurt me are perfect on
Some points to another people who feel that fight are perfect thing in life on every moment
And on every point I just have one thought from inside that those things which I win in my
Future and in my life are something so important from time to time I just never understand
One thing from my mind why those movement of leaves remind me of peace every time then
One day I just remember those leaves are the one whom I use to watch as kid and on those
Moment I just learn peace as truth of my life I just never understood what war means in life
I just use to feel war means evil dies and good will win in life I just always thought one thing
From inside that even if good dies still it will reach to heaven and mostly god will never let
Good die but when I have grow up I have just understood one thing inside life that in war
Both parties are right as well as wrong on some side no one is evil and no one is fully good
In life on every moment we just move as we wish and then began to tell others good and
Bad sides of life so both parties are so sure that they are true in life when none of them is
Fully true and none of them is fully wrong in side after all this is life in which every coin have
Two different sides and just having them will not help us until we learn to accept them in life
When we accept our faults then only we can achieve peace from inside because when we keep
Considering ourselves as victim peace will stay away on far side just never think in world that
Some one is great and other person is wrong in life I just feel one thing from my mind that
We just love to feel that we are kindest sort of mind and on every moment we just feel that
We have right to start fight never let that thought enter inside your mind we can always have
Right to defense but no one have right to attack in life when we move ahead we just feel one
Thought from inside that those people who are against us are so wrong in life we just never
Accept that since god have given such a big defeat then we must have made mistake in life
And if other one loses always remember one thing from mind that defeat is just result of that
Fellows punishment not result of your goodness in life if you act wrong way then next defeat
Will be waiting for you inside life but I just feel that people never believe this in life so they just
Feel they are cheated so they win in life and then next task of their defeat starts by god and
One thing never comes in life that is precious gift of peace which could have entered if we try.

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